Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 461 Old People in Small Town

In the carriage.

Miss Xu gritted her teeth, her face flushed with anger.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

The angrier she got, the more she gambled!

In the end, she was almost depressed to death!

She was restless in the carriage, clenching her fists under her sleeves, and angrily pounding the cushion to vent her anger.

Xiaolu carefully comforted her: "Miss, don't be angry, anger will hurt your body, calm down first..."

"You can't calm down at all!"

Miss Xu gritted her teeth: "Ahhh, I'm so angry, so angry, I'm so angry!"

"I'm so angry!!"

After venting her anger, Xu Lan finally calmed down gradually. But the expression on her face became more and more depressed.

Not only depressed, but also a little depressed.

"What should I do."

Xu Lan looked at Xiaolu next to her and said pitifully: "What should I do now?"

Hearing the lady's request for help, Xiaolu thought about it and had a headache!

It's not that her own lady is not good, but... the enemy is too strong!

How to fight the twin sisters?

Others buy one get two free, but my young lady is alone, how can I beat her?

There is no comparison at all!

Originally, Xiaolu discussed with her young lady that on the way back this time, she would try to create opportunities for her young lady to be alone with His Highness, so that her young lady could find a way to win His Highness over...

But her young lady is too thin-skinned and not brave enough!

In addition, the appearance of the twins in the carriage next door has seduced His Highness's soul away!

His Highness is obviously indulging in the gentle countryside, so the situation is even worse for her young lady!

"Miss, we can't just sit there and wait for death!"

In the carriage, Xiaolu thought carefully and said solemnly: "We have to take the initiative!"

"Take the initiative?"

Xu Lan said weakly: "How to take the initiative?"


Xiaolu has not thought about it yet.

These days, her young lady has been traveling for a long time, and she has little time to spend with His Highness. In addition, there are a few "fox spirits" next door who are flirting with His Highness, which makes her young lady have even fewer opportunities.

But if she doesn't take the initiative, she may have no chance to meet His Highness in the future.

"Well, the same thing, Miss, you have to use your advantages..."

"Are you mocking me again!?"

"Absolutely not, Miss, I stand firmly on your side!"

Xiaolu said firmly.

"Then what are my advantages?"

Xu Lan's tone was still weak, and she didn't even have a bit of confidence.

Since the appearance of the eldest princess, Miss Xu's confidence has been severely hit, so that she has an inexplicable inferiority complex.

Compared with the eldest princess, she seems to have no advantages.

Not to mention the eldest princess, she can't even compare with the two maids around her.

In this case, how can Xu Lan not be depressed?

"Of course!"

Xiaolu nodded: "Miss, you also have advantages that they don't have... You have known His Highness earlier, and your relationship with His Highness is closer..."

Xiaolu comforted her on the side.

But Xu Lan didn't say anything. She knew Xiaolu wanted to say that she and Lin Jiangnian had known each other since childhood, which was an advantage...

But the problem was... they were not the same person!

She had only known Lin Jiangnian for a little over a year, so she didn't have much of an advantage.

Of course, Xu Lan had never mentioned this to Xiaolu. She had never told anyone about Lin Jiangnian's secret, not even Xiaolu, who was closest to her.

"Let's try another way."

Xu Lan's voice was still weak and unhappy.

But thinking carefully, it seemed that all this was caused by her?

If she had been a little bolder that night at the inn...

Would it be possible now...?

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's eyes lit up slightly.

Then, she began to regret it.


On the side, Xiaolu racked her brains for a long time.

"Miss, I have a good idea!"

Xiaolu looked excited.


Xu Lan looked suspicious, staring at her maid in front of her.

She has known Xiaolu for many years and knows this damn girl very well. Xiaolu has the same free and easy personality as her, but she always has some strange and unconventional ideas in her mind.

For example, before, when Grandpa and Father had a grudge with the Lin family, Xiaolu suggested that Xu Lan should just cut off ties with her family...

Xiaolu is the only one who can make such an outrageous suggestion.

And now, when Xu Lan saw Xiaolu's lively eyes, she was immediately alert... What bad idea did this little girl come up with again?

As expected, Xiaolu approached excitedly and whispered to her young lady: "How about we find a chance to secretly drug His Highness..."

"Then Miss, you take advantage of the opportunity to force yourself on me... and make it a done deal... Oh, Miss, why are you knocking me?"

Xu Lan: "..."

Blushing, Xu Lan said unhappily: "What bad idea are you talking about?!"

"No way, my idea is obviously great?!"

Xiaolu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her behavior?

Isn't it just drugging?

My young lady is interested in His Highness. Although I don't know if His Highness likes my young lady, I think it's almost certain...

Otherwise, how could His Highness let his young lady follow him?

Xiaolu concluded that the only opportunity between her young lady and His Highness was to break the window. And if she wanted to wait for the young lady and His Highness to break the window, I'm afraid she didn't know when she would have to wait!

Instead of that, it's better to let her create an opportunity...

Just be real!

"Miss, I tell you, this is the only way at the moment..."

Xiao Lu said seriously: "The princess is your highness's fiancée. Miss, you will definitely not be able to compete with her no matter what, but the two maids are not necessarily..."

"Now there is no affection between your highness and the princess. Miss, you still have a chance, you must seize it..."

"If the princess really does... that with your highness, you will not even have time to cry by then... I think the princess will definitely not let you enter the Lin family..."

"Miss, you must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Listening to Xiao Lu's instigation, Xu Lan's eyes flickered, and she seemed to be a little moved, but her face was still slightly red: "No, no!"

"Drugging... too, too bad!"

She couldn't accept it.

"Hey, it's not you, young lady. Let me do this. Young lady, you just need to seize the opportunity..."

"But, but..."

"Don't say but, young lady, this is the last chance. If you hesitate any longer, you won't be able to drink the soup..."


On the official road.

The two carriages swayed back and forth and drove south.

On the road, it was always safe.

No more troubles.

Following the official road down, after entering the territory of Yanzhou, after another five or six days of travel, we finally arrived at the next stop... Xunyang City!

In the spring season, the climate is pleasant and the spring breeze is blowing all the way.

Before arriving at Xunyang City, everyone stopped in a small town outside Xunyang City to rest for a while.

"Why not go directly into the city?"

The carriage stopped in a small town outside Xunyang, and Jinxiu asked with some surprise.

It was still early in the morning and not far from Xunyang City. If we continue on the road, we can reach Xunyang City before dark.

Why do we have to rest here for one night in advance?

"Recharge your energy so that you can enter the city tomorrow."

Lin Jiangnian's explanation was obviously not convincing.


Asking was the same as not asking, Jinxiu rolled her eyes, but did not ask any more questions.


Lin Jiangnian called Lin Qingqing and asked about the situation.

"Your Highness, there are four or five inns in the small town. I have already booked a room in the town. We will rest here tonight."

"Lin Kong and others went to Xunyang City to inquire about the situation in advance. They will come back to report later!"

After asking about the situation, they decided to rest here tonight. Although everyone was still a little puzzled, since Lin Jiangnian had decided, everyone had no objection.

After the carriage stopped outside the inn, the women returned to the inn first.

After arriving at the inn, Xu Lan took Xiaolu back to the room stealthily and closed the door. I don't know what they were plotting.

In the past two days, Lin Jiangnian could sense that something was wrong with the master and servant. They did something sneaky every day.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not ask much.

On the other side, Jinxiu and An Ning also escorted Li Piaomiao back to the room first.

After entering the territory of Yanzhou, the princess and others also began to keep a low profile.

After all, with the appearance of the master and servant, if they showed up, it would be too easy to attract other people's attention and unnecessary trouble!

Especially in such a small town with a large flow of people, in order to avoid trouble, they rarely showed up. Jinxiu and An Ning changed into low-key and simple dresses.

Compared with the small town where they lived on the road before, this small town near Xunyang City is larger in scale and has more residents.

After checking into the inn, everyone took a short rest, had a meal, bathed and changed clothes.

Lin Jiangnian also returned to the room first, changed into clean clothes, got up and went to the lobby of the inn to have a meal.

When it was evening, Lin Kong and others hurried back to the inn to report the situation.

"Your Highness, everything is normal in Xunyang City, but there are some unusual movements in the prefectural governor's mansion..."

"In the afternoon, a group of guards in the prefectural governor's mansion left the city for unknown purposes..."

"But... Your Highness's whereabouts may have been exposed!"

Listening to the information from Lin Kong's investigation, Lin Jiangnian looked calm and not surprised.

Now that he is in Xunyang City, his whereabouts can no longer be completely concealed.

Every move he makes will be watched by others, which is why Lin Jiangnian did not plan to enter the city directly today.

His identity is too sensitive and it is not suitable for him to enter the city directly!

We still need to wait for an opportunity.

"Xunyang Governor, who is he now?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"The current Xunyang Governor is named He Jinqun. He was a general in Xunyang City in the past. After the fall of the Wang family, he temporarily replaced the post of Xunyang Governor..."

"However, the court issued an edict some time ago, officially conferring this person as Xunyang Governor..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully.

At the beginning, before he left Xunyang City, he wiped out the Wang family. The entire Wang family was wiped out, and no one survived!

The post of Xunyang prefect was naturally vacant!

Now half a year has passed, and it seems that this place has already changed.

"Whose man is this He Jinqun?"

Lin Kong said in a deep voice: "This man was once a small general under the governor of Yanzhou. Later, he was promoted all the way and was successively promoted to a Taiwei under the former prefect's mansion..."

"Sure enough."

Lin Jiang laughed, Yuan Zhongnan would naturally not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After the fall of the Wang family, he would naturally find a way to insert his confidants into it.

And this He Jinqun, I'm afraid he has long been a chess piece planted by Yuan Zhongnan?

In this way, Xunyang City is probably in the pocket of Yuan Zhongnan, the governor of Yanzhou!

"Your Highness, I heard that Yuan Zhongnan is also in Xunyang City now..."

Lin Kong reminded in a deep voice: "If Your Highness enters the city at that time, you may run into him. Your Highness should be careful..."


After reporting the intelligence, Lin Kong hurriedly left and continued to monitor the situation in Xunyang City.

And Lin Jiangnian sat in the hall for a while, his eyes calculating.

Now that he has arrived in Xunyang City, the governor must meet him.

There is some connection between the two.

After all, Lin Jiangnian was able to overthrow the Wang family with the help of this governor.

Some unknown secret cooperation has been reached between the two!

It can be regarded as each taking what he needs.

Lin Jiangnian needs to use his power to deal with the Wang family, and the governor wants to rely on the name of the Lin family to achieve some of his interests.

In the brief contact with the governor, Lin Jiangnian can feel that this person is extraordinary. But it is normal to think about it. How can a governor of a state be a simple person?

This governor holds the military power of Yanzhou in his hands and is considered a frontier official.

If you can make friends with this person, it will be a good thing for the Linwang Mansion. And last time, the governor also revealed goodwill to the Linwang Mansion.

"What are you in a daze?"

When Lin Jiangnian was thinking, a crisp laugh sounded in his ears.

Looking up, I saw Jinxiu and An Ning went downstairs at some point.

Both of them have gone through some dressing up. Jinxiu took off the colorful dress and put on a simple long dress. She also went through some careful dressing, but she was exquisite and beautiful.

An Ning has not changed much. She is still wearing a plain dress, holding a sword in her arms, and standing aside with a cold face.

However, after Jinxiu dressed up, the two of them stood together again, and at first glance they didn't look like twins.

At least not as conspicuous as before!

"Why did you come down?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at the two of them.

"The princess wants to retreat, so the two of us came down to see her."

Jinxiu looked at Lin Jiangnian, and seeing that he was alone, she blinked: "Where is your childhood sweetheart?"

"Why didn't she accompany you?"

Her tone seemed a little teasing.

"Isn't Miss Jinxiu here?"

Lin Jiangnian waved at her with a smile: "It's enough to have Miss Jinxiu accompany this prince!"


Jinxiu blushed and spat: "I won't accompany you."

"What about An Ning?"

Lin Jiangnian deliberately teased her and turned his head to look at An Ning beside him.

An Ning was startled, and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and her fair face immediately flushed.

She turned her eyes away in a panic.

"Don't look!"

Jinxiu was furious, standing in front of An Ning, glaring at Lin Jiangnian.

"An Ning won't accompany you!"

"You are not An Ning, how do you know she doesn't want to?"

"She, she just doesn't want to!"

"..."(End of this chapter)

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