Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 462 The Brave Heroine

Seeing Jinxiu's angry look like she was protecting her child, her eyes were full of vigilance, as if she was afraid that Lin Jiangnian would target An Ning.

Lin Jiangnian stopped teasing her when he saw that things were going well. He glanced at the scenery of the small town outside the inn, stood up and said, "It's still early, do you want to go out for a walk?!"

"Hmph, no!"

Jinxiu refused subconsciously.

"Okay, I'll go out for a walk myself."

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian walked out of the inn.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was really going to leave, Jinxiu realized that His Highness was teasing her on purpose.

She gritted her teeth and was helpless.

Looking back, she saw An Ning behind her with her head down, her face slightly flushed, and Jinxiu's heart was shocked again.

"Why are you blushing?"

Jinxiu stared at her and said in a low voice, "Do you really want to accompany His Highness?!"

"I, no!"

An Ning was a little flustered and shook her head.

"You swear!"

An Ning ignored Jin Xiu and said with a tense face: "I'm going out for a walk!"

An Ning walked out the door holding the sword.

Jin Xiu, who saw this scene, opened her eyes wide immediately, unbelievable?

She also wants to go out for a walk?

She probably wants to go out with His Highness, right?

Will this allow An Ning and His Highness to be alone?

With His Highness's means, wouldn't he strip An Ning and eat her clean? !

"I'm so angry!"

Jin Xiu stamped her feet in anger. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian and An Ning had left the inn one after another, Jin Xiu hurriedly followed.


The streets of the town are not prosperous and lively, but they are not deserted either.

It is close to Xunyang City and can be regarded as a quite lively town. Unlike Qiuye Town, there are not many merchants and pedestrians passing by here.

Most merchants from the south and the north choose to go directly to Xunyang City when they arrive here. Therefore, most of the people in the town are locals. They are all simple people. Smoke from cooking rises in the town, and fertile farmland can be seen behind the houses.

Most of the people in the town live a life of working from sunrise to sunset.

The sisters Jinxiu and An Ning walked in the town, full of curiosity about everything around them. They looked around with great interest, which was very interesting.

They grew up in the sword art since childhood, and then lived in the imperial palace in the capital, and almost never saw the lives of the lower-class people in the folk.

For them, this is undoubtedly another side that they have never seen before.

Along the way, Jinxiu looked around excitedly, full of curiosity about everything, and when she saw something she didn't understand, she grabbed Lin Jiangnian and asked.

Chirping, the sound was crisp and pleasant, and the smile was sweet.

An Ning followed by holding a sword and listened silently, without saying a word. Occasionally, she looked up quietly at Lin Jiangnian in front of her.

I don't know what she thought of, and she quickly lowered her head.

In a trance, there was a little indescribable confusion in her bright eyes.

It was evening, and the sky was not completely dark yet.

Some sunset glow could be seen in the sky, dyeing most of the sky crimson.

"So beautiful!"

Jinxiu looked up with a beautiful and sweet face, and couldn't help but sigh.

In the distant sky ahead, there was an endless red glow in sight!

It was so beautiful.

The three of them strolled along the way and came to the entrance of the town. When the twin sisters were quietly admiring the beautiful sunset glow in the sky, suddenly, a noise came from the front, breaking the tranquility at the moment.

Faintly, there were several screams outside the town, as well as the sobbing of women and the crying of children.

It came for a while and attracted the attention of the three people.

Lin Jiangnian looked up and saw a house not far from the town. Four or five young men who looked like hooligans gathered in the courtyard at the door, punching and kicking a man on the ground.

On the other side of the courtyard, there was a woman in her twenties, wearing a coarse linen cloth, being controlled by two local hooligans. She was holding a little girl of three or four years old in her arms. The little girl was frightened and cried loudly.

The woman was even more terrified, and begged with a face full of pleading: "Stop hitting, please stop hitting..."

The woman tried to struggle, but was controlled by the two malicious hooligans next to her.

On the other side, the man was knocked to the ground, curled up on the ground, holding his head and wailing.

In the small town outside the residential area, three or two pedestrians saw this scene, all of them showed fear, and hurriedly quickened their pace to leave.

Some of the braver ones only watched this scene from a distance, and had no intention of helping.

"In broad daylight, so many people bully other people's wives and daughters, it's too much!"

Jinxiu, who was standing aside, saw this scene, and suddenly opened her eyes wide, and a trace of anger instantly appeared on her beautiful face.

She grew up in the sword art and has been with the princess for many years. She has been influenced by it since she was a child and rarely encountered such things.

Therefore, when she saw this scene, she was immediately furious.

Not only Jinxiu, but even An Ning, who was standing by, saw this scene, and her eyes became colder and colder, and she tightened her sword in her arms.

As if she was about to attack!

At this moment.


A woman's startled voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the three people.

The voice was crisp, but full of energy!

It was like seeing injustice and drawing a sword to help. It sounded like thunder, and instantly shocked the ruffians in the hospital. For a moment, they all stopped their actions and turned back subconsciously.

Then, a figure passed by Lin Jiangnian and the other two and appeared outside the courtyard.

When he heard this voice, Lin Jiangnian was slightly stunned.

This voice... Why does it sound familiar? !

He looked up at the gate of the yard not far away, and a heroic woman appeared at some point.

She was tall, graceful, with delicate and regular features, and had a kind of aura of power without anger. She was wearing a blue and blue horse-faced skirt, like a female hero who walked the rivers and lakes and stood up for justice, and instantly shocked everyone in the yard.

"Who is it? Dare to meddle in other people's business?!"

At this moment, the four or five hooligans in the yard were first startled by the thunderous shout, and when they reacted, they saw a figure at the gate of the yard.

When they took a closer look, they were furious when they found that it was a woman.

They were almost scared by a woman just now? !

"In broad daylight, so many people are bullying other people's wives and daughters. Is there any law?"

At the gate of the courtyard, the female warrior in a horse-faced skirt stared at the ruffians in the courtyard with a cold face and spoke in a cold voice.

"Stinky woman, you want to meddle in other people's business, right?!"

Several ruffians were immediately angry, and immediately abandoned the man on the ground and surrounded the female warrior at the gate of the courtyard.

The leading ruffian still had a lecherous look in his eyes, looking up and down at the beautiful female warrior in front of him, and said with a lewd smile: "Since you want to meddle in other people's business, then accompany...ah..."

The leading ruffian just approached and tried to reach out, the female warrior in the horse-faced skirt raised her leg and kicked out, kicking the leading ruffian in the chest, kicking him out, falling heavily to the ground, and fainting on the spot.

This scene immediately shocked all the other ruffians present!


"What's wrong with you?"

"Brother, are you okay?"

"There's something wrong with this woman, brothers, come together!"

The rest of the hooligans reacted and quickly drew their weapons to surround the female warrior.

The female warrior in the horse-faced skirt had a cold face and stared at these hooligans coldly.

"You scum, you're looking for death!"

The long sword was unsheathed, and a few cold lights flashed in the air.

The female warrior held the long sword and beat these hooligans with a few moves.

These hooligans are just better than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness. They can bully ordinary people together on weekdays, but once they meet a master, they are no match at all.

In a few breaths, these hooligans all fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

However, the female warrior in the horse-faced skirt did not kill them after all. She just made a slight move, which scared these hooligans!

They rolled on the ground and soon fled.

"Stinky woman, wait for me, don't run away if you dare!"

However, before running away, the leader of the gangsters woke up, left a harsh word, and fled with his men.

Soon, the yard became quiet.

After dealing with these gangsters, the female hero sheathed her sword and turned to look at the yard.

At this moment, the man who was beaten in the yard was getting up from the ground, looking embarrassed, and led his wife and daughter to the door of the female hero.

"Thank you for your help today..."

"Thank you so much!"

The family of three was about to kneel down to the female hero, and the female hero hurriedly stopped them: "No, no, it's just a little effort!"

She just couldn't bear to see so many people bullying other people's wives and daughters, so she took action in anger.

"What happened? How did you offend these people?"

"It's a long story..."

When this question was raised, the man and his wife beside him showed some ugly expressions on their faces. As if thinking of something, the man hurriedly said: "Lady, you should leave quickly... You can't afford to offend these people."

"No problem!"

The horse-faced skirt lady didn't take these people seriously at all: "They are just a group of uneducated hooligans, not to be feared."

But the man's eyes were a little terrified: "No, they have backers. If you offend them, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"Even if they have backers, so what? With backers, you can bully the common people so recklessly?"

The horse-faced skirt lady snorted coldly, with a disdainful tone.

The man sighed deeply: "Lady, you don't know, these hooligans are not scary, but their backers... are the government!"

"We ordinary people can't afford to offend the government..."

At this point, the man's voice became more and more panicked.

"The government has set its sights on our ancestral mountain and wants to buy it at a low price. I disagreed, so they sent people to threaten and intimidate me, and even set a trap to deliberately trap me..."

"If the government doesn't show up, these ruffians will come to harass my wife and daughter every now and then. This time they simply don't pretend..."

After listening to the man's intermittent story, the horse-faced skirt female knight had a cold expression and angry eyes.

"Such a dog official actually wants to wantonly occupy the people's mountain land? Is there still the law?!"

The man's face was pale: "They are the government's people, they are the law, how can ordinary people like us fight against them?!"

Thinking of this, the man's voice trembled: "My wife and I have decided that since they want it, let's give it to them..."

"If we don't give it to them again, they may..."

Hearing this, the horse-faced skirt female knight was furious and said in a deep voice: "Are you just going to indulge the government to do whatever it wants? You..."

She was about to ask, if that's the case, why not sue the government?

But after thinking about it, she felt a little powerless.

Where can I sue the officials?

These officials protect each other, where can ordinary people sue?

Since ancient times, people have never fought against officials, how can ordinary people fight against those officials? !

Thinking of this, her eyes dimmed a little.

After wandering in the world for a long time and seeing more, she became more and more aware of her powerlessness in many things.

Simply relying on personal abilities cannot change anything.

At this moment, there were sudden bursts of footsteps outside the hospital.

The man in the courtyard seemed to realize something, and his expression changed: "No, Heroine, please leave quickly!"

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

A ferocious laugh sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the ruffian who had escaped in embarrassment not long ago reappeared outside the small courtyard at some point.

In addition, there were more than a dozen hooligans outside the small courtyard, all with weapons in their hands, and the courtyard was surrounded by water.

Apparently they were rescuers who had moved in!

"It's this stinky woman who ruined my good deeds. Come on!"

"Get her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen gangsters swarmed him outside the hospital.

In the courtyard, the heroine in horse-faced skirt stood up, stared at the ruffians with evil eyes around her with a cold face, and drew her sword.

The cold light passed by!

There seemed to be a cold wind whistling in the air.

The local ruffian who had just approached was instantly swept away by this sword energy.


Screams rang out, and there was chaos all around.

The heroine in the horse-faced skirt took a step forward, rushed into the crowd, raised her sword and took action.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!"

The sword light is everywhere!

These ruffians obviously underestimated the strength of this heroine.

Almost instantly, everything was in disarray.

Then, it was a one-sided beating!

The rescue soldiers who were brought in suffered heavy casualties a moment later. They fell to the ground and screamed. They were frightened and ran away.

The situation that was still tense just now collapsed in an instant.

In the courtyard, the heroine in horse-faced skirt held the sword in her hand against the neck of the gangster who was the leader from before.

The ruffian's face was pale, his eyes widened, and he was as frightened as if he had seen a ghost.


Fall to your knees.

"Woman, spare your life!"

The heroine in horse-faced skirt had cold eyes and was about to take action.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Another set of hurried footsteps approached.

At the same time, there were horses approaching.

Not long after, more than a dozen figures appeared outside the hospital.

It’s just that this time it’s... people from the government!

More than a dozen police officers in official uniforms appeared outside the courtyard. When they saw the scene in the courtyard, they all drew their swords and surrounded the heroine in the courtyard!

At the same time, a man wearing a blue official dress appeared on horseback. He glanced around the courtyard and landed on the heroine in the horse-faced skirt. His eyes turned cold.

"Who?! How dare you commit murder in public?!"

"Why don't you put down the murder weapon quickly and get arrested without mercy?!"

"You want to go against the government, but you can't rebel?!"

A hat of rebellion was put on.

In the courtyard, the eyes of the man and his wife instantly became frightened.

Conspiracy, rebellion?

This is a serious crime that requires beheading!

This, what can we do?

In the courtyard, the heroine stood there without moving, the long sword in her hand still pressed against the neck of the ruffian, it was bone-chilling cold.

Her long green silk hair was tied up, revealing a delicate and cold face. She was wrapped in a blue horse-faced skirt and had an extraordinary temperament.

He raised his eyes slightly, staring at the man on the horse with his cold eyes.

A trace of killing intent emerged from her eyes.

...(End of chapter)

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