Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 465: Just get beaten up by the gang

Lin Jiangnian just picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Hearing Shen Lingjun suddenly speak, he paused, put down the teacup, and looked up at her.

There seemed to be a hint of surprise on his face.

"Ms. Shen, what do you mean?"

Across from her, Shen Lingjun's eyes became more complicated.

As if she recalled what happened that night, her eyes were a little evasive.

But in the end, she still chose to face Lin Jiangnian directly, and said in a slightly heavy tone: "I want to apologize to you..."

"Before, I misunderstood you, and it was me... who almost killed you!"

When she said this, Shen Lingjun's tone became heavier.

A guilty look emerged.

Perhaps because of this, she chose to leave without saying goodbye half a year ago.

She didn't know how to face Lin Jiangnian!

After all, what happened that night was inseparable from her, and she indirectly almost killed Lin Jiangnian!

This made it difficult for her to face Lin Jiangnian, and she couldn't face herself!

In the past six months, she has been living in guilt, tangled, but not knowing what to do.

Earlier, she had secretly inquired and learned that Lin Jiangnian was fine. And Shen Lingjun had also heard a little about Lin Jiangnian's deeds in Beijing.

When she learned that Lin Jiangnian was fine, she was relieved, but she still felt guilty and wanted to find a chance to apologize to Lin Jiangnian.

But she didn't have the face to see him.

Until today...

Perhaps it was destined in the dark, Shen Lingjun didn't expect to meet Lin Jiangnian here.

Originally thought that the world was so big that the two were destined to have no intersection in the future, but unexpectedly...

Meet again!

And after half a year, Shen Lingjun finally plucked up the courage to speak out the debt she had always felt in her heart.

And after saying it, Shen Lingjun couldn't help but feel relieved.

Her eyes also became calm.

"I'm sorry!"

It was she who almost killed him, and she was ready to accept the consequences.

Even if he wanted her life, Shen Lingjun had no regrets.

After all, everything started because of her, and she had an unshirkable responsibility.

However, when she finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian did not speak, but just looked at her quietly, scanning her up and down.

At first, Shen Lingjun was fine, but after being stared at by Lin Jiangnian for a long time, she finally felt a little uncomfortable.

She felt a little hairy all over!

The courage she had mustered up gradually disappeared under Lin Jiangnian's stare.

Her eyes began to become unnatural and evasive again.


After a while, Shen Lingjun finally spoke again: "Why don't you speak?"


Lin Jiangnian asked back.

Shen Lingjun opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

What should he say?

She didn't know either.

That's right, maybe he doesn't need to say anything, after all...

"It seems that after half a year, the martial arts world is about to smooth out the edges of Miss Shen?"

At this time, Lin Jiangnian chuckled again: "I didn't expect that such a rebellious Miss Shen would take the initiative to apologize to this prince. I'm really flattered!"

Shen Lingjun was silent, lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, why do you have to mock me."

"No, I just feel a little emotional."

Shen Lingjun was silent for a while, and said: "The last time, it was indeed my fault..."

She never denied her mistakes, nor would she cover them up. Knowing mistakes can correct them, and standing at attention when being beaten

When she first entered the martial arts world, she had heard of the "bad reputation" of Prince Lin, and naturally had no good impression of Prince Lin under the preconceived impression.

In addition, her good friend Miss Yingying died in Prince Lin's mansion, so Shen Lingjun naturally blamed all the faults on Lin Jiangnian.

She wanted to avenge Miss Yingying and seek justice.

She also wanted to seek justice for the people of Linjiang City who were living in dire straits!

This was the thought that she had been deeply influenced by since she was a child in her master's sect!

This was also the reason why she was bewitched by Li Qianlin and used by him to assassinate Lin Jiangnian. But she didn't expect that so many things would happen later.

Her assassination plan eventually failed, and not only that, but she herself fell into Lin Jiangnian's "claws".

She thought she would die.

But Shen Lingjun didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian didn't kill her.

At first, Shen Lingjun thought that Lin Jiangnian wanted to keep her by his side and humiliate her severely.

She had even made the worst plan...

But the result was exactly the opposite of what she thought.

Lin Jiangnian not only did not humiliate her, but he didn't even restrict her freedom.

During the time when she was ‘forced’ to stay with Lin Jiangnian, Shen Lingjun suddenly discovered that the Prince of Lin did not seem to be as ‘brutal’ as the rumors outside.

This also made Shen Lingjun begin to doubt her previous understanding!

Especially when Lin Jiangnian mentioned the truth about the cause of Yingying’s death, even if Shen Lingjun was unwilling to admit it, she actually believed it in her heart...

Then, she met him again on the way north to the capital.

Shen Lingjun was about to follow his uncle to the capital to meet his brothers and sisters, and met Lin Jiangnian on the way, so they went north together.

Then, it was the night before arriving in the capital!

That night in the small town inn!

Lin Jiangnian was assassinated by masters from many forces, which was extremely dangerous!

What Shen Lingjun never expected and could not accept was... the uncle he had always trusted the most. It turned out that he was hiding all the way and preparing to assassinate Lin Jiangnian's biggest danger!

Shen Lingjun was shocked and unbelievable. She wanted to stop it all, but found that she could not stop anything.

In the end, everything still happened!

After waking up, Shen Lingjun felt ashamed to face Lin Jiangnian again, so she left the capital alone.

In the past six months, after leaving the capital, Shen Lingjun returned to Linjiang City again.

She wanted to confirm one thing.

Confirm whether Miss Yingying had assassinated Lin Jiangnian!

Although the truth was not found out, from the various clues and signs left behind, Shen Lingjun's guess was confirmed.

Miss Yingying, there is indeed a problem!

And this also made Shen Lingjun's previous idea suddenly collapse.

She was confused!

Until today, I met Lin Jiangnian again.

I thought Lin Jiangnian would be very angry and furious.

But Shen Lingjun still did not see any emotion in Lin Jiangnian's eyes. It seemed that for him, it was just an insignificant matter at the beginning.

Thinking of this, for some reason, Shen Lingjun felt a little nervous.

"Miss Shen is wrong, it's not your fault!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her, "What's your fault?"


Shen Lingjun opened her mouth, and after a while, she said silently: "After all, it was me who caused it."

"It's not you."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said lightly: "After all, the one who wanted to kill me was your uncle. Even if you weren't there, he would still kill me!"

"The one who should really apologize should be your uncle."

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Shen Lingjun was stunned: "But..."

If it wasn't him, how could Lin Jiangnian trust her uncle, and how could she be stabbed in the back by her uncle that night...

Although Lin Jiangnian is safe and sound now, Shen Lingjun still feels guilty and sorry.

"This matter has nothing to do with Miss Shen, Miss Shen, don't worry about it."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

Half a year ago, Lin Jiangnian never blamed Shen Lingjun for the assassination outside the capital that night.

Strictly speaking, she was also a victim.

And that night, she had argued with reason and stood in front of her master, fearless of life and death, trying to plead for Lin Jiangnian.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian did not blame her.

It was just that Shen Lingjun couldn't get over it in her heart and chose to leave without saying goodbye.

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Shen Lingjun was a little dazed.

He didn't blame her?

For some reason, when Shen Lingjun heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, as if the emotions that had been hanging in her heart for a long time were slightly relaxed.

But then, a feeling of increasing guilt emerged again.

Her eyes became more and more guilty, biting her lip: "No matter what, that incident is related to me after all, and I have an unshirkable responsibility..."

She was a little stubborn.

After all, it was related to the master, and she was also responsible.

She would not deny this.

"Since Lady Shen has said so, then okay."

Lin Jiangnian did not insist. Since she insisted that she was responsible, Lin Jiangnian did not argue with her.

He asked: "What does Lady Shen plan to do?"

Shen Lingjun gritted her teeth and looked determined: "I am willing to bear all the consequences!"

"All the consequences?"


"Are you willing to do anything?"


Although she felt that this was a bit ambiguous, Shen Lingjun still nodded.

"Okay, I just happen to have something to find you."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, met Shen Lingjun's slightly uneasy eyes, and chuckled: "Where is your uncle?"

"Where is he now?"

That night outside the capital, Lin Jiangnian was rescued by the princess.

And Shen Lingjun's uncle has been missing since then.

Li Piaomiao did not mention his whereabouts, nor did he say whether he was alive or dead.

When Shen Lingjun heard Lin Jiangnian's words, something flashed in his eyes: "Your Highness, why are you asking this?"

Lin Jiangnian caught it sharply: "Do you know his whereabouts?"

Shen Lingjun opened her mouth, lowered her head, and seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Finally, she nodded.

"That's fine!"

Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Where is he now?"

"I want to see him!"

As soon as this was said, Shen Lingjun looked up suddenly: "You, you want to see him?!"

"Is it not possible?"

"No, not..."

Shen Lingjun's eyes were a little worried and uneasy: "You, what do you want to see Master for?"

"Of course it's revenge!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "He almost took my life last time, this account must be settled with him?"

Shen Lingjun's eyes suddenly showed worry, she wanted to say something, but didn't know how to start.

"Why? Worried that I would kill him?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Shen Lingjun glanced at Lin Jiangnian, lowered her head, and shook her head.

She was not worried that Lin Jiangnian would be able to kill her uncle, after all, her uncle's martial arts were unfathomable, even if...

But it was still difficult for Lin Jiangnian to kill her uncle!

What she was worried about was... that her uncle would harm Lin Jiangnian!

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "This prince will never fall in the same place twice. It won't be that easy for your uncle to kill me again."

Shen Lingjun's lips moved, and finally after a long silence, he said: "Uncle, I'm in Xunyang City now..."

"Xunyang City?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "That's a coincidence!"

People in Xunyang City?

Isn’t this good!

Shen Lingjun was silent and didn't speak.

"As for you..."

At this time, Lin Jiangnian looked at Shen Lingjun quietly for a while and said, "This is a grudge between me and your uncle. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to feel sorry for me!"

"On the contrary, I have to thank you!"

"Thank me?"

Shen Lingjun was startled and raised his head in astonishment.

"After all, it's rare to see an upright heroine who is as pure as you, but also ridiculously stupid!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I have killed many people, and sometimes I can't tell right from wrong. But as long as I see you, I feel that things are not difficult to distinguish."

Shen Lingjun said nothing.

She didn't know whether Lin Jiangnian was praising her or scolding her.

In the past, she might have argued with Lin Jiangnian. But now, after experiencing more, she also realized that what Lin Jiangnian said was actually correct.

She is not smart!

It even seems a little stupid sometimes!

You have justice in your heart, but many times you use it in the wrong place, and it can also be used by people with bad intentions.

When she encounters injustice, the only thing she can do to help is the sword in her hand.

It would be fine if they were ordinary gangsters, she could easily deal with them. But once she got involved with local forces and there was a conspiracy of interests, she didn't know what to do!

When she first came down the mountain, she thought she could eliminate all injustices in the world with the sword in her hand.

Now, she suddenly woke up and realized that what she could do was very limited.

She has no power and power, and she can't defeat the local forces after all!

Even though she was unwilling to do so, she finally came to understand herself!

Therefore, she did not refute Lin Jiangnian's teasing.

"I'm really not smart."

Shen Lingjun's eyes were a little dim, and he bit his lower lip: "It's easy to get into trouble, and good intentions end up causing bad things!"

"Being able to recognize oneself can be considered a kind of progress."

Lin Jiangnian said.


Shen Lingjun's eyes were a little confused. Although she recognized herself clearly, it also made her have some doubts and wavering about herself.

Are the ideals that I previously adhered to correct or wrong?

"Actually, I quite admire you."

Lin Jiangnian lamented: "Nvxia Shen has a righteous heart and a chivalrous heart. It is very rare to be able to maintain her true heart in today's complicated world..."

"My prince, I have always admired Nuxia Shen."

Shen Lingjun was silent: "Your Highness, there is no need to deliberately praise... I know it well."

"This is not a deliberate compliment."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This is an expression of true feelings. In today's world of real and fake relationships, Nuxia Shen's thoughts and actions are indeed a bit too childish...but why can't they be regarded as sincere?"

"There are very few people who can maintain pure morality like Shen Nuxia. Shen Nuxia sees injustice on the road, draws her sword to help, is not afraid of power, is not afraid of the powerful, and sticks to her heart..."

"This kind of behavior really makes me admire and respect you..."

Shen Lingjun's eyes were stunned, as if he didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to praise him so much.

When he met Lin Jiangnian's eyes, he didn't look like he was deliberately teasing her, like...seriously?

Is he really praising himself?

Do you have so many advantages?

Shen Lingjun was in a trance, unable to react for a while.

When Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, he added another sentence.


"If this prince is not the powerful man who does all kinds of evil and oppresses the common people in the eyes of Nuxia Shen..."

"That's even better!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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