Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 467 I heard you want to kill me?

Shen Lingjun stared at Lin Jiangnian beside her in a daze.

At this moment, there was a kind of indescribable aura on him.

This aura was different from the Lin Jiangnian that Shen Lingjun had known before.

The former Prince of Lin, now reappeared in front of her, and Shen Lingjun felt a little strange.


Shen Lingjun lowered her head and could still vaguely feel the aura that came from the back of her hand just now.

It was very heavy.

This surprised her and was incredible!

She realized that Lin Jiangnian was no longer the Prince of Lin that she knew a year ago.

A year ago, Lin Jiangnian didn't know martial arts at all. Even when he entered the capital, in Shen Lingjun's eyes, Lin Jiangnian's martial arts were not very high.

But now... how long has it been?

Lin Jiangnian at this moment made her a little confused.

The momentum that Lin Jiangnian inadvertently revealed at that moment had made Shen Lingjun feel the breath solidified and the faint oppression.

This was enough to show that Lin Jiangnian's martial arts were far superior to hers.

He had already reached the point of crushing her!

How could Shen Lingjun not be surprised? !

What had he experienced during this period of time?

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's eyes became more complicated, and she stared at Lin Jiangnian in a daze.

Her heart was full of mixed feelings.

It was difficult to describe her mood at the moment.

But at the same time, she felt an unprecedented sense of security in her heart!

Even at this moment, the inn was already surrounded by government officials.

Even though the atmosphere was tense and there were soldiers around who were staring at her with the intention of taking her down.

If it were in the past, Shen Lingjun would not be afraid, but she would not dare to relax at all.

She knew very well what would happen to her if she fell into the hands of the government.

But tonight, at this moment!

For the first time in her life, she completely ignored the officers and soldiers who were watching her closely. Facing the threats from all around, she did not feel any fear.

She even felt a sense of security!

And all this... came from the Prince of Lin beside her!

He stood there calmly, obviously alone, but made Shen Lingjun feel more relaxed than ever before.

It seemed that as long as he was there, no accidents would happen.


In the inn, the atmosphere was still tense.

The county lieutenant behind the crowd looked at Lin Jiangnian coldly, and a trace of haze flashed across his eyes.

This person again!

Not long ago, outside the town, it was this young man who said he wanted to assassinate him and his family without caring about others?

This young man looked gentle and elegant, but his mind was so vicious and despicable!

Damn it!

"Come on, arrest both of them for me!"

With the county lieutenant's order, the officers and soldiers around the inn approached Lin Jiangnian and Shen Lingjun in unison.

The other guests and onlookers in the inn had already hidden far away, some hiding in the corner, watching the scene in front of them in doubt.

What happened?

How did those two people offend the government? Is it worth the government to come and arrest them?

As the surrounding soldiers approached, Shen Lingjun subconsciously moved closer to Lin Jiangnian, holding the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, intending to block him.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly, saw Shen Lingjun's actions, and did not say anything. His expression was still calm, and he glanced at the county lieutenant in the crowd.

He was staring at Lin Jiangnian with a cold and grim look.

It seemed that Lin Jiangnian's fate had been sentenced!

But Lin Jiangnian smiled at the county lieutenant, and his smile was warm.

Very kind!

The county lieutenant's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't react to what the young man meant for a while.

He was still smiling at him when he was about to die?

Want to beg for mercy?

It was too late!

Just as the county lieutenant was sneering in his heart, he saw the young man suddenly look away, look up in a certain direction of the inn, and sighed softly.

"An Ning, can you help me?"

His voice was a little relaxed, a little teasing, and lazy, and he didn't take the people present seriously at all.

The county lieutenant's eyes were cold and he was resentful. This person was not afraid at all. He was so calm when the disaster was coming. Didn't he really take him seriously? !

Damn it!

Just as the county lieutenant's face sank, the next second, the air around him seemed to suddenly become a little colder.

At the same time, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the inn.

The next second, a cold light swept by.

The cold air was everywhere, and the county lieutenant, who had a gloomy face, suddenly shuddered violently.

"Sir, be careful!"

Anxious and frightened voices rang out all around, and the next second, accompanied by a few screams. Several officers and soldiers who were originally protecting the county lieutenant suddenly screamed and fell to the ground wailing.

The county lieutenant's pupils suddenly shrank. He realized something was wrong and wanted to retreat.

But just as he had this thought, a chill came from behind him.

"If you move again, you will die!"

A cold voice sounded from behind.

The county lieutenant froze and froze in place, and his breathing almost stopped at this moment.

He did not look back, but he could feel the cold murderous aura behind him.

Dare not move!

The county lieutenant was terrified. He never thought that he had been so careful, but the other party could still take his life...

"Don't, don't mess around..."

The county lieutenant's eyes were terrified, and his expression changed drastically.

All around, when the fierce cold wind dissipated, the constables and officers and soldiers around him realized that... their masters were held hostage again!

And the one who held my master hostage… was a girl!

A young girl!

She was beautiful and charming, with an outstanding temperament, stunning at first sight!

But her temperament was surprisingly cold!

She held a cold sword in her hand and was holding my master hostage!

"Let my master go!"

"Traitor, are you going to rebel?!"

"If anything happens to my master, all of you will be killed!"

The officers and soldiers present were in an uproar.


In the crowd, An Ning, who was wearing a light-colored long skirt, had a blank expression.

She ignored the noisy and threatening voices around her and looked up at Lin Jiangnian, who was not far ahead. There was no emotion on her cold little face, as if she was asking for his opinion.

"An Ning, throw him over here."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by the expected result and smiled at An Ning.

Hearing this, An Ning was stunned, lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then looked at the county lieutenant in front of her and thought for a while.

Then, An Ning swung the scabbard in his hand and slapped the county lieutenant in front of him, directly knocking the man out and falling heavily in front of Lin Jiangnian.

Simple and rough.


The county lieutenant lay on the ground and wailed in pain!

It was thrown over!

After doing all this, An Ning walked to a place not far from Lin Jiangnian, sheathed the long sword, and said nothing again.

Continue to be a statue!

Shen Lingjun, who was standing aside, saw this scene and his eyes were a little absent-minded. When he looked at the cold little girl again, he had a little more fear.

When Shen Lingjun saw the sword-holding girl next to Lin Jiangnian outside the town before, he vaguely realized that this girl might not be simple.

Sure enough, her martial arts were unfathomable.

Judging from the temperament of this girl, she should be Lin Jiangnian's maid.

This surprised Shen Lingjun. Where did Lin Jiangnian get so many powerful maids?

Previously, there was a kite with unfathomable martial arts skills, and now there is An Ning...

They are all beautiful and highly skilled in martial arts!

Even the maids around her are so powerful, which makes Shen Lingjun realize how naive and stupid her previous plan to assassinate Lin Jiangnian was...

At this moment, the officers and soldiers around saw that their masters were being abused like this, and they were furious.

The swords and knives were pointed at Lin Jiangnian and his men, but no one dared to step forward because of fear in their hearts.

That sword-holding girl is too scary!

In addition, their masters are still in the hands of the other party, so they dare not act rashly.

Lin Jiangnian ignored the officers and soldiers around him, pulled a stool from the side and sat down, looked down at the county lieutenant who was wailing in pain on the ground, and chuckled: "I heard that you want to catch me, right?"

At this moment, the dizzy county lieutenant finally gradually caught his breath, struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Lin Jiangnian's condescending eyes.

A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he struggled to retreat and escape.

Just as he made a move, Shen Lingjun on the side was quick-witted and kicked him back.


The county lieutenant rolled on the ground in a rage: "You, do you know what you are doing? You, do you know who I am?!"


Lin Jiangnian said with interest: "I really don't know."

"Tell me? Who are you?!"

The county lieutenant said angrily: "I am the county lieutenant of Fengping County. How dare you beat me? Do you know what the consequences of beating officials are? Just imagine, let me go quickly, otherwise..."

He threatened fiercely.

"What else?"

"Otherwise, don't even think about running away. If you beat court officials, I can convict you of treason and capital punishment!"

The county lieutenant spoke viciously.

He was a county lieutenant, and he was so embarrassed today. How could he swallow this anger in his heart?

Although he was in a state of embarrassment at the moment, his tone was still full of ferocity and threats.

"Capital crime?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "You are just a small county lieutenant, you can just behead me if you want?"

The county lieutenant smiled coldly: "This is Fengping County, I have the final say. If I want you to die, you must die!"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "In other words, you are the one who controls the whole Fengping County, right? Everyone has to listen to you?"

"That's right!"

The county lieutenant stared at him with a sneer: "If you know what's good for you, just let me go quickly, and I can consider sparing your life!"


Lin Jiangnian smiled and said: "You are just a small county lieutenant, but you dare to speak so arrogantly. It seems that you have a big background behind you?"

A small county lieutenant is so arrogant, there must be someone behind him, no wonder he dares to oppress the people so blatantly.

The county lieutenant sneered: "You have a bit of vision, so why don't you let me go quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian's eyes had moved away and glanced at the officers and soldiers around him.

"If I remember correctly, you are just a county lieutenant. Your immediate superior should be the county magistrate of Fengping County, right?"

"Where is the county magistrate?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian calling the county magistrate directly, he was so arrogant that he was furious and was about to speak.

A voice suddenly came from outside the inn.

"The county magistrate is here!"

As soon as this voice came out, there was a commotion all around. Soon, a path was separated from the crowd of officers and soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a gray official robe hurriedly ran into the inn in a hurry.

"Master Wu, you are here at the right time, come and save me!"

The county lieutenant saw the figure of the middle-aged man and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The county magistrate is here!

Very good!


Everyone here is dead tonight!

The county lieutenant's facial expression was a little distorted due to excitement, and his whole body was trembling slightly. Completely unaware of the frighteningly pale face of the middle-aged man who broke in.

The middle-aged man's surname is Wu, and he is the magistrate of Fengping County.

However, at this moment, there was no color on Magistrate Wu's face.

He walked in a hurry, looked embarrassed, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was still wearing official uniform that he had not yet taken off.

At this moment, he broke into the inn.

When he saw the tense atmosphere in the inn, his heart suddenly lifted, and an ominous premonition came to his mind.

Then when his eyes fell on the county lieutenant who looked embarrassed on the ground and looked at him for help, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

Then, his eyes fell on the young man sitting aside.

Wearing a green shirt and long robe, he has an extraordinary appearance, sharp features, and a gentle temperament. He is looking at Magistrate Wu who has entered the room lazily and casually.

At the moment when their eyes met, Magistrate Wu trembled all over.

My heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

He completely ignored the county captain who looked at him in pain and asked for help. He walked slowly and hurriedly ran to Lin Jiangnian.

Immediately afterwards.

He fell to his knees with a 'plop'.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has come to visit me, but I have offended you by not being able to welcome you from afar. Please forgive me for my sins!"

Magistrate Wu's head hit the ground heavily.

With this knock, his head made contact with the wooden board on the ground, making a dull sound.

And this dull sound was like a sledgehammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

The other people present looked at this scene with dull eyes, stunned, and stood there.


This, what is going on?

Their county magistrate, how, why...knelt in front of that young man? !

how so?

For a moment, the officers and soldiers present were at a loss.

Many people didn't realize what was going on, and just looked at this scene in confusion and shock.

The person who was most shocked and doubtful about life was the county captain on the side.

He watched with dull eyes as the county magistrate suddenly knelt down in front of the other party, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Magistrate he crazy?

Why is he kneeling? !

The extremely shocking scene in front of him made him confused.

But very quickly, he heard what Magistrate Wu said and captured the key point... His Highness the Crown Prince?

Which prince?

Which highness?

The county captain was startled, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

No matter which His Highness the Crown Prince is, as long as it is His Highness the Crown Prince... there is no existence that he can offend.

How could such a noble person appear in a desolate little place like theirs?

Yes, could it be a mistake?

"Wu, Mr. Wu..."

At this moment, the county captain's voice was trembling slightly, and he suddenly realized that this young man's identity seemed unusual?

He asked for help and looked at Magistrate Wu with a bit of luck, trying to get the answer.

However, County Magistrate Wu just looked at him coldly and reprimanded: "His Royal Highness Prince Lin is here, why don't you kneel down to greet him?!"

Lin Wang?

His Royal Highness? !

It was as if a thunderbolt flashed through the county captain's mind. His eyes were frightened and his face was pale.

His body was unsteady and he collapsed directly to the ground.

His face was distorted by fear, and he raised his head in disbelief, only to look directly at Lin Jiangnian's warm face.

She was giving him a kind smile and her eyes were casual.

"I heard that you want to kill my prince's head?"


"..." (End of this chapter)

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