Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 468 Your Highness is so majestic

"Shi, His Highness the Crown Prince?!"

The county lieutenant froze in place, his eyes dull and frightened.

Feeling cold all over the body.

It's obviously spring already and the weather is getting warmer.

But at this moment, he seemed to be trapped in the freezing winter.


He just stood up and fell to his knees again, his face pale and without a trace of blood.

Prince Lin?

How could he, who was in Xunyang City, not know who Prince Lin was?

Although I have never seen him, I have heard about the reputation of Prince Lin.

Is that Lin Hengzhong's son? !

He is the only two sons with different surnames in the world!

This unattractive young man in front of me is Prince Lin?

And he actually provoked Prince Lin again and again without thinking about life and death? !

The county captain looked as if he was facing the end of his life, his face was pale and his tone was trembling.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?!"

He had indeed long ago noticed that the young man in front of him was no ordinary boy, but at most he regarded him as a wealthy young man from out of town.

Naturally, he doesn't look down on wealthy young men from other places.

Who would have thought that this time they would hit a brick wall? !

He looked horrified, and finally looked at Magistrate Wu next to him with a hint of luck, but Magistrate Wu didn't look at him at all and knelt down respectfully in front of the young man.

"I didn't know that Your Highness was here, so I disturbed His Highness. Please forgive me!"

Magistrate Wu's voice was low and respectful, his posture was trembling and extremely low.

And all around, there was silence.

The officers, soldiers and detectives who originally surrounded the inn were looking at the scene in front of them blankly, and no one spoke.

The silence was overwhelming.

The scene before me was shocking.

In the past, the county magistrate and county lieutenant, who they regarded as superior, now turned pale and knelt down respectfully in front of the young man.

The young man looked at the two of them calmly.

The picture seems to be frozen.

The officers, soldiers and agents present felt a chill running up their spines and an inexplicable fear.

Even their adults are so groveling, then those people who were so aggressive just now...

Silence and fear fell over everyone.

In the center of the inn, Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at Magistrate Wu who was kneeling in front of him. He was a little surprised: "Do you recognize my prince?"

Magistrate Wu lowered his head respectfully and replied: "I have never met His Highness the Crown Prince, but someone informed me tonight, and I quickly came to greet His Highness..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyelids slightly and quickly understood something.

It seems that people have arrived!

"Now that you know my identity, do you know what to do?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the county captain next to him.

Magistrate Wu's heart trembled, and he understood immediately.

"I understand!"

Magistrate Wu bowed to Lin Jiangnian again, then straightened up and looked at the county captain next to him, who looked as gray as a dead dog, with a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

He knew that his colleague was finished!

There is no chance of saving!

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for not being discerning. It is not good to offend anyone, but he did not know how to live or die and offended Prince Lin.

Is such a giant Buddha something that low-level officials like them can offend?

It's also because he's usually too blatant, but he failed today.

Thinking of this, Magistrate Wu's eyes were cold.

"Come here, arrest Chen De!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two policemen stepped forward quickly and captured the county captain who was lying on the ground like a dead dog.


The county lieutenant's face was pale. He tried to struggle, but when he looked at Magistrate Wu's cold eyes, he only saw deep indifference.

"Your Highness!"

Magistrate Wu once again asked Lin Jiangnian respectfully: "Sun De has offended the Crown Prince and has offended His Highness. The lower officials have arrested him and handed him over to His Highness for disposal!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "He is yours, and I am not qualified to deal with him."

Magistrate Wu looked sharply: "I understand!"

With that said, Magistrate Wu waved his hand: "Take Chen De down and put him in prison until he is punished!"

The two policemen next to him wanted to pull down the County Lieutenant whose face was completely ashen. At this moment, County Lieutenant Chen seemed to be making a final struggle: "Your Highness, spare your life, Your Highness, spare your life!"

He wanted to ask for mercy.

But Lin Jiangnian didn't even look at this man. The policeman next to him dragged him down like a dead dog.

Magistrate Wu on the side said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, don't worry, I will handle today's matter properly and give Your Highness a satisfactory answer."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him indifferently, then glanced outside the inn, and said calmly: "It's too noisy!"

Magistrate Wu understood, and immediately turned around and said in a deep voice: "Stop standing around, go back, and disperse everyone!"

The officers, soldiers and detectives present looked at each other, but soon, the wise men began to retreat one after another.

There is no way, things tonight are really big, and many people have realized that the young man is a big shot.

Prince Lin?

Just by the name, it sounds awesome!

Even the county captain has been captured, how can these subordinates still be obedient?

For a time, the officers, soldiers and police officers who had been surrounding the inn and outside the inn disappeared in a short time.

The inn was empty again, except for Magistrate Wu, who was still kneeling in front of Lin Jiangnian. He lowered his head slightly, his expression as respectful as ever.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him again and said calmly: "It's getting late, Master Wu, please go back early."

Magistrate Wu slowly got up from the ground.

"I obey my orders!"

Magistrate Wu's posture was very low, and he bowed deeply to Lin Jiangnian before exiting the inn.

Until this moment, the inn was still silent.

The guests who were watching all this quietly from a distance all looked shocked at this moment.

They were hiding in the distance and couldn't hear clearly what was said.

But some people recognized Magistrate Wu in the crowd, and when they saw Magistrate Wu kneeling respectfully in front of the young man, many people took a breath.

What is the origin of this young man?

Everyone speculated, but no one dared to speak out.

Shen Lingjun on the side watched this scene blankly from beginning to end, with a lot of emotions in his heart.

Inexplicably, she felt a little ironic.

There is also some weakness.

For ordinary people, the county captain was already an insurmountable big shot. Even she could do nothing to stop these officials from bullying the people.

She is passionate, but it is difficult to change anything!

But what?

In the eyes of ordinary people, he was an extremely noble figure, but in front of Lin Jiangnian, he was not worth mentioning.

In fact, that county captain was not even qualified to be dealt with by Lin Jiangnian himself!

The difference in status!

At this moment, Shen Lingjun once again deeply felt the power of power.

Under the power, her passion seemed particularly weak. Even...not worth mentioning.

An Ning on the side remained the same as before, without much emotion change on his face. She just stood there holding the sword, her eyes falling on Lin Jiangnian from time to time and blinking.

There seemed to be some curiosity in his eyes, but also some other emotions.

But her face was always tense, and she was still the little girl who was not good at words and had a cold temperament.

After Magistrate Wu left, the inn fell into a long dead silence.

No one said anything!

Lin Jiangnian slowly stood up and walked out of the inn.

An Ning, who had been in a daze on the side, seemed to have come back to his senses. When he saw Lin Jiangnian walking towards the door, he subconsciously followed.

As soon as Lin Jiangnian walked out of the inn, he noticed An Ning following behind him.

Looking back at her, An Ning seemed a little unnatural and lowered her head, not looking at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be aware of An Ning's behavior and chuckled: "An Ning, do you care about my son?"

An Ning was startled and immediately looked embarrassed.

"I, I didn't..."

She wanted to deny it.

But a blush appeared on that fair face, and his eyes were a little nervous.

Seeing her shy look, Lin Jiangnian smiled.

A lot of fun!

And An Ning soon realized that Lin Jiangnian was deliberately teasing her, and turned away angrily, not looking at Lin Jiangnian.

Standing there, even if Lin Jiangnian continued to walk out, she did not follow him.

But out of the corner of his eye, he still fell on Lin Jiangnian from time to time, seeing him leaving the inn and walking onto the streets of the town.

At this moment, it is late at night outside the town.

There were still many onlookers gathered not far away, talking about it. After all, there was such a big commotion in the inn just now, it was difficult not to attract attention.

Lin Jiangnian had just walked out of the inn and looked towards the street not far away.

In the dark place, a familiar figure can be seen hiding in it.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

There was a strange commotion in the crowd, and then, a black-robed figure walked out of the darkness.

This man walked quickly to Lin Jiangnian, and then knelt down on one knee respectfully.

"My subordinate Zhao Yuan, the commander of the guards of the Xunyang City Prefecture, pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his eyes and saw a man in his thirties or forties. He was wearing black armor and had tough eyes. At a glance, he was the Lian family son.

His martial arts skills are not weak!

Lin Jiangnian looked at him for a few times and said calmly: "Did your master ask you to come?"


Zhao Yuandao: "My Lord Taishou heard that His Highness passed through Xunyang City, and specially ordered his subordinates to welcome His Highness into the city!"

"Your Majesty has prepared wine and food to welcome His Highness. I would like to ask His Majesty to condescend to me. Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time!"

This Zhao Yuan has an extremely low posture.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent. He understood how Magistrate Wu knew his identity. The arrival of the person in front of him was also expected.

After all, he did not choose to enter the city directly today, he was waiting for now.

However, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced at the night, and said calmly: "Forget it today, it's getting late. I'm a little tired and don't want to move anymore."

Zhao Yuan heard the meaning of the words of His Highness the Crown Prince in front of him, and immediately said respectfully: "Your Highness, have a good rest tonight, and I will come back to welcome His Highness tomorrow!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded and glanced at the people watching not far away: "I don't want anyone to disturb me, so please handle it properly."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I won't let anyone disturb Your Highness' rest!"

Zhao Yuan responded in a deep voice.

Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction, turned around and returned to the inn.

When he passed the door, he saw An Ning still standing there with a straight face. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's gaze, he looked away slightly angrily.

So cute!

"What's wrong? Are you still angry?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with interest. The more this little girl acted like this, the more he liked to bully her.

An Ning had a cold face, said nothing, turned and left.

Went directly upstairs!

He gave Lin Jiangnian a cold back.

Lin Jiangnian didn't care. The inn was still quiet. The shopkeeper who had just been kicked was panicking and cautious: "Your Highness..."

He had just heard the identity of this young master, and was now respectful and uneasy.

"Go down, it's none of your business!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, asking the shopkeeper not to be too nervous.

When he turned around, he saw Shen Lingjun still standing there not far away, looking at him with a complicated look.

"It's getting late, you can rest here tonight."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Let's go into the city together tomorrow, and find a chance to visit your uncle!"

Shen Lingjun moved her lips, but finally said nothing and nodded.

Lin Jiangnian didn't continue to talk nonsense, and turned to go upstairs.

Upstairs, it was still very quiet.

Lin Jiangnian came to the Princess' room. In the corridor, Jinxiu, who was wearing a skirt, was leaning lazily against the railing, her graceful figure was visible. She blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian with interest.

Seeing Lin Jiangnian approaching, Jinxiu smiled faintly and said, "Your Highness just got angry for your beloved, how enviable!"

Lin Jiangnian said puzzledly, "What do you mean by getting angry for your beloved?"

"Just now!"

Jinxiu pouted and pointed downstairs, "Your Highness was so impressive just now..."

"Even the county magistrate and the county lieutenant were beaten up by you, Your Highness, and they were so respectful. Your Highness is really amazing..."

"Your Highness stood up for that Miss Shen. Look at how she was looking at you with affection. I'm afraid she was fascinated by you and moved to the point of giving herself to you?"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Jinxiu smiling in front of him, with a mischievous tone and beautiful eyes moving around, full of teasing and ridicule.

She had already seen everything that happened downstairs upstairs.

"Did you?"

Lin Jiangnian took a few steps closer and asked in confusion: "Was this prince so majestic just now?"

"Of course I was!"

Jinxiu smiled: "This is the first time I have seen your highness so majestic and domineering."


Lin Jiangnian smiled and asked back: "Then, was Miss Jinxiu fascinated by this prince?"

Jinxiu was stunned, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to suddenly shift the topic to her.

"Of course not."


Lin Jiangnian took two steps closer to Jinxiu and smiled: "Didn't you really fascinate Miss Jinxiu?"


Jinxiu denied it flatly and curled her lips: "I am not such a vulgar person..."

How come these words sound like there is something behind them?

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly, staring at Jinxiu's beautiful face. Although she looked fair, there was a hint of... resentment in her beautiful eyes?

Somewhat strange.

Lin Jiangnian took two steps closer again, almost close to Jinxiu in the corridor, squinting.

"Miss Jinxiu's tone is sour, could it be that..."

"Are you jealous?" (End of this chapter)

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