Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 469 The Princess's Change of Mind

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's sudden approach, Jinxiu's beautiful eyes showed a trace of panic. She subconsciously took a step back.

But soon, she reacted and returned to normal.


"How could I be jealous of your highness?"

Jinxiu smiled lightly, trying to cover up: "Your highness thinks too much!"

"Are you really thinking too much?"

Lin Jiangnian pressed on step by step, staring into her eyes.

Under Lin Jiangnian's gaze, Jinxiu couldn't keep the smile on her face. Her expression was unnatural, and her eyes dodged.

"Of course, it's true."

"Okay then."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped and didn't continue to approach. His eyes returned to calm: "Since this prince thinks too much, I won't disturb Miss Jinxiu."

As he said, Lin Jiangnian turned and walked towards the next room, muttering to himself as he walked: "Let's go see An Ning, that little girl is very cute..."


Before Jinxiu could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Lin Jiangnian muttering to himself. She immediately widened her eyes nervously and subconsciously grabbed the corner of Lin Jiangnian's clothes.

"No, you are not allowed to go!"

Lin Jiangnian's clothes were grabbed, and she turned her head to look at Jinxiu: "Miss Jinxiu, is there anything else?"

He looked normal and innocent.

But Jinxiu could clearly see that there was a flash of smile in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

He did it on purpose!

It was obviously intentional!!

Jinxiu's face turned red with anger, her beautiful eyes widened, staring at him angrily, gritting her teeth: "Why are you going to An Ning?!"

"Just to chat!"

"You are not allowed to go!"


"Just, you are not allowed to go."

Lin Jiangnian was happy and asked back: "What if I insist on going?"

"I, I..."

Hearing this, Jinxiu was stunned and speechless for a while. What can she do if Lin Jiangnian insists on going to An Ning?

She can't do anything!

This guy is the prince of Lin Wang. She is just a little maid. Can she stop him?

She can't beat him, and she can't stop him either...

When she thought of this, Jinxiu was discouraged.

Then she became even more furious. She stared at Lin Jiangnian and said anxiously: "You, if you dare to go to An Ning, I, I will never talk to you again!"

It must be said that Jinxiu's tone was inexplicably childish and angry.

Since he met Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian saw that Jinxiu's temperament was not as calm, dignified and elegant as it seemed.

Compared with An Ning, Jinxiu is indeed more stable in temperament and her style of doing things is more mature.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the most loyal and trusted maid around the eldest princess. Compared with the cold and taciturn An Ning, she is indeed more like a mature and sensible sister.

When Lin Jiangnian first met her, he was also deceived for a while.

But later Lin Jiangnian found out that apart from these, Jinxiu was just a teenage girl, who grew up in swordsmanship like An Ning, and then stayed in the imperial palace in Beijing.

In essence, she was still a little girl who had not seen much of the world and had not experienced any big storms.

How mature could such a little girl be?

And in daily communication and contact, it can be seen that Jinxiu's personality is lively and free and easy, which is completely inconsistent with her appearance and temperament.

Therefore, at this moment, when Lin Jiangnian deliberately "bullied" her, Jinxiu said this in anger, which was inexplicably a bit childish.

It was also a bit cute.

"Really ignore me?"


"...Okay then."

Lin Jiangnian sighed, staring at Jinxiu's nervous and embarrassed expression, and moved closer to her, raising his eyebrows slightly: "But, Miss Jinxiu, are you willing to do it?"

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's burning eyes and the slightly ambiguous and intimate words, Jinxiu couldn't help but feel a sense of shame in her heart.

Her fair face was flushed, and she subconsciously dodged shyly, not daring to look at Lin Jiangnian.


She could only use a light hum to express her dissatisfaction with her emotions.

But Lin Jiangnian continued to approach, and suddenly stretched out his hand to gently pinch Jinxiu's slightly thin and delicate chin, and turned her originally twisted face back.


Caught off guard, Jinxiu was 'forced' to look at Lin Jiangnian again.

Jinxiu tried to struggle, but was firmly controlled by Lin Jiangnian. Her little face was a little red with anger, and her face was round and bulging, as if she was angry.

"You, what are you going to do..."

Jinxiu was panicked, her heartbeat was beating violently, and when she looked at Lin Jiangnian's burning and hot eyes, she was shrouded in the shy and fearful emotions.

"Miss Jinxiu is so beautiful when she is shy!"

After quietly observing Jinxiu's shy and evasive expression for a while, Lin Jiangnian finally let her go, chuckled and praised with emotion.

But Jinxiu was already emotionally unstable at this moment, and her mind was a little blank. She was stunned in the same place until she heard Lin Jiangnian's words full of "teasing" meaning, and then she gradually came back to her senses.

But apart from a little bit of shame in her heart, she didn't have much resistance. Even vaguely, there was a hint of indescribable... joy?

Just as she was stunned, Lin Jiangnian had turned and walked towards the door.

However, Lin Jiangnian, who had just taken two steps, suddenly stopped. Then he turned around and stared at Jinxiu for a few times.

That fair and tender face was now flushed, white and red, with snow-white skin, and stunning beauty.

Then, Lin Jiangnian suddenly turned back. When Jinxiu was stunned, Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and approached, and kissed her fair and tender face unexpectedly.


A crisp sound rang out.

The tender skin seemed to be stimulated by something, tender and elastic.

Extremely tender.

The taste is excellent!

Jinxiu, who was attacked by surprise, was stunned on the spot.

Her beautiful eyes were wide open, her body was slightly stiff, and she was stunned on the spot, her mind was completely blank.

Lin Jiangnian turned around contentedly: "Okay, I'll go talk to your princess first, and come to you later!"

After saying that, he waved at her, Lin Jiangnian came to the door of the room, pushed the door, and walked in.

Jinxiu was still stunned in the corridor, staring blankly at the direction where Lin Jiangnian left.

After a while, she seemed to come back to her senses, subconsciously reached out and touched her face, and could still feel a little wet, recalling the warm breath just now.

Jinxiu's originally flushed face was completely red!

She finally realized something... She was kissed by His Highness?

Forced to kiss? !

His Highness, are you finally going to do it to her?

In an instant, shyness and anger surged into her heart, and Jinxiu stood there, with all kinds of emotions surging in her heart.

She stood there for a long time, and her emotions on her delicate and beautiful face kept changing. From shyness to shyness, to resentment, and then to the emergence of a few young girls' spring feelings...

After a long time, Jinxiu lowered her head slightly, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to overflow with water.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and after a while, she seemed to be a little shy and muttered to herself.

"Your Highness..."

"Sure enough, you are a pervert!"


In a quiet and cold room.

The eldest princess in a white dress was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, closing her eyes to rest.

She has a beautiful appearance and a charming temperament.

As she closed her eyes, an invisible aura seemed to linger around her. As this aura spread, the room was also filled with a chilling cold.

In the corner of the room, An Ning stood there holding a sword, quietly guarding her own princess.

On her cold face, she was thinking about something, and she looked a little serious. It was not until Lin Jiangnian pushed the door and walked in that she came back to her senses and turned her head.

"An Ning."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and greeted.

When An Ning saw Lin Jiangnian, she thought of what happened just now, and her little face seemed to be colder. She looked a little fierce, and deliberately turned her head away and ignored Lin Jiangnian.

Leaving Lin Jiangnian with a stubborn little back of his head.

"Are you still angry?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and explained: "I was just joking with you just now, don't take it to heart."

An Ning had a stern face, didn't speak, and ignored him. Holding the sword, she was focused, and looked deaf.

As expected, they are sisters, and they really have similarities.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the princess who was sitting cross-legged and closed her eyes, and then walked to An Ning's side.

An Ning took a step back, a look of panic appeared on her little face, and she was very alert.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but say: "Am I that scary? Are you so afraid of me?"

An Ning pursed her lips and said nothing.

But her eyes were still alert.


Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian didn't continue to tease her, and waved his hand: "You go out first, I have something to say to your princess."

An Ning looked at her own princess, and then at Lin Jiangnian. Seeing that he was looking at her with a smile, An Ning felt a sense of shame and panic in her heart. She quickly lowered her head and fled the room in a panic.

After An Ning left, the room became quiet.

The princess, who was originally resting with her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes at this time.

The moment she opened her eyes, the oppressive and creepy aura that filled the room disappeared instantly.

Realizing this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh: "Your Highness, Princess, I'm afraid you are not far from the first-grade Grandmaster level, right?"

He could feel that since the coldness in Li Piaomiao's body was suppressed, the breath in her body was faintly more terrifying.

In her small body, there is an unimaginable terrifying breath.

Even more terrifying than the Princess when she was surrounded by coldness!

Lin Jiangnian suddenly had a guess in his mind.

He can use the coldness in the Princess' body to increase the speed of cultivation, so conversely, can the Xuanyang Heart Method in his body also help the Princess improve her strength?

Faced with Lin Jiangnian's inquiry, Li Piaomiao did not deny it and nodded.

Admitted it!

Her strength has indeed increased a lot during this period of time.

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched slightly: "How long will it take?"

Really reaching the first-grade Grandmaster level?

If she really succeeds, I'm afraid she will be the youngest Grandmaster in hundreds of years, right?

Even, she may get closer in the future.

"Not sure."

Li Piaomiao shook her head lightly.

She was indeed only a little short of becoming a first-class master, but this step often became a huge gap.

She still lacked an opportunity.

As for when she could take that step, she didn't know.

"It's really enviable."

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh: "You are really the most enchanting woman I have ever seen!"

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything, just stared at him quietly.

After a while, she slowly retracted her eyes and said lightly: "You are also enchanting."

"What do you mean?"

"You started a little later than me, but in terms of talent, you may not be much worse than me."

Li Piaomiao said.

At first glance, it sounds like a compliment, but if you listen carefully...

"Not much worse than you?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "But I'm still not as good as you?"


Li Piaomiao nodded and did not deny it.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"You are really not modest at all!"

Li Piaomiao said calmly: "This is the truth."

Lin Jiangnian wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that he really can't refute it?

In this world, in terms of martial arts talent, I'm afraid no one can compare with her, right?

She really doesn't need to be modest.

"Okay, okay, I know you are good, you are the best in the world!"

Lin Jiangnian said perfunctorily.

Li Piaomiao pursed her lips, said nothing, and had no expression.

"Are you coming today?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her again.

Li Piaomiao was silent.


"Right here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the bed and raised his eyebrows.

Li Piaomiao seemed to see what he was thinking, but didn't care.

"Come here."

"This, isn't it?"

Lin Jiangnian coughed.

Li Piaomiao looked at him expressionlessly.

"Okay, do you want to take"


"Don't bother me if I dirty your bed later!"


"Don't look at me like that, as if I'm going to do something to you..."


Half an hour later.

Lin Jiangnian's face turned slightly pale, and he fell weakly on the bed, unable to move.

Feeling hollowed out.

Beside the bed, Li Piaomiao, who was wearing a white dress and elegant temperament, patted her clothes lightly, her face flushed, and her spirit refreshed.

That beautiful and extraordinary face was filled with an indescribable emotion, and the coldness in her beautiful eyes dissipated. She lowered her eyes to glance at Lin Jiangnian on the bed, and then looked down at her palms.

The ten fingers were slender, slender and crystal clear.

Li Piaomiao was a little stunned.

Since her body absorbed the inner strength of Lin Jiangnian's mind, she could feel the changes in her body.

It's hard to say whether this change is good or bad!

But for now, he did save her.

At the same time, it also made her state of mind, which had been stagnant for several months, slightly improve.

She is closer to the first-grade master state!

On the other hand, Li Piaomiao can also feel that her emotions are different from before!

Since Lin Jiangnian appeared, she seems to have changed a lot?

Li Piaomiao glanced at Lin Jiangnian on the bed again, quietly looking at this guy whom she had never looked at before.

Even though this guy is her nominal fiancé, Li Piaomiao has never taken him seriously before.

She doesn't plan to get married, and naturally doesn't want to accept any fiancé.

Even if it is the will of her father, she has never taken it to heart.

But now...

Li Piaomiao stared quietly at Lin Jiangnian's face on the bed, which was slightly pale and weak due to the serious loss of internal strength.

Stared blankly for a long time.

Even though she still had no intention of getting married.

But compared to the past, it seemed that nothing had changed. It also seemed that there were some changes in her state of mind...

On her previously calm lake surface, ripples appeared.

"..." (End of this chapter)

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