Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 471 Entering the City

early morning.

The sun slowly fell on this small town located outside Xunyang City. The wind was gentle and the sun was shining brightly.

The residents of the small town got up early and started the day's farming.

However, the atmosphere in the town today is vaguely dull.

Many residents who got up noticed that the streets were desolate. I also noticed that there are many mysterious figures in the small town today.

On the streets of the town, rows of heavily armed guards passed through the streets. Outside the town, there were many more officers and soldiers wearing armor, almost surrounding the entire town.

An invisible air of chilling air enveloped the town.

This scene made many small town residents tremble.

what happened?

Why are there so many officers and soldiers?

Some people even saw that the officers, soldiers and guards who appeared were all from Xunyang City, and some people vaguely saw the clothes on these people... They looked like people from the Prefect's Mansion!

For a time, many people with ghosts in their hearts were in panic. Some people thought of what happened last night and wondered if something big had happened. !

Or is there some big shot?

Even the people from the Prefect's Mansion were mobilized. What kind of big shot was here? !

Just when the residents of the small town were worried and worried, they were speculating.

In the inn, the door opened and Lin Jiangnian walked out of the room. Outside the door, Lin Qingqing had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness."

Seeing His Highness coming out, Lin Qingqing quickly stepped forward to wait.

"How's it going outside?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the movement outside the inn window. Although he didn't see it, he vaguely heard the noise of the people on the street and guessed something.

"General Zhao Yuan of the Prefect's Mansion is waiting for His Highness outside the inn. The Prefect has also sent many officers and soldiers to welcome His Highness into the city!" Lin Qingqing explained at the side.

"It seems like he's making quite a fuss with his arrogance, doesn't he?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have expected something and sneered.

Lin Qingqing frowned in a deep voice and said: "Your Highness, this prefect... he is so high-profile and has the intention of exposing your whereabouts, Your Highness."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Young Lin Jiang shook his head: "My whereabouts are no longer a secret, so there is no need to worry about being exposed. This move of his is probably just a show for me!"

"A show?" Lin Qingqing seemed puzzled.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said nothing and did not explain.

He didn't enter the city yesterday, but he had already given the prefect enough respect. As long as he was not a fool, he would definitely understand what Lin Jiangnian meant.

The prefect's pomp today was also a response to Lin Jiangnian.

"For now, this prefect is at least quite sensible, much better than the Wang family!"

Lin Jiangnian said.

Lin Qingqing was confused and didn't quite understand what His Highness meant. But since it was something His Highness expected, she didn't ask again.

"By the way, how was the family of three doing last night?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again about the family of three he rescued yesterday and handed over to Lin Qingqing to investigate.

And Lin Qingqing lived up to expectations and said: "My subordinates have investigated clearly..."

What happened was not much different from what the man said.

The government officials were interested in his family's ancestral mountain and wanted to take it for themselves, but they did not want to pay for it, and the man was not willing to sell it.

Ever since, there was a group of local ruffians coming to cause trouble.

It is no surprise that there is indeed support from the government behind these gangsters. If we follow the clues and investigate, we will find that they are closely related to the county lieutenant yesterday.

"The county lieutenant was taken into the county jail last night, and it didn't take long for him to confess everything..."

A small county lieutenant, in normal times, maybe no one would be able to do anything to him.

People who can prosper in a small place are more or less protected by powerful forces. The relationship between the county captain and the county magistrate is not bad. The two worked together and once called themselves brothers.

But unfortunately, the person Chen De offended this time was Lin Jiangnian.

After Magistrate Wu learned Lin Jiangnian's identity, he almost didn't hesitate at all, and immediately made up his mind... He wanted to exterminate his relatives for justice!

Although he has a very good relationship with Chen De, the two are usually like brothers. However, a personal relationship is a personal relationship, and Chen De broke the law. Magistrate Wu still killed his brother without mercy.

...It has nothing to do with the person he offended being Prince Lin!

Ever since, the matter was resolved smoothly.

Very fast too.

With the status of Prince Lin, Magistrate Wu could be said to have enforced the law impartially, and he had given justice to the three members of the family overnight.

Not only did they return Zushan, they also compensated a lot of medical and mental damages, and helped the family of three renovate their house.


Lin Qingqing seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and said, "There is someone behind the county captain named Chen De."


Lin Qingqing hesitated for a moment and then said: "I heard that Chen De is related to a close official close to the prefect He Jinqun..."

"No wonder."

Lin Jiangnian laughed, a little county captain dared to be so arrogant, it turned out that there was someone behind him in the prefect's mansion?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart. A small county captain was not worth his time.

"Where are the people from the Prefect's Mansion?"

"Just outside the inn."


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Go and see if the others are awake. We are almost ready to enter the city."


Lin Qingqing retreated first.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and went to the next room. When he was about to knock on the door, the door was gently pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lu showed his little head from the room. When he saw Lin Jiangnian, his face turned slightly red and he said furtively, "Your Highness?!"

Seeing her being so sneaky, Lin Jiangnian was a little confused and glanced behind her: "Where's Xu Lan?"

"Miss just, just woke up..."

The little green body was still in the room, with a small head exposed and holding the door with both hands, as if he was afraid that Lin Jiangnian would enter.

Lin Jiangnian didn't think much about it: "Let your lady get up quickly, it's time to go into the city."

"Oh, okay!"

After Lin Jiangnian left, Xiao Lu breathed a sigh of relief. Go back into the room and close the door.

Looking back, I saw my young lady sitting there nervously, her face a little pale.

"Miss, why are you nervous?"


Xu Lan's face was flustered, her tone was stuttering, and her eyes were obviously not right.

"You are too obvious, you will definitely be discovered."

Xiao Lu sighed. With the lady's appearance, even His Highness is a fool and can see that there is something wrong with her.

"But, but..."

Xu Lan stuttered a little.

It would have been shameful for her to do such a thing, and she wasn't good at lying either. As soon as he heard Lin Jiangnian's name, he panicked subconsciously.

"No, Miss, you definitely can't do this."

Xiao Lu returned to her young lady and said with a serious face: "Miss, you must not reveal any tricks, and you must not let His Highness find out... We don't have much time!"

"Just tonight!"

"After entering the city tonight, I will try to create an opportunity for you and His Highness to be alone together. By then..."

"Miss, you must grasp it!"

Listening to Xiaolu's consolation, Xu Lan also took a few deep breaths, clenched her little fists to cheer herself up secretly: "I'm not nervous, not nervous, not nervous at all..."

"I can definitely do it!!"


Inn, in the lobby.

There was silence.

After the officers and soldiers came from today's town, the inn became empty.

Those guests noticed something was wrong in the town today, so they checked out and left Baopingan. At this moment, only the shopkeeper and a few waiters were left in the inn.

When Lin Jiangnian came downstairs, the eldest princess and others had been waiting in the inn for a long time.

Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a plain white dress, was sitting in the hall with a cool and aloof temperament. She was obviously dressed in simple clothes, but she was always the most eye-catching presence in the crowd.

Such a beautiful temperament is rare in the world.

She sat there quietly, eating breakfast with Jinxiu and An Ning.

An Ning sat aside, the sword that never left his body was placed beside him, and he was sipping porridge with his head down.

When he heard Lin Jiangnian coming down, he raised his head and glanced up, then lowered his head and continued eating.

When Jinxiu on the other side saw Lin Jiangnian, her eyes were a little dodgey, a hint of embarrassment emerged, and she glared at Lin Jiangnian.

It looks beautiful and fierce, but has no lethality whatsoever.


Lin Jiangnian walked to the table for three people, sat down opposite the eldest princess, and greeted the three people with a smile.

Li Piaomiao said nothing, glanced at Lin Jiangnian and nodded slightly.

That's a response.

An Ning said nothing.

As for Jinxiu on the other side... she didn't even speak.

She was picking up the last snow-white steamed bun on the table and took a vicious bite, as if she thought the steamed bun was Lin Jiangnian, biting hard.

"Are you a starving ghost?"

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he quickly snatched her half-bitten bun from Jinxiu chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You don't even know if you can leave some for me?"

Jinxiu couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian actually ate the steamed buns she had bitten, her face immediately turned red with embarrassment: "You, you..."

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and asked while chewing the beautiful snow-white steamed buns.


Jinxiu was speechless, turned her head away with a groan, and ignored him. But there was a blush on his face, which was burning hot.

He, how could he snatch the steamed bun that he had bitten?

Then, doesn’t that mean that the two of them indirectly...

Bah bah...

Thinking of this, Jinxiu felt sad in her heart, her face turned even redder, and she even vaguely felt that her mouth was unclean...

When An Ning on the side saw this scene, he was also stunned.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian, who was eating steamed buns, and then at Jinxiu, who was blushing next to her. Her eyes were blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Li Miaomiao, who had not spoken a word from beginning to end, looked at the scene in front of her indifferently, looked at Jinxiu who was blushing on the left, and then looked at An Ning who was in a daze on the right.

He seemed to understand something, but when his beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian again, he remained silent.

But there is a hint of a different look.

Lin Jiangnian finished off the steamed buns he grabbed three times and divided them by two, then looked at the three people in front of him who were in a daze: "Okay, now that we are full, it's time to set off. It's time to go into the city."

Li Miaomiao was the first to look away, glanced at Lin Jiangnian lightly, and then stood up.

An Ning on the side also came to his senses, grabbed the sword next to him, and followed the princess' footsteps.

The remaining beautiful eyes glared at Lin Jiangnian with shame and anger, but she saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a half-smile.

For a moment, Jinxiu felt panic again and quickly got up and ran away.

He seemed worried that if he didn't run away quickly, he would be eaten up by Lin Jiangnian.

Outside the inn.

Quietly eerie.

There are no ordinary people on the street.

Rows of fully armed guards stood on the street, their faces solemn, and an invisible aura enveloped them.

Zhao Yuan, wearing armor, was quietly guarding outside the inn.

When Lin Jiangnian and Li Piaomiao walked out slowly from the inn, Zhao Yuan at the door suddenly fixed his eyes.

He immediately stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

"Your subordinate Zhao Yuan greets His Royal Highness the Prince of Lin and His Royal Highness the Princess!"

His voice was clear and loud, and his tone was respectful.

As he spoke, the guards and soldiers outside the inn and on the street almost knelt down in unison.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the Prince of Lin and His Royal Highness the Princess!"

The voice seemed to penetrate the town, and the scene was shocking!

In the courtyard, Li Piaomiao did not speak, but turned her head to look at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian stood side by side with him and gave her an innocent expression.

It meant that it was not his idea.

Li Piaomiao retracted his gaze and did not intend to speak.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head to look at Zhao Yuan who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "General Zhao, you have worked hard, get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Zhao Yuan then slowly stood up and said respectfully: "I have prepared the carriages and horses to take His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Princess into the city!"

"My master has prepared wine and food to welcome His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Princess!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank the governor for the hospitality on behalf of this Crown Prince"

Zhao Yuan lowered his head: "Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Princess, please!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and took the lead to walk outside. Li Piaomiao remained silent and followed Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Jinxiu and An Ning also followed their princess without saying a word.

Zhao Yuan behind him lowered his head slightly, and when he saw this scene again, his heart was slightly shaken, and his eyes quickly converged.

There had been carriages waiting on the street for a long time. The group got on the carriage, left the town, and headed towards Xunyang City.

It was not until all the guards and soldiers in the town had evacuated that the oppressive aura gradually dissipated.

Inside and outside the inn, many people from all walks of life witnessed the scene just now and were shocked for a long time.

"The two just now are the Prince of Lin and the Princess?!"

"Oh my god, how come they are here?!"

"Didn't the Princess look down on the Prince of Lin?"

"When they stand together, they are clearly a perfect match, like a couple of gods!"

"Rumors are really misleading!"

"The Prince of Lin is about to take the princess back to the Prince of Lin's mansion, but there are still rumors that the two are not getting along... Those people are talking nonsense!"

"The court actually formed an alliance with the Prince of Lin's mansion. Oh my god, the Lin family will really be a member of the royal family in the future?!"

"The court is so confused!"


It's not far from the town to Xunyang City. In less than two hours, the appearance of Xunyang City appeared in front of us.

Outside the city, it was strictly guarded by the soldiers guarding the city, and the atmosphere was solemn.

The people inside and outside the city were also talking about it, guessing what big shot had come!

Under Zhao Yuan's escort, the carriage slowly entered the city and arrived safely outside the prefect's mansion.

When the carriage slowly stopped, a clear and loud voice came from outside the carriage.

"I am He Jinqun, the governor of Xunyang, waiting for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the Princess!"

"..."(End of this chapter)

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