Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 470 Xiaolu: Leave it to me

In the room.

Lin Jiangnian lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

He was very tired.

It was the kind of tiredness that made him feel hollow afterwards.

Whenever this happened, Lin Jiangnian didn't want to talk, his mind was focused, and he didn't have any thoughts. He just wanted to close his eyes and rest quietly.

It was probably equivalent to entering the sage mode.

His mind was empty, and he was only one thought away from becoming a Buddha!

Of course, this state only lasted for a while. When Lin Jiangnian's body and thoughts gradually returned to normal, it disappeared.

Become a Buddha?

Become a hammer!

Lin Jiangnian struggled to sit up from the bed and looked up at the white clothes in his sight.

I have to say that the scene and picture in the room at this moment are inexplicably a little wrong!

Lin Jiangnian, who was pale and disheveled on the bed, and Li Piaomiao, who was ruddy and refreshed next to him, the state of the two at this moment... they looked wrong no matter how you looked at it.

Of course, it was just Lin Jiangnian who felt something was wrong. Li Piaomiao in his sight was the same as always, without much emotional change.

Her beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and after a moment, she asked, "How is your health?"

She greeted him in a neutral tone.

It seemed like she was indifferent, which might be the case for others, but for the princess in front of her, it was already a warm concern that was flattering.

"Fortunately, it's nothing serious."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He was used to being beaten, and his body was no longer uncomfortable as before.

In addition, he absorbed the cold air in Li Piaomiao's body for his own use, and the feeling of weakness was also relieved.

Now, except for the physical deficiency, Lin Jiangnian's body has no effect. And this deficiency will soon be alleviated.

After hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, Li Piaomiao nodded silently.

He didn't speak.

Lin Jiangnian was a little tired and didn't want to talk much.

So, the room fell into silence again.

It was a bit cold.

When she was with the princess, she rarely spoke, so that most of the time the two of them were in this awkward situation.

Of course, perhaps in the eyes of the princess, this was not awkward.

After a moment of silence, Li Piaomiao slightly raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian. Her eyes looked at Lin Jiangnian for a moment, as if she remembered something, and suddenly spoke.

"What's going on outside?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with some surprise. It was rare for the princess to take the initiative to speak.

However, Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "It's not a big deal, it's been solved."

After hearing this, Li Piaomiao nodded silently and stopped talking.

The room fell into silence again.

What happened in the inn tonight was indeed a trivial matter for Lin Jiangnian. If it had not been related to Shen Lingjun, Lin Jiangnian would not have bothered to show up. A small county lieutenant bullied the people. Naturally, he didn't need to show up in person. His subordinates would solve this matter.

"However, the Xunyang City Governor's Mansion did send someone!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Li Piaomiao and said, "Tomorrow we have to go see the Xunyang Governor!"

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything and just looked at him quietly.

"The Governor probably knows that you and I are together. I heard that the Governor of Yanzhou, Yuan Zhongnan, is also here. We might run into him tomorrow..."

Lin Jiangnian didn't go directly into Xunyang City. He was waiting for the attitude of Yuan Zhongnan and the new Governor.

From now on, the attitude of the Governor and the Governor is not clear. But at least, there is no hostility.

"After Xunyang City, we will be able to enter Linzhou in half a month. When we reach Linzhou, we will be close to the Linwang Mansion..."

In the room, Li Piaomiao didn't say anything and just looked at him quietly.

"It's getting late. Rest early."

Lin Jiangnian was about to leave, but when he passed by Li Piaomiao, he stopped and turned to look at her.

"By the way, can you help me?"

Li Piaomiao was stunned and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "What?"

"Wait until we get to Xunyang City, accompany me to meet someone?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Li Piaomiao frowned: "Who to meet?"

"You probably don't know him, but you must have seen him."

Li Piaomiao's eyes were suspicious, and he didn't say anything.

"The other party is a bit powerful, I'm afraid I can't beat him..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Li Piaomiao hopefully.

Li Piaomiao didn't say anything, she looked at Lin Jiangnian, and after a while, she nodded.

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

After getting a definite answer, Lin Jiangnian felt relieved, waved at Li Piaomiao, and left the room.

Li Piaomiao stood in place, staring at the direction Lin Jiangnian left, his eyes fell on the door.

Still silent.


When Lin Jiangnian walked out of the room, Jinxiu's figure was no longer outside the door, and even An Ning, who had just come out, was gone.

Where did she go?

Lin Jiangnian looked around and didn't see the sisters. He didn't take it too seriously. He probably guessed that Jinxiu was hiding on purpose.

So, Lin Jiangnian went back to his room first.

After a day of tossing and turning, he was a little tired.

However, just as Lin Jiangnian sat down in the room, before he had time to drink a sip of tea, the door was knocked again!

With such a rapid knock, Lin Jiangnian didn't even need to ask, he knew who was coming.

Sure enough, after the door was knocked, it was immediately pushed open, and then a beautiful figure rushed in.

"Lin Jiangnian!"

The person who broke into the room was Xu Lan.

"How did you come?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xu Lan who came in, "Is something wrong?"


Xu Lan, who originally barged in with a "menacing" attitude, suddenly lost all her momentum when she saw Lin Jiangnian.

Inexplicably a little restrained.

She moved her steps and cautiously came to the table.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Xu Lan suddenly became shy, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but said: "Why don't you say something? What's wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered that Xu Lan had been a bit mysterious and sneaky these past few days, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"What are you doing these days?"


Xu Lan reacted and quickly shook her head: "No, it's nothing!"

Then, she stammered again: "I, I have something to ask you."

"What's up?"

"What happened just now?"

Xu Lan asked in confusion: "Why are there so many officers and soldiers in the inn? What trouble have you gotten into?"

"Why did they suddenly leave again...Have your identity been exposed?"

"And more...who was the woman next to you just now?"

Xu Lan asked casually.

However, Lin Jiangnian had already seen through everything.

Xu Lan asked a lot of questions, but the drunkard didn't care about drinking.

As a result, Lin Jiangnian didn't talk nonsense to her.

"Her name is Shen Lingjun, a very powerful assassin."


Xu Lan was startled, looking a little confused, and didn't react for a moment.

"What assassin?"

"Are there still different types of assassins?"

"No... I mean, is she an assassin?"


"Who was assassinated?"



Xu Lan was stunned again, her eyes became more and more confused, and her mind seemed a little unable to turn around.

"She assassinated you?!"

After a while, Xu Lan finally realized something was wrong and caught the loophole in Lin Jiangnian's words: "Then why do you seem to have a good relationship with her?!"

"How did you know that I have a good relationship with her?"

"that is……"

Xu Lan was about to say something when she looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Did you peek at me just now?!"

"Who, who peeked at you?!"

Xu Lan retorted subconsciously.

But I regretted it after I said it!

This is simply a reaction from her guilty conscience!

Looking at Lin Jiangnian's expression, he obviously didn't believe it either.

"You, you and her are downstairs... I, do I still need to peek?!"

Xu Lan said angrily: "Since she is your assassin, why do you still keep her?"

"That's a long story!"

Lin Jiangnian simply mentioned Shen Lingjun's origins to Xu Lan without going into details. There is no explanation for the feud with Shen Lingjun.

But even so, Xu Lan understood it vaguely.

"So, she assassinated you before...but you thought she was not bad in nature, so you let her go?"

"Did we happen to meet him again on the way back this time?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "You can say that."

There was nothing wrong with her understanding.

"Is that really all it is?!"

However, Xu Lan's eyes became a little suspicious. She stared at Lin Jiangnian up and down: "Are you really letting her go because she has a good nature?"

"And not because she's pretty?"

"What's that look in your eyes that makes me such a superficial person?"

"You are!"

Xu Lan said firmly: "Isn't she good-looking?!"

"Don't you have any thoughts about her?"

That Shen Lingjun is so beautiful, is this guy not tempted?

Xu Lan didn't quite believe it.

"That's all you have in your head, right?"

Lin Jiangnian said angrily.

"That's what it is!"

Xu Lan was a little unconvinced: "Otherwise, why did she assassinate you and hate you so much that you let her go?"

"And why doesn't she kill you now?"

Obviously, Xu Lan is not too stupid.

"This is too troublesome to explain. I'm too lazy to explain!"

Lin Jiangnian said lazily: "In short, it's not what you think!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it!"

"believe or not!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "It's getting late, I'm tired, it's time to rest!"

Xu Lan naturally didn't want to leave yet: "It's still early."

"It's getting late, I have to go into the city tomorrow, I'm tired!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly: "You haven't left yet, do you want to stay?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan felt a little shy, but also vaguely moved. She hummed softly: "Is there a problem?!"

"no problem!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "If you want to stay, then stay. Anyway, I'm going to bed first."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes and walked towards the bed.

"You... gangster!"

Xu Lan's face turned red immediately and she stood up in panic.

"I, I'm going back!"

After saying that, she ran away.

After running out of the room and standing in the corridor, Xu Lan quickly felt regretful.

The wrong!

This shouldn't be the case!

Why is she running?

Why don't you just stay?

Anyway, didn’t we all sleep in the same room last time...

Ever since Xu Lan shamelessly slept in a room alone with Lin Jiangnian for one night, she originally thought that the relationship between the two would get closer.

Unexpectedly, an eldest princess suddenly appeared and disrupted Xu Lan's plan!

Worried about the eldest princess being Lin Jiangnian's nominal fiancée, Xu Lan became cautious and did not dare to blatantly go into Lin Jiangnian's room again for fear of being discovered...

So much so that, now that they have arrived in Xunyang City, her relationship with Lin Jiangnian has not yet gotten closer.

This made Xu Lan anxious.

Especially the twins named Jinxiu and An Ning who were eyeing each other eagerly, how could this keep Xu Lan from being anxious.

Xu Lan stood in the corridor and stamped her feet, feeling annoyed.

Why did I get scared again at the critical moment? !

Xu Lan, who was in a depressed mood, returned to the room disappointedly. In the room, Xiao Lu, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the appearance of her own lady and was no longer possible!

Xiao Lu also sighed.

But soon, his eyes lit up slightly again: "Miss, don't be depressed!"

Xu Lan was dejected and lay down next to the table. Her whole body seemed to have lost all energy and energy, and she was weak: "I don't want to either...but what can I do!"

Bad mood!

I felt unhappy and panicked.

All kinds of emotions made her unhappy no matter what.

"I'm so useless..."

Xu Lan said dejectedly.

Normally, I always boast that I am not afraid of anything, but why do I always look forward and backward when I am in front of that guy, so afraid?

I mustered up my courage, but it disappeared instantly after seeing the guy.

That guy... is really his nemesis!

"Miss, cheer up!"

Xiaolu was cheering for his young lady on the side, but saw that the young lady was still so depressed.

She rolled her eyes, carefully looked at the room, walked to the door, locked the room, and made sure no one was eavesdropping, then returned to the young lady's side.

Then, she reached into her arms and carefully took out a small package of wrapped things.

"Miss, look!"

"What's this?"

Xiao Lu leaned into her young lady's ear and whispered something.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Lan's eyes widened slightly, with a hint of embarrassment appearing on his face.

"You, you really did it?!"

"That's not true. Miss, don't underestimate me!"

Xiao Lu was very proud and handed the small package to the lady: "Miss, seize the opportunity!

"I, I don't want..."

Xu Lan was like a hot potato, not daring to pick it up, her face turned red with embarrassment: "This, this is too..."

"Really, do you really want this?"

"Miss, this is your last chance!"

Xiao Lu said solemnly: "Miss, you don't want His Highness to be snatched away by the two vixens next door, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Lan was slightly startled.

His eyes fell on this small bag, and he was still a little hesitant: "Isn't this not good?"

"Yes, will it be discovered?"

"Don't worry, miss. This medicine is colorless and odorless. It is extremely effective and has no side effects. I heard that after a woman takes it, even the most chaste person will instantly become a slut...or something. If a man takes it, , I guarantee that when the time comes, His Highness will be full of energy, lose his mind, and transform into a tiger..."

Having said this, the little green eyes became brighter and brighter, breathing quickly, and he was very excited. He thought of something again, and quickly reminded: "But Miss, you must be mentally prepared in advance. If His Highness is too fierce, I am worried that your body may be damaged." Can't stand it..."

"How about I keep guard at the door then? Miss, if you can't bear it anymore, call me. Then I can stop His Highness from rescuing you... how about that?"

Xu Lan: "..." (End of this chapter)

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