You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 311 Going Crazy for Him

Chen Jieyu stood by the window of her bedroom, looking at the black Land Rover with its lights on in the dark night in the parking lot downstairs, and then looking at the WeChat message she received on her phone, she felt that she was really going to be driven crazy by him!

At this moment, she even had the urge to put on her coat again, put on her shoes, and run downstairs to find him.

She had received higher education, was past the age of a young girl, and had a certain amount of social experience, but at this moment, she was still overwhelmed!

Chen Jieyu could feel her heartbeat speeding up. Chen Jieyu could feel that her hands were slightly tightening as she was holding her phone.

Chen Jieyu could feel that she was looking downstairs with a look of eagerness. "How could I not let him go!" She said in her heart, "That's not what I meant! "

Little did you know that the other party knew better than you that you didn't mean that. This is like the saying: The person who wronged you knows how innocent you are better than you do. Now, she didn't know how to reply to this WeChat." However, do you think it's over?

Just as she was struggling to figure out how to reply, the man in the car guessed that she must still be standing by the window looking down, so Cheng Zhu quickly turned off the car.

He opened the door and got out.

At this time, he would not choose to send WeChat again.

Because in his opinion, at that moment just now, the impact of the text must have been greater.

But it's different now.

Cheng Zhu called Chen Jieyu directly, and he chose to call.

The counselor stood by the window, looking at the man standing by the car holding a mobile phone and looking up at the window of her house.

Do you want me to come up? "His slightly low voice came from her mobile phone, and he only said these five words.

"Well. She responded softly, but for some reason, even though this was enough to answer, she still added: "Yes."

Cheng Zhu is an experienced person and knows Chen Jieyu's personality very well.

So, when he left Dean Zhang's house, he noticed her emotions at the first time, which led to that sentence and the kiss on the stairs in the flickering sensor light.

That's why he knew that the other party didn't want him to leave and wanted to stay with him for a while, so he did this.

If he realized that the other party really didn't want him to go upstairs, then it would be strange for him to do this. The WeChat message he sent would seem shameless and persistent, and the effect would be completely different, and it would show a bit of clinginess.

I'm not the kind of little milk dog who asks my sister to accompany me. "He thought to himself" He also knew that Chen Jieyu didn't buy it.

Although she is indeed a sister-like woman, wearing a workplace OL style clothes all day long, her life behind the scenes is too bad, and she doesn't need a milk dog brother.

Don't look at Cheng Zhu after he hung up the phone. He walked very coolly in the night under the gaze of Chen Jieyu. He was so handsome!

But when he approached the gate of the staff dormitory, he began to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions. How can I say that he is an experienced thief who is calm and calm, like a professional thief.

"Just kidding, although the staff dormitory increases attack speed and critical strike, if something really happens, the consequences will be very exciting. "Cheng Zhu thought.

In fact, he has almost unlocked several [maps] in the counselor's home.

The dormitory is so small, and there are not many areas left suitable for unlocking.

After all the unlocking, he will also reduce the frequency of coming here and choose to go to a safer place.

Play is play, make noise is noise, don't make jokes without considering the consequences.

After entering the building of the staff dormitory, Cheng Zhu looked up at the stairs. The stairs were dark and there was no sound. It seemed that there was no one. What are you waiting for? Run!

He quickly came to the door of Chen Jieyu's house and knocked gently.

As expected, Teacher Chen had been standing by the door waiting for him. She might even be wearing gold-rimmed glasses and leaning close to the cat's eye on the door, so that her body was slightly bent down, and her round buttocks were raised high, looking out of the door in this posture.

The door was opened at the first time, Cheng Zhu entered the room quickly, and then the counselor also tacitly closed the door as quickly as possible.

Although the speed was fast, it was not closed very hard to avoid making a loud closing sound.

-It looks like stealing someone.

Cheng Zhu looked down and saw that even his pair of special men's slippers had been taken out of the shoe cabinet and placed next to the doormat.

This pair of shoes would definitely not be placed here blatantly on weekdays. It was 100% placed in the shoe cabinet.

This means that it was probably just taken out.

She wanted me to come tonight, and she was willing to let me come.

Dog men are like this. He pays more attention to details and can analyze what the other person is thinking to the greatest extent through these details.

Because the mouth can lie, but if you observe carefully enough, you may be able to see through her heart, which is the so-called carefulness.

Cheng Zhu looked at the shoes and didn't say much. He changed his shoes silently. Chen Jieyu stood aside and watched him change. After changing his shoes, Cheng Zhu immediately turned around and naturally held her hand.

The two sat down on the sofa. After sitting down, he didn't let go of her hand.

"Do you think I left? Cheng Zhu asked with a smile, taking the initiative to open the topic, "Yeah."

He smiled again and said, "It's true that I have been sitting in the car for a while. If you don't look for me again, then I may really leave. "

In fact, he downloaded a mobile game while sitting in the car, and he was playing it very enthusiastically. Time passed in a blink of an eye.

Hearing this, Chen Jieyu pursed her lips slightly.

She suddenly felt a little fortunate that she took the initiative to ask him on WeChat when she was worried about gains and losses. After the topic was combined, the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

They were the people who had the most intimate relationship, and they also chatted on their mobile phones on weekdays, so it was natural for them to sit together and chat.

As they chatted, she was pulled into Cheng Zhu's arms.

Later, Chen Jieyu took the initiative to guide the topic to the direction of the kiss on the stairs and asked: "Do you know that I was in a bad mood when I came out of the teacher's house?"

"Of course, can't I see that you are in a bad mood? "He replied, when I heard you say those words, I thought of some things from my childhood, and then some things from my school days."

Chen Jiehao leaned in Cheng Zhu's arms, looking ahead with a little unfocused eyes, "It was very hard and tiring at that time, right?"

"-A little bit. She said.

It was very strange, but the three words "a little bit" made Cheng Zhu feel a little bit poked in the heart, and there was a little throbbing, and a trace of pity.

He couldn't help but think of the extremely bad ending of this unmarried and DINK counselor in his previous life.

In fact, he didn't understand in his previous life, this famous counselor at the University of Science and Technology Why did the counselor of the university try to end his life in the end?

After Dong Sheng, he actually didn't know what the final fuse was.

Including the 50,000 yuan he had lent to Chen Jieyu before, was this also part of her life turning point?

Or, in the previous life, was this incident also part of the fuse?

Cheng Zhu didn't know.

He only knew that he would not let such a thing happen again, reappear on this timeline, kidding, this wrist worthy of the phrase [white wrist condensed frost and snow], should not have scars, wearing a beautiful bracelet or watch is more appropriate. "Cheng Zhu's eyes condensed, and he said in his heart.

The previous suffering will definitely not be similar in the future." He leaned over slightly, deliberately teasing her, gently touched her lips, and then asked with a smile: "Is it still bitter? "

If it were in the past, she would not dare to look Cheng Zhu in the eye. Under normal circumstances, students should not look teachers in the eye in school.

Good fellow, once she meets Zi Guang, Cheng will either have to answer questions, do things, or be criticized. But she is different from Cheng Zhu after all.

But today, she did not miss Zi Guang. Also, if it were in the past, she might have said it was not bitter, and it was more likely that she would simply ignore him.

At this time, she whispered: "It is bitter. "

Her subtext is self-evident!

Her performance is completely different from usual, and this difference, this change at this moment, also has a great impact on Cheng Zhu.

This young urban woman really has a sisterly flavor at this moment, and even more charm. The next moment, their lips touched again.

The counselor showed a completely different initiative from usual today. It was a bit like this when they kissed on the stairs, and it was even worse now.

Speaking of which, humans are born with rebellious attributes.

The more you can't do something, the more you want to do it.

This makes some women want to eat ice cream very much during their menstrual period, and they also want to do that more. After the lips separated, Cheng Zhu looked at her slightly open lips and the seductive eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses, and began to grow endless dissatisfaction in his heart.

In the room, the air conditioner kept blowing The living room was getting warmer and warmer.

Chen Jieyu was wearing the black turtleneck sweater that Cheng Zhu gave her today.

Cheng Zhu was not idle. It didn't matter if he couldn't eat the staple food. It didn't mean that he couldn't eat the appetizers.

But he still felt full after eating.

She could actually sense that he didn't care about being full.

She was a young urban woman. Although she hadn't done many things, she was not stupid. She knew that rice could be a staple food, and noodles could also be a staple food. Changing the way would always make people full. It just depends on whether you can take this step and whether you are willing to take this step.

Cheng Zhu finally said two words in her ear.

These two words made her swallow slightly.

He actually thought that he might be criticized by the counselor after making the request. As a result, she was really different today. In the end, she just said in a very weak and helpless voice: "Turn off the lights. ”

She didn’t want to be watched while she was doing things..cdThe lights in the living room went out.

If the last time was a bribe, then this time it might be hush money. That night, Cheng Zhu was still away very late. After he left, Chen Jieyu went into the bathroom to wash up.

Her eyes fell on the collar of the turtleneck sweater involuntarily.

The turtleneck of the black tight sweater had some marks left by the residue that had just dripped.

Chen Jieyu couldn’t help but be a little absent-minded, unable to imagine that she would be like this today.

In her mind, she once again stood by the window sill, watched his car not leave, and then received the WeChat message: I am really going crazy because of him!

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