You're forcing me to be reborn, right?

Chapter 614 Wang Xin: You’re going to do this to me, right?

Wang Xin is a decisive person. !

240e But he was very thoughtful and thoughtful. After giving the order, he paused for a moment and said: "Wait first, don't hype it up with the Hungry Ha② video!"

He always felt that he seemed to have missed something, and his hunch that 240e was not particularly right!

A wise man will surely make a mistake when he thinks about it!

He is indeed a business wizard ~ but he is not a god either!

So Wang Xin chose to discuss with a few co-founders and hold a video conference!

He said he was planning to raise money, so he also pulled it into the water. He immediately gained support from the co-founder②!

But people are quick. Another co-founder, Murong Jun, frowned! .!

"It's not right." I always feel that something is wrong," he said solemnly, "I want to signal everyone not to worry! It is better to make today’s hot searches more popular and make other hot searches unrelated to takeout or in the entertainment industry. Some melons to distract the crowd’s firepower and attention!

But the problem is that Murong Jun and Wang Xin have the same premonition. Wang Xinyan also frowned. "You think the same as me. I 240e also feel like I'm missing something!"

As mentioned before, Rice Balls and Hungry Duck are now trying to cross the river by feeling their way through the stones! !

Because the most developed food delivery industry is China, and there is no precedent for everyone to refer to!

I Daping 240e. Taiwan will introduce a lot of messy new policies every month, some of which are quite good, and some of which are really nonsense!

Although everyone is watching every move on the other side, they won’t copy everything! For example, the [Chiehou Bean] Mi Tuan proposed by Cheng Zhu before was imitated and launched after a while, [Mi Keli]! Murong Jun was thinking hard and suddenly an electric current passed through his mind!

Seal. Are you hungry? They are promoting sealing recently. ," he said loudly! "We haven't been in a serious situation about this matter before?

This thing can also affect the takeout war, so that it is now a duel between two companies. At critical moments, merchants are forced to do some things, so they must be cautious, cautious, and cautious again!

After all, the platform at this moment is not considered a business owner, but everyone has a mutually beneficial relationship!

Merchants need platforms “Platforms need merchants even more at this stage.

"broken". ." Wang Xin and others immediately tensed up!

At this point, although everyone has no evidence, they can already conclude that it is probably because they are hungry and are setting up a plot.

A mother? So dirty.

Zhang Xuhao. You don’t learn well at a young age.

Doing such dirty things, right?

The situation is absolutely terrible at this moment. The situation spread across the Internet in just over an hour. No one had time to react before the whole country was in an uproar. Immediately afterwards, opinions from various positions began to fly all over the sky, and the entire Internet was criticizing her!

When it happened again, even the official media were alarmed and reported on it and said they would continue to pay attention! Fu Yi is now well, and even if he wants to seduce the opponent, he can't do it because he has already plated himself with gold in advance. Under the layers of arrangements of Cheng Zhu, the mastermind behind the scenes, a very funny scene happened! Wang Xin immediately contacted the person in charge of the public relations department and asked to "control the videos of Are You Hungry to minimize the impact of the videos? Immediately m Public Relations Department,"? ? ?

What. Are you sure you heard it right? Mr. Wang, do you want us to do it for you?: Crisis public bda256 No, we work in Miguo. These people don’t know anything at all ② The specific situation... Everyone feels that this class is good Magical! !

What the hell happened today? Damn it!

Is it Mr. Wang, but is it 646 or the person in charge of the public relations department of this world drama? The first reaction was really to think: "Mr. Wang is too anxious. It's a slip of the tongue, but Wang Xin and others know very well. If the factory is hungry, is there someone over there?" Girl, the heat is soaring, what will happen next!

However, now that things have come to this, can the general trend of elimination really be resisted? !

Cheng Zhu has already called Zhang Xuhao!

"Choose a hungry rider whose nature is not that evil and send it a hot search!"!

The bad video is very good. It’s our turn to self-destruct on the spot [Are you hungry? All the preliminary beach preparations have been made!

Just wait for Cheng to give the order one by one... and the video will be sent to the hot search!

The melon-eating people who were originally delivering rice balls to ww.xuting.m were all yelling at each other on the Internet, thinking that the world was really going downhill! This society is really sick... Are you cursing and suddenly hungry? There is actually a video over there that has become a hot search! Rider 240e in the video. Wearing a Hungry Are You blue newspaper!

He opened the customer's takeout and ate a chicken nugget!

"Ouch~ It's quite delicious!"

This person really only took a bite and then put it back!

It seems like it’s really just a taste! But the video still caused an uproar after it was released! Why do you still eat takeout secretly after serving a factory sentence? "I'm so nervous. I feel like sometimes the portion of takeout is not right!"

"It's so funny... This rider doesn't even have to buy three meals for himself. He only eats one α for each order and that's it!"

Let me eat other people’s leftovers②, right? .”

Compared to the video of Mi Tuan delivery rider Are You Hungry? The video here is not that objectionable, but this behavior will still make many customers dissatisfied!

Of course, it’s more of a feeling of powerlessness!

"The world is as dark as crows!" Tiantian said, "I laughed to death, I knew there would be rice balls. Are you hungry? They are definitely available here!" "

Is Taiwan a shit-eater? Do you have any control at all?

"How to control it? Install a surveillance camera on each rider and set up something similar to a law enforcement green recorder. How can he deliver political takeaways②?

“There’s nothing the platform can do about it, and there are so many delivery riders now, and the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, so there’s nothing we can do about it①” Thing! ""Huh, that's why you have developed empathy with the platform and the rider even though this kind of thing didn't happen to you, right?"

that is. Feet Bibimbap warns Hui. "

In addition to 240e, aren’t all food delivery platforms currently burning money like crazy? !

So much so that many customers are actually burying the wool and eating cheap takeaways②!

Therefore, there will be some voices in the big club ~ start to pretend!

"I know that I never eat cheap but not good products!" "You guys who are greedy for petty gains deserve this!" "

“Have a takeaway~”

Isn’t the nanny’s cooking delicious? ,"

"What else do you want to do with such a small amount of money? There are so many controversial points!

The friendship between netizens is too complicated!

At this point, some official media couldn't help but speak out!

There is no way if it is just the Mi Tuan scandal that is exposed. Then this is just a single platform xutinc. Now is it hungry? It is also a question!

It was exposed that there were even riders wearing Baidu takeout uniforms. Videos of them were also circulated on the Internet to a small extent!

Now even Baidu Takeout is gone. , the company has not admitted the evil behavior and still exists. If you look at it, it means that there is a big problem in the entire industry!

It must be rectified and must be more standardized!

It would be really unjustifiable if the official media kept silent at this time!

The attention of many relevant departments to this matter has also risen to a higher level! Netizens are starting to want an explanation! Because no matter whether it is rice balls or are you hungry, there has been no response to this "matter!"

240e Some special personnel also began to put pressure on this company! The village has made such a big fuss and needs to give an explanation to the society. The interesting thing is, are you hungry? The announcement has been drawn up long ago and is ready to be released at any time!

.mBrother Hot-blooded Hao is extremely anxious! !

But Cheng Zhu kept trying to comfort him, telling him to be patient and let the bullets fly for a while!

"There's nothing happening on Mi Tuan's side, right?

"he asked!

"No!" Haozi replied!

This made Cheng Zhu feel in his heart:. "Wang Xin. As expected of Wang Xin!"

He guessed that Lao Ping had already guessed the whole incident to a close! !

He actually didn’t take the opportunity to drag Hungry into the water!

From this, it seems that I noticed the sealing thing after I came to my senses!

Cheng Zhu has always known that business wars are sometimes not so rigorous!

This world within a world is a huge grassroots team!

Even the Olympic Games often make mistakes!

How could such a large company not be negligent?

It's a pity that Lao Wang himself didn't fall into the trap! But this made Cheng Zhu feel a little bit uncomfortable! , but because Wang Xin is an extremely powerful opponent, the sense of accomplishment in his heart will be stronger. The blow this wave has brought to Mi Tuan must be quite big!

Time passed for about half an hour, and Cheng Zhu felt that the heat was almost done!

tting, did he get hungry immediately? Here is a new explanation for the whole society. As soon as this statement was released, it immediately detonated the entire Internet.

The hot search on Weibo instantly topped the list. And the heat level following the entry is bright red [Explosion]:. . 240e Wang Xin couldn't help but sit down after seeing the statement!

This statement is divided into three parts! The first of this issue is to let everyone know that these messages related to Are You Hungry that have leaked out on the Internet have already been processed internally by 240esb4, and the processing records have been listed one by one and the customers have been compensated. The nature is very bad. ?The kind also took the alarm!

The first is to inform all platforms, Shunke Hungry? It has already begun to comprehensively promote sealing, and it is mandatory for all merchants on the platform to use sealing to protect the food safety of the majority of customers!

So far, the usage rate of silk seals has been extremely high. Merchants on the platform such as Xiangqin and other excellent merchants have been actively using seals from the beginning!

The sealing usage rate of Hungry? merchants is far ahead of other food delivery platforms. , and will also speed up the sealing of all platforms. The promotion is expected to reach popularity in the near future!

Are you hungry? We are always at the forefront of the industry. At all times, we strive to provide the best delivery service and lead the market towards standardization.

As for the third point, we also need to maintain it. Next. The fact that our own riders are 40e3afe04-5b is actually very important because later, after the Mi Tuan family became dominant, scandals of not protecting their own riders were often exposed!

Internal pressure doesn’t help at all, even if you don’t say something is wrong! . Are you hungry? The meaning of this chicken strip statement is very simple. The responsibility of the rider 240e is to provide the best takeout service! !

However, if a customer uses good reviews as a threat to make the rider do some additional work, such as being forced to help throw out garbage, the rider can call Pingtao and the platform will handle it properly at 240e as soon as possible.

In addition, Cheng Zhu also asked Zhang Xuhao to send an internal company letter as a CE to express his attitude to the employees. , the effect of this set of silky small combos is absolutely amazing②.

Wang Xin looked at the announcement of 240e. Although the smoke of the battle was still rising, he had a sense of the general trend. The previous chapter was gone. All the contents are from the Internet. Xiuting Reading only promotes the novel of the original author Wei Ma Jia. Welcome all book friends to support Wei Ma Jia and collect the latest chapter of "Force Me to Reborn". Riders can make additional work such as mandatory requests to help throw away garbage. Riders can call the platform and the platform will handle it properly as soon as possible.

In addition, Cheng Zhu also asked Zhang Xuhao to send an internal letter to the company so that he could express his attitude to the employees as the CEO. , This set of silky little combos is absolutely amazing. !

Wang Xin looked at the announcement of 240e. Although the smoke of the battle was still rising, he had a sense of the general trend.

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