You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1022: I only have you now

"I know, you can take a good rest, and I will bring Qingmang over again when I have time." Lu Yanmu opened the door of the room while he was speaking. After speaking, he walked out directly and closed the door again.

If the old man wanted to explain, he got stuck in his throat and looked helpless when facing the closed door.

Sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing to have such an excellent grandson.

As a grandfather, he can't control what he wants.

But sometimes I am fortunate to have such an excellent grandson, lest he is a dude, and he will do things that ruin the family.

Sometimes this life is so greedy and inadequate. With a good one, I always feel mediocrity is not bad. If once mediocre, I hate iron for not making steel.

This person's inferiority cannot be changed at all.

Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

Now that this kid has received the certificate, he just needs to wait for his grandson.


After Lu Yanmu went downstairs, he didn't see Qingmang. After asking the servant, he knew that Qingmang was strolling around the old house.

After walking half a circle, Lu Yanmu was the place where they had tea with Grandpa when they brought Qingmang over for the first time.

Gently walked over and took Qingmang's shoulders and leaned her into his arms.

"Unhappy?" Lu Yanmu could see from a distance that Qingmang looked slightly melancholy.

Before going upstairs just now, he also saw that Qing Mang was a little sad, but he just didn't want him to worry.

Qing Mang's head was buried on Lu Yanmu's chest, and he sucked the smell from his body hard, until his breath was full of his smell, and the lack of security was relieved.

"Um... just a little sad in my heart." Qing Mang answered honestly.

In a bad mood, I don't want to hide from Lu Yanmu.

Now that they have seen it, they just admit that there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"But will you regret it?" Lu Yanmu patted Qingmang's back lightly, his voice deep.

He will be worried, worried that one day Qingmang will regret the decision he made today.

Qing Meng paused for a while, then shook his head, and replied firmly: "No, I don't regret it."

After the end, he lifted his head from his arms and looked at him seriously, "Lu Yanmu, you can't leave me behind, I only have you now, nothing..."

There was a bit of gloom on her face, and a bit of anxiety.

She can abandon everything and be with Lu Yanmu. What is certain is what Lu Yanmu thinks of her. What if Lu Yanmu doesn't want her someday, what can she do?

Perhaps, not only are you homeless, but your heart is starting to wander.

Listening to the uneasiness of the girl’s words, Lu Yanmu squatted down, holding her small face, and looking at her face to face, with a serious and firm expression, "No, I won’t let it go in this life, even if you don’t want it one day. I, I will be cheeky and tied you to my side until I die, otherwise it is impossible to let you go."

In this life, they are destined to entangle each other.

In his entire life, he had suffered from a poison called Gu Qingmang and Ye Zhenzhen. Only the person in front of him could deal with it, otherwise he would surely be overwhelmed.

"Well, I recorded this sentence as evidence!" Qing Mang raised the phone in his hand, with a bit of delicacy on his face.

Lu Yanmu looked at Qing Mang's face, first smiled, and then held her face, regardless of whether she was in Suyuan or if she was seen by others, he kissed it directly.

This kiss was different from the previous one, it was too gentle, as if it was trying to melt the green light into his bones, and just lived like this.

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