You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1023: Qingmang, don't make trouble

Qing Mang didn't know how long the kiss had been, only that when it was over, she was already paralyzed in Lu Yanmu's arms and didn't want to move.

"Let's go back..." Qing Mang pulled at the corner of Lu Yanmu's clothes and said softly.

After all, this is an old house. She didn't want to give the impression of Israel serving people or seduce Lu Yanmu in front of the old man or the rest of the people.

As a wealthy family with roots, etiquette teachers are more important.

Lu Yanmu also knew Qingmang's worries, so he held her up and asked softly, "I can still go? May I take you out?"

Qingmang's cheeks were slightly red, and he nodded, "It's okay."

It's not that I have done something, where I can't go.

If Lu Yanmu was allowed to hug her out, that would be causing trouble.

She didn't want to be troubled by the old man afterwards, saying that she harmed his grandson.

The old man on the second floor looked at the two people intimately, and felt a little complicated for a while.

Naturally, it is clear what the nature of my grandson is. Looking at Gu Qingmang so much, I am afraid it will be a big trouble in the future.

What kind of feng shui is the Lu family, and how does it purify love? !

The old man was helpless for such a thing.

On the way back, Qing Mang just leaned back in the passenger seat lazily, looking a little surprised, and didn't deliberately put on an indifferent look.

She knew in her heart that even if it didn't matter, Lu Yanmu knew what she was thinking in her heart and didn't have to pretend.

Lu Yanmu saw that Qingmang was not in a good mood, and reached out to hold Qingmang's little hand, and squeezed it lightly.

Qing Mang looked at the retreating street scene, and felt the warmth from the big palm. Thinking about Lu Yanmu who was with him, he suddenly felt a little more comfortable.

You can't be too greedy, you have already got the best man in the world, and you have to give up some things.

Fish and bear's paw can't have both, it's the most important thing right now.

When he arrived at Suyuan, after Lu Yanmu got off the car, he hugged Qingmang and got off the car and then went upstairs.

"Do you want to take a break?" Lu Yanmu sat on the edge of the bed and touched Qingmang's little face, a little worried.

Qing Mang let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to wrap around Lu Yanmu's neck, his whole figure stuck to Lu Yanmu's body like an octopus.

"Are you with me?" Qing Mang's voice was lazy, with a sense of charm.

The girl's breath hit Lu Yanmu's neck, a little itchy, causing him to have a different reaction.

Lu Yanmu suppressed the enthusiasm rising from the boiling water in his body, and coaxed Qingmang with his mouth: "If you want, I will accompany you."

Qingmang's face was buried in his neck, and the man's breathing was slightly disturbed above his head. When his eyes fell on the man's neck, he opened his mouth and took a bite on his neck.

When the warm little mouth was covering his neck, Lu Yanmu's body became tense subconsciously, and his breathing was suddenly disturbed. He was worried about Qingmang's current mood and did not dare to make any movements, so he could only let others hold him. Biting.

Qing Mang seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his reaction. After biting, he gently licked his neck.

It was just such a bite that almost made Lu Yanmu lose control. He pressed Qingmang's head and said in a dull voice, "Qingmang, don't make trouble."

His concentration is not as good as Qing Mang imagined.

Wenxiang Nephrite is still in his arms, and he is still a person he likes. When he does such a slightly seductive action, even if he has strong restraint, he will sometimes lose control.

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