You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1029: For example, Mrs. Lu can take the initiative

Qingmang shrank his neck, a little embarrassed.

She seems to be a bit idiot about this question.

"Lu Yanmu, you are so kind." Qing Mang had a smile on his face, a gentle expression on his face.

"What I said is useless." Lu Yanmu said lightly.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Qing Mang poked and looked at him.

If you want a gift, you can consider it.

After all, Lu Yanmu's wealth seems to be with her.

Although it is a bit shameful to buy something for him with Lu Yanmu's money, she doesn't spend Lu Yanmu's money, so who else spends it.

After thinking about it this way, my heart suddenly became more relaxed.

Lu Yanmu narrowed his eyes, "Want to know?"

"Want to know." Qing Mang nodded, looking serious.

Lu Yanmu suddenly stopped the movements of his hands, held her shoulders, bent down and suddenly reached Qingmang's ears, and said lightly: "For example, Mrs. Lu can take the initiative."

The man's low and **** voice penetrated into her cochlea, and it itched for a while. After reacting to his words, his cheeks suddenly flushed.

"Lu Yanmu, how can you be so erotic?!" Qing Mang couldn't help but want to talk about him.

How did he feel like he had endless physical strength, and he didn't seem to be tired at all.

She was a little skeptical, even if Lu Yanmu did it once a day, he would not cry out, but would only make her half tired.

"I am disgusting to Mrs. Lu, do you want me to be disgusting to other women?"

"Dare you?!" Qing Mang said fiercely.

If Lu Yanmu dared to take a look at another woman, she would definitely not even think about it, and just step forward and give it a beating.

"That is, I only look like a woman to Mrs. Lu." Lu Yanmu spoke a little ambiguously beside Qingmang's ear, and finally caught her earlobe.

Qing Mang's body trembled slightly, perhaps because of his words, or because of Lu Yanmu's movements, which made her feel quite agitated.

She had never thought that she was in love with affairs before, but it proved that after being with Lu Yanmu, he could always pluck her heartstrings easily.

Qing Mang pretended to be angry, gave him a look, turned and walked forward.

This man really made her love and hate a little bit.

Lu Yanmu looked at Qingmang with a sense of irritation, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

It seemed that Qing Mang had temporarily put Ye Jian's affairs down, and did not grab his heart.

This effect is very good.


When Qing Mang went to class the next day, Lu Yanmu packed her things early and sat on the sofa with her legs folded, waiting for Qing Mang to finish packing her things and send her to school.

Because of a good night's sleep, Qingmang got up a little late. Fortunately, there is only one class in the morning and there is still time to take it slowly. Otherwise, it will be almost noon when he rushes to school.

Lu Yanmu looked at Qing Mang's busy figure, and his smile became bigger.

After finally waiting for Qingmang's work, Gu Sui suddenly came, and it was with wet tears.

When Qingmang saw the ears of corn, he was shocked.

How come you cried like this?

And his eyes looked like walnuts, big and swollen, as if they had been crying all night.

When Gu Sui saw Qingmang, he rushed over and cried so hard that he hugged her, until Qingmang couldn't help crying.

Lu Yanmu took a look, closed his eyes, and stood aside without speaking.

Looking at Gu Sui, Qing Mang cried into such a posture, then looked at Lu Yanmu, and made a mouth shape at him, telling him to go to work first.

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