You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1030: Dying to dissolve the marriage contract

With Gu Sui like this, she really couldn't leave her like that.

Listening to Gu Sui's howling and crying, Lu Yanmu nodded to Qingmang, and then left.

After Lu Yanmu left, Qing Mang patted the corn ear with one hand, and tried to wipe her with a paper towel with the other.

After only a while, Qingmang had already felt that the clothes had been wet by the ears of corn.

"What's wrong?" Qing Mang didn't know the situation, and didn't know how to comfort him.

In her impression, Gu Sui is very strong. Whether she is being bullied or wronged, she has never been holding back, and she has to come out.

Seeing her crying so sad, Qing Mang felt helpless for a while.

"Suizi, don't cry, please tell me what's going on first, OK?" Qing Mang didn't know how to comfort others.

Because she was crying, she didn't know what to do.

"Qing Mang...what to parents cancelled the marriage contract..." Gu Sui cried badly and spoke intermittently. After all, he finally finished speaking.

Qing Mang was instantly stunned as if struck by lightning.

Was it really hit by her mouth? !

"What's the matter? Don't cry first, just tell me a bit." Qing Mang was also a little anxious.

Gu Sui held Qingmang and cried for a while, and then wiped away the tears.

"Didn't I tell you some time ago that my parents went abroad to travel? How did you know that I just went home yesterday, and I told me today that he has already told Ji Jinchen's parents about this and has cancelled the marriage contract. "

"Ji Jinchen's parents also felt that it was not a solution for the two families to be so procrastinated, so they directly agreed, and then they have already arranged a blind date for Ji Jinchen..."

As Gu Sui was talking, he lay on Qingmang's body again, and started crying.

Qing Mang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ha, but fortunately he didn't arrange the marriage for Ji Jinchen directly.

If this is the case, there is no way to recover it.

"It's okay, it's not just getting married, what are you afraid of?" Qing Mang comforted.

I thought it was a big deal, but I didn't expect that the marriage contract would only be dismissed verbally.

"But today, the dissolution of the marriage contract has been reported, and now everyone in Huacheng already knows about our contact with the marriage contract. My parents were very angry when they heard whether we were together and told them. I am."

"I said that I would withdraw this news, but my parents said that the news that has already been announced would become a trifling matter when I withdrew it again. I must not let me withdraw it. They said that I was a demon all day long and finally agreed to dissolve the marriage contract. Such a moth."

"They are reluctant to live or die. I will continue to talk with Ji Jinchen, saying that if the talks go on, the reputation of our two families will definitely be affected, and it will be bad for me. Ji Jinchen's parents think so too. Together, they can't help but have an impact on the two families, and it will also have an impact on Ji Jinchen's career. I don't agree that we should continue to be together, saying that we will break up as soon as possible."

"Qingmang, I should have listened to you earlier and confessed to my parents earlier. Now that this is the case, I don't know what to do. My parents said that if I continue to do it, I will definitely become a joke in the upper circle of Hwaseong. "

"When there used to be a marriage contract, the marriage contract had to be broken alive, but now the marriage contract has been broken, and it is rushing to move forward, alive and shameless."

Gu Sui said it with a grudge on his face, and he could cry when he spoke.

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