You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1062: The last thing you can't do is the coward

Xu Mo is so good, looks so handsome, has such a good family background, and is a good person. How can she be regarded as good?

When Xu Mo said that she liked her, in addition to being pleasantly surprised, she also doubted the authenticity of this sentence.

She was really scared, and the result was not what she wanted.

She had thought of the worst result even before it even started.

She had no way to face the consequences of the loss, without even thinking about it, and directly rejected them.

Xu Mo didn't force her, he just told her to let her think about it, eat something and give him a reply, and then sent her back.

It's just that she was unconfident in her heart. When she arrived at the gate of the school, she didn't even say goodbye and fled.

These days, whenever I think about Xu Mo and her, my heart is very confused.

I wanted someone to come up with an idea, but I didn't know who to talk to. In the end, I thought of Qingmang.

I don't know if her refusal is right or wrong, and her heart is too confused, and she suffers from insomnia these days.

"But in your heart, you don't think so." Qing Mang tapped the cup, raised his head and glanced at her, and made the conclusion.

If there was no feeling at all, Su Qing would not be the way he is now.

"Actually... I don't know how to say what I feel..." Lin Suqing's head was hanging down, not knowing what to say.

"You like him." Qing Mang pointed out sharply.

With a "click", Lin Suqing was so nervous that he overturned the wine glass he was holding, and hurriedly cleaned the tabletop.

After she was finished, she asked her in horror: "How do you know?"

Is she acting so obvious?

"Your face is full of your sadness, but you don't know what to do." Qing Mang revealed it without mercy.

Lin Suqing smiled awkwardly: "Really..." He felt guilty.

Why hadn't she noticed that Qing Mang looked so scary when she saw people?

"What do you really say in your heart?" Qingmang took a sip of the wine and said lightly.

Not surprisingly, Suqing should admit that he likes Xu Mo.

"Actually... I don't seem to be totally insensitive to him..." Lin Suqing said weakly.

If you don't feel it, just refuse it and it's over, but you have a feeling in your heart, but you're just afraid of not being together, afraid of being toyed with, and losing the relationship.

"If you like to be together, why not hesitate." Qing Mang said concisely.

Like to be together, such a simple thing, do you need to consider so much?

"But I'm afraid..." Lin Suqing hesitated.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that the final result... is not what I want..."

"This hasn't even begun, are you scared? So persuaded?" Qing Mang glanced at her, feeling a little hate that iron can't become steel.

The last thing you can't do in a relationship is a coward.

If even the one you like is afraid to fight for it, what can be done?

"But our gap is really too big..." Lin Suqing said what worries him most.

In fact, in the final analysis, what she worries most is the gap between the two people.

It seems like people in two worlds, two parallel lines that will never intersect, will never be together.

"The big gap is just an excuse. What you have to do is to solve the problems that lie between you, instead of thinking about all the results alone and then torturing yourself."

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