You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1063: I became honest immediately

"Like just like, and it doesn't have to be married together, and even if you get married, there is still the possibility of divorce, but as long as the hearts of two people are always together, then no matter how big the gap in reality is, your thoughts can be firmed up. , Together at the end." Qing Mang said his thoughts frankly.

If she had so many worries, it would be impossible for her to be with Lu Yanmu in this life.

It is precisely because both of them are working hard that they can be so happy as they are now.

"Qing Mang, I find that you are always so rational." Lin Suqing made a conclusion.

No matter it was at any time, Qingmang was able to maintain such a rational thought.

It seems that all the problems, all the tricky things, can be turned into nothing in her hands.

In addition to character, Qing Mang's behavioral guidelines are also one.

Lin Suqing cleared up his mood, took the wine bottle and poured himself a glass again, raised his hand, and said boldly at Qingmang: "Come on, Qingmang, do this glass of wine!"

Qing Mang glanced at her faintly, raised the glass in silence, touched her, and finished the drink directly.

Originally, Lin Suqing wanted to pay a little respect, but Qingmang drank it straight away. It was a little embarrassed for a while, and he drank it silently, but he drank it in a moment of awkwardness. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Qing Mang raised his hand to pour her another glass, raised the glass and said lightly: "This glass, I wish you every success." After finishing speaking, he uttered again and finished drinking again.

Lin Suqing was a little embarrassed for a while. He raised his glass and drank his head straight up. After drinking, he stuck out his tongue: so bitter, so bitter.

After vomiting, he looked at Qingmang with admiration, with stars in his eyes: "Why do you say you are so powerful? When will I reach the height of yours..."

Lin Suqing seemed to be a little bit on the top of the wine before it started.

Qing Mang glanced at her faintly, did not speak in silence, opened a peanut and put it in his mouth, and took a sip of wine.

In Lin Suqing's eager eyes, this faintly said: "When you can drink like me, it will be almost the same."

Lin Suqing: "..."

What should I do? It seems to be discriminated against, so embarrassing.

"Well, what you said makes sense, I decided to listen to you in the future and practice drinking." After Lin Suqing finished speaking, he reached out to get the bottle.

Qing Mang calmly shifted the target and put it aside, not wanting her to get it. In Lin Suqing's suspicious eyes, he calmly said: "Drinking depends on the occasion. You see where this is, how could it make you? Drunk, don’t you want to wait for tomorrow’s hangover to wake up and delay filming?"

When Qing Mang said so, Lin Suqing immediately became honest.

Hmm...Why didn't you think that there is still something to do tomorrow?

She knows the amount of alcohol very well. She usually doesn't drink a drink, and almost pours a glass. Even if it is a beer with a low alcohol content, she basically can't drink a bottle. This amount of alcohol is so bad that she has no eyes to see...

"Well, I won't drink it today, and I will drink it after the handicraft is done." Lin Suqing vowed.

"Yeah, good." Qing Mang was relieved. He wanted to reach out and touch her head, but it didn't seem appropriate, so he didn't do it.

After Lin Suqing's complaint, she devoted herself to eating. Qing Mang was relieved to see that her mood had recovered a lot.

While eating, Qingmang's mobile phone on the table rang, and when he picked it up, he found that it was actually Lu Yanmu.

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