You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1166: They may be a little skeptical

She destroyed her father's thoughts of her time and time again. If it were placed in the past, it would be decapitated.

Ye Jian's expression couldn't hide his loneliness, and the light flashing in his eyes dimmed in an instant.

The atmosphere froze in an instant, revealing a bit of subtlety.

After a while, Ye Jian said lightly: "After all, I forced it...cough cough cough..."

Ye Jian didn't finish his words, the coughing followed, and he coughed a little urgently. It sounded like the lungs were about to cough out, but it was a bit more powerful.

Qing Mang felt a little impatient when he heard the coughing sound. It was extremely harsh, unable to do anything, and became even more irritable.

Suddenly stood up and said to them: "I'm sorry, I have something to do, so I won't bother."

After Qing Mang finished speaking, he slightly bent over and nodded to them, then grabbed his own bag and left.

When she was walking out, Qing Mang only felt extremely irritable in her heart, and she might not be able to control her emotions if she stayed any longer.

Qing Mang walked outside to breathe fresh air, and his mind became clearer.

He took a long sigh of relief and eased some of his mind.

This situation made her a little boring, and she felt a guilty conscience.

She knew that this kind of behavior would make them suspicious, but she did just that. She didn't want to stay in it and would reveal her thoughts.

In fact, when Qingmang walked out, Ye Jian's eyes had been staring at Qingmang's back, his eyes were deep.

It seems that it is not only Lu Yanmu's problem, but also Gu Qingmang's problem.

At this time, he somewhat believed that the two of them lied to him because of something.

Out of blood relationship, he should think that Lu Yanmu is the one to instigate discord.

No matter what, when he is his age, he hopes that someone will die, no matter who this person is.

Uncle Lin just shook his head slightly when he saw Ye Jian's expression.

He has been with Ye Jian for many years, and Ye Jian's heart has long been obsessed over the years.

This obsession, Ye Zhenzhen, may now also become Gu Qingmang.

Doing evil is really doing evil.

I knew there would be such a result, and I shouldn't have been so radical at the beginning, but what can I say about this situation.

The consequences have been caused, and the rest depends on how to make up for it.

Qing Mang stood in the corridor for a while, but when he saw them, he didn't come out to stop him. After thinking about it, he wanted to leave.

When I reached the door, I saw Lu Yanmu getting out of the car.

"I want to go." Qing Mang stepped forward, pulling the corner of his clothes, and said a little coquettishly.

Lu Yanmu glanced at the back, took her shoulders into his arms, and whispered, "What's the matter?"

The feeling Qing Mang gave him was not particularly happy.

In fact, Qing Mang is indeed a little unhappy.

Qing Mang's face was muffled in his arms, and his voice faintly said: "Um... they may be a little suspicious."

She did not behave well just now, which made them suspicious, but she didn't want to care anymore, she didn't want to be so entangled whether she had doubts or not.

Lu Yanmu knew the distress in her heart, so he didn't say anything, just hugged her lightly with a deep expression.

"Let's go back." Lu Yanmu embraced her and took it forward, wanting to go straight back.

When getting into the car, Qingmang stopped and raised his head, "Isn't it bad if you come and don't go in?"

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