You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 1167: How can there be such a cheap thing

Lu Yanmu was stunned for a moment, then faintly replied, "No."

If he doesn't go in at the door, it will make people unhappy at most, but it's not what he does to him.

On the contrary, he is more concerned about Qing Mang's mood.

"Forget it, let's go in." Qing Mang pulled La Lu Yanmu's clothes corner.

Lu Yanmu was thinking about her, and she didn't want to drag Lu Yanmu back.

In case some people really sue to the general manager's office, they will not be able to say clearly when there is a mouth.

Lu Yanmu put his hands on her shoulders and fixed his eyes on her, "Qingmang, if you don't want to face it, we won't go in, eh? Don't wrong yourself."

Qing Mang sighed softly, "You will spoil me if you spoil me so much."

Isn't Lu Yanmu afraid of her being arrogant? What if she rides on his neck one day?

It is estimated that Lu Yanmu would also indulge, hey, this man, sometimes really makes her like to be in the bone marrow.

"Don't be afraid of being spoiled, I am here." Lu Yanmu said softly.

Even if Qing Mang wants his life, he is willing to give it.

"Um...Then let's go in." Qing Mang said with a weak voice.

Lu Yanmu fixedly looked at her and saw that she had returned to her usual appearance. He sighed and asked Song Yuan to take out things from the trunk.

When Qing Mang saw those things, he knew that Lu Yanmu had originally planned to come in, but if she wanted to leave just now, Lu Yanmu would also go with him.

"These are?" Qing Mang asked.

Lu Yanmu's expression remained as usual, and he said lightly: "The old man asked me to bring it over."

The old man talked about it for a long time and asked him to come over, and just took advantage of it today.

Qing Mang wanted to laugh a little, and was afraid that Lu Yanmu would be unhappy, so he held back.

Lu Yanmu glanced at her lightly, and then said: "Laugh as you want, and it's not that you are not allowed to laugh."

Qing Mang's smile is even more obvious, "Well...If I hadn't come here today, would you not be prepared to come?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanmu replied lightly.

Sure enough, it was Lu Yanmu's style, disgusting trouble.

"You have to respect and love the old man in the future, don't you know." Qing Mang poked his waist and reminded him.

Lu Yanmu frowned slightly, his expression seemed a little unhappy.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yanmu's expression became deeper.

Qing Mang means he wants to return?

Seeing him squinting his eyes, Qing Mang knew what he was thinking. He leaned closer and said in a low voice: "You have kidnapped someone's daughter, don't you want to respect your father-in-law? How can there be such a cheap good thing!"

Even if she didn't recognize her, she didn't want Lu Yanmu's relationship with her father to become stale. In the end, it was her that was difficult to do.

The palms of her palms and the backs of her hands are all meat, and her heart is more inclined to Lu Yanmu.

Thinking about it this way, I really feel that I am an unfilial girl.

In the past, men fell out with their parents for women, but when she came to her, it became that she fell out with their parents for a man.

Sometimes life is really not too wonderful.

"Yeah." Lu Yanmu faintly replied, accepting it.

In any case, Qing Mang is Ye Jian's daughter, and he should treat Ye Jian more respectfully.

Like a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, father-in-law and son-in-law are all a bit disagreeable to each other.

Qing Mang pulled Lu Yanmu's arm, with a smile on his face, it seemed that he was not happy before.

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