You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 986: When can I defeat Ji Jinchen?

"Obviously you want to be crooked." Qing Mang pierced the ear of grain without mercy.

The blush on Gu Sui's face became more obvious, "Oh, why are you so bad?!"

Why can Qingmang be so dirty just after receiving the certificate!

Something bad must have been done.

"Are you...that?" Gu Sui leaned into Qingmang's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Which one?" Qing Mang decided to pretend to be confused.

She didn't want to spread the privacy of the two people and said that she hadn't opened up to this point yet.

Since Suizi was hiding and tucking against her, she also wanted to hide and tuck.

Gu Sui's face was a bit unstoppable, although he said that he was carefree, but it was thinner than Qingmang's face.

After looking around and making sure that no one is there, he lowered his voice and said, "That's it."

Qing Mang glanced at her and decided to pretend to be stupid: "I don't know what you are talking about."

To the extent of playing stupid, her skill is definitely not worse than others.

Gu Sui: "..."

So angry! Obviously know Qingmang is clear, but there is no way to do with her!

pissed off! Not friends at all! It's hard to tell the truth to her!

Qingmang looked at Gu Sui's red face, and sighed inwardly: "Just when Suizi is so thunderous and rainy, when can I take down Ji Jinchen?

She is really worried.

Gu Sui looked at the teasing look on Qingmang's face, and suddenly he let out a gloomy breath, feeling very unhappy.

Leaning to the side, he asked cheeky: "Are you at the last step?"

Qingmang touched his nose, and replied with a calm expression: "I have obtained the certification, can I still take the last step?"

Gu Sui gave a wow, and glanced at Qingmang up and down: "Didn't it mean that it hurts the first time? Why are you doing nothing?"

Uuuu... She was also worried about this one, so she hasn't rushed to Ji Jinchen, she is afraid of pain!

It's embarrassing to say it!

Thinking of this, she felt her face lost.

Fortunately, it is Qing Mang, if someone else, she would not ask this question, it is too shameful!

"It's okay, feel comfortable, this taste..." Qing Mang deliberately sold it.

"How is it?" Gu Sui held Qingmang's hand and asked with a look of expectation.

"Um...ecstasy!" When Qing Mang said this, he seemed to have a bit of aftertaste.

"Really?" Gu Sui looked forward to it.

Is it really like what Qing Mang said?

But why did she secretly watch some videos, and the people in them were as if they were dying, and she was always yelling there, with a painful look on her face, so she was so scared that she didn't dare to think about it at all.

Oh, I'm so scared.

Qing Mang couldn't help but want to laugh, but in order to get this little white rabbit into the car, he could only hold back and replied solemnly: "I'm not lying to you, it's true."

Gu Sui secretly poked and asked again: "But why...I watch those movies so much pain?"

Qingmang laughed out loud.

Is there a mistake! Suizi actually went to look for the video to watch! ! !

Do you want to be so exciting! ! !

She said that she has refreshed her three views!

In this way, she is still a simple and good baby.

"Hmm... That's just a movie, just for viewing, don't you know?" Qingmang glanced at Suizi, really wondering what to say.

It seems that Ji Jinchen has eaten the ears to death, which is good.

It’s not far from the last step.

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