You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 987: Can't you continue to lie to others?

But at this point, she didn't mind to add to the flames, and let the two of them have a good deed, so that Suizi didn't want to ask her this all day long.

"But I've also been on Baidu..." Gu Sui said weakly, "Everyone said that the first time it hurt..."

Qing Mang: "..."

Can't she continue to lie to others?

But not cheating means something is not good.

Hmm...I'm talking about it, let's just push it.

"It's a lie, it doesn't hurt, just a little bit, and then you will fall in love with this feeling." Qing Mang smiled on his face.

Gu Sui was a little dubious, and when he wanted to ask something, he saw Lu Yanmu and the others come in, and instantly he didn't dare to ask any more.

It's just that when Ji Jinchen walked in, his eyes couldn't help but fall on him, thinking that if it were Ji Jinchen, it should be like what Qing Mang had said, it was a good experience.

By chance, she seemed to have ignored Ji Jinchen's body. She was very strong and the figure was just right, especially the mermaid line and the inverted triangle area...

After raising his eyes to meet Ji Jinchen's slightly probing eyes, Gu Sui quickly lowered his head, completely afraid to look at him.

what! What is in her head?

In front of so many people, she actually thought about picking up Ji Jinchen? !

No, no, she must have been broken by Qingmang!

She used to be a simple and good baby!

The green mang on the back said: Obviously it's your own color! Don't carry this pot!

Lu Yanmu naturally sat next to Qingmang, and if no one was holding Qingmang, "What are you thinking about?"

"Um... Just now Suiko..."

"Nothing, nothing?" Qing Mang was interrupted by Gu Sui before he finished speaking.

While speaking, he kept winking at Qing Mang: "We just chatted for a while and talked about homework, Qing Mang, don't you think?"

Qingmang felt that Gu Suishi's eyes seemed to be as if Suizi could jump over and strangle her as soon as she said no word, and the bathroom was very succumbed to her lust.

"Well, just chatted casually, Suizi is worried about my injury." Qing Mang said lightly.

While speaking, he glanced at Ji Jinchen inadvertently.

Entering from the door, Ji Jinchen's sight has been on Suizi's body!

Very yes, yes, she was already happy to suggest that Suizi took the initiative to attack Ji Jinchen.

It must be very interesting, she can't restrain her imagination.

Let's add another one later, warm up enthusiasm, and successfully complete a new chapter in the world~

Hmm...Is this the beauty of an adult?

Well, this matter must be arranged, it must be arranged!

Taking advantage of a few people outside, Ji Jinchen got up and went outside, Qing Mang looked at the timing and directly pulled Ji Jinchen into the corner.

"What's the matter?" Ji Jinchen was a little unsure, so she looked at Qing Mang a little confused.

Qing Mang looked around and smiled with some kindness, Ji Jinchen who was laughing was a little hairy.

"Why this look?" Ji Jinchen took a step back, how did she feel that her smile was so scary...

Qing Mang glanced at him up and down: "How far are you and Suizi?"

Ji Jinchen was taken aback for a while, aside his eyes, coughed a clear cough: "What step?"

This kind of thing, she asked a girl directly, is it appropriate?

If the third brother knows that he is discussing this issue with Gu Qingmang, he must be killed!

He has to be more careful and wants to live longer!

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