The sun is scorching and the heat is like a furnace.

On a rural-urban bus from the provincial capital, Chen Yuan looked at the rural scenery on both sides that was constantly receding.

After leaving his hometown and wandering for a few years, he suddenly returned to his hometown where he was born and raised. He was really a little homesick.

Three years ago, Chen Yuan's parents died in a car accident. In a blink of an eye, their death anniversary is approaching. His uncle called him and asked him to come back to discuss the matter of repairing the tomb and setting up a monument for his parents.

At present, the economy is in recession and the workplace is involuntarily, so Chen Yuan was fired by the company.

After working outside and drifting in Guangdong for many years, his heart is full of confusion and fatigue.

It's just right to take this opportunity to recuperate in his hometown.

"Let's take the bus. Let's go."

"Handsome guy, where are you going? Let's take a motorcycle taxi!"

"Ten yuan, starting at ten yuan."

"It's so hot, why not take my motorcycle to cool down? It's fast and stable."


When the rural-urban bus drove into the temporary passenger station in the town, a group of motorcycle taxi drivers surrounded it and kept soliciting customers.


Chen Yuan was wearing a mask and had just squeezed out of the crowd with his suitcase when he saw a man in sunglasses sitting on a Yamaha motorcycle and waving at him.


"Get in the car and give me the suitcase. I haven't seen you for three years. You've grown taller. You're half a head taller than me."

"What are you doing? Get in the car! It's so hot in this broken weather that you can even roast eggs."

The cousin took the box from Chen Yuan's hand, tied it tightly with a strap at the back, and patted Chen Yuan's shoulder affectionately.

Chen Yuan nodded and got on.

"Hold tight, I'm going to drive."

Chen Yuan only heard his cousin shouting, and the motorcycle quickly turned around and drove towards Chen Village.

The scenery along the way was picturesque, with fish-scale terraces, gurgling streams, winding country roads, and electric poles on the roadside quickly retreating.

The car turned one corner after another and drove into the depths of the mountains.

Their Chen Village is located in the hinterland of several mountains. It is quiet and peaceful, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, like a paradise.

"Cousin, why is there a mourning hall on this square? Someone died in the village?"

"Oh, the old secretary of the village is gone. He is 88 years old. He has no illness or disaster. He died peacefully. He was drinking with my father and others yesterday. He died after a sleep."

Chen Village CBD.

That is, the activity center square of the entire village.

At this time, a mourning hall was built on the square, and the loudspeaker played the funeral march in a loop.

"Family farewell, friends' passing, lovers' separation..."

Listening to the tune, Chen Yuan was inevitably moved by the scene, recalling the scene of his parents' death three years ago. yy

"Chen Ping, you are finally back, something big has happened. Ride your bike to the next village to see if the chef Wang is free today, and invite him over."

"Village chief, what's going on? Isn't our chef Lao Chen? Where is he?"

"Lao Chen fell down and has been sent to the hospital."

Just as the cousin's motorcycle arrived at the small square at the entrance of the village, he was stopped by the village chief. It seemed that the chef had an accident, and he was asked to find someone else quickly.

The cousin asked Chen Yuan to go back by himself, and he drove away on his motorcycle.

Before Chen Yuan had gone far with his suitcase, he heard people talking.

"Old Chen is so unlucky. He stepped on a banana peel while cooking and ended up breaking his hand."

"He is lucky. You know, they were frying pork belly at that time. If he had fallen forward, he would have fallen into the oil pan. The consequences would have been disastrous."

"Yes, he was lucky. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time and his hand was saved."

"Old Chen is already in his sixties. I guess he will retire right after this."

Chen Yuan didn't think much about it. It was none of his business anyway. He would go home first. The house hadn't been occupied for several years. It would probably take a lot of time to clean it. Just thinking about it gave him a headache. How could he care about other things?


Under a willow tree by the river in the village square, the village chief Chen Dahe and several people from the village committee were smoking sullenly, at a loss, with melancholy faces.

"Isn't this old Chen a bit of a jerk?"

"Alas, no one could have imagined that this would happen."

"Village head, since Old Chen's children are in the hospital, they won't let him continue to cook banquets in the village. Let Old Chen retire. He is the last chef for the village banquet in Chen Village."

"That can't be helped. In the future, if anyone in the village wants to hold a banquet, they can only go to a big hotel in the town or outsource it."

Now that living conditions are getting better and better, many people will go to restaurants in the town to hold banquets, or find those who specialize in mobile banquets.

That saves trouble and effort. The host only needs to decide the number of tables for the banquet and doesn't have to worry about anything else.

But the taste is not as good as if you invite a chef to cook at home.The taste is good!

"Yes, now there are fewer and fewer people cooking big banquets in the countryside. Many young people think that this job is dirty and tiring, and they are unwilling to do it. I am afraid that they will not be able to eat delicious banquets in the future."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's think about what to do for tomorrow's big banquet."

Tomorrow is the day when the old secretary is buried. Many relatives and friends will come to see him off for the last time.

According to the custom of funerals in Chen Village, the deceased is placed at home for three days, and then carried up the mountain for burial, commonly known as "burial".

On the day of burial, the host family will invite the funeral procession to a big banquet.

In the past two days, the aunts in the village can cook some dishes for the people who help, but the big banquet on the last day is generally cooked by a chef.

Old Chen, who cooks big banquets in the village, had an accident while preparing for tomorrow's big banquet.

This made the village chief very worried, because he is the "general manager" of this funeral. If the banquet tomorrow is not well organized, not only will the villagers point fingers at me, but I am also afraid that I will not be able to hold down the old secretary's coffin and come out to settle accounts with me.


Chen Ping came back on his motorcycle.

The village chief stood up.

"How is it? Is Lao Wang from the next village free?"

"Village chief, Master Wang is not free. Someone in their village is getting married and holding a banquet. I have found everyone nearby, but they all said they are not free. Tomorrow is a good day. Even the restaurants in the town are full."

"What should I do? If the banquet tomorrow is not well organized, people from other villages will laugh at our Chen Village."

The old secretary has no children, and his funeral affairs are left to the village to handle. If they are not handled well, it will be a loss of face for their entire village.

Moreover, it is said that the leaders of the town will come to pay tribute tomorrow. Isn't that a complete failure?

This damn old Chen is going to ruin my Chen Village! !

"Chen Ping, the guy you brought back earlier seemed to be Jianguo's kid. If there's really no one else, let him try."

"You say Yuanzi... No, no, he doesn't know how to cook."

"That's not right. When your uncle Chen Jianguo and his wife were alive, they were experts in organizing banquets in our village. His son shouldn't be much worse."

"There's no other way now. Let's try it out. Otherwise, let him try."


"What? Let me be in charge of tomorrow's banquet. How can that be possible!"

Chen Yuan looked at the village chief and the others and was stunned.

He was cleaning the house when his cousin brought the village chief and the others to his house. He actually asked him to be the chef of the banquet?

He doesn't know how to cook. He can only cook instant noodles with an egg.

How about letting the whole village eat Kangshoufu instant noodles tomorrow?

Just when Chen Yuan wanted to refuse the village chief and the others, an electronic sound suddenly rang in his mind.

The sound actually sounded like Sister Zhiling.

[Ding! System started]

[Ding! The host's mental strength is detected to be abnormally strong, suitable for binding to this system. ]

[Bind started]

[Bind ended]

Chen Village in the Mountains

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