Chen Yuan was shocked. He hadn't even said to bind, but the dog system bound itself? This system is too inhumane.

He suddenly felt forced to operate.

As a senior novel lover, he was not unfamiliar with the system.

But he had neither traveled through time nor been reborn, which did not meet the system's standard.

Wasn't it just because his parents died that he was selected by the system?

Forget it, forget it, I won't pursue this matter.

The electronic sound of the system sounded again.

[The system scanned the optional professions: village banquet chef, rural self-media, breeding expert, rural Taobao partner]

This system also has radar, will it scan automatically?

[Since the host has not made a choice, the system defaults to the village banquet chef. ]


Chen Yuan was not feeling well. This system was too dog-like, always making choices for him.

He expressed strong protest.

"System, I haven't chosen yet."

[When this system gives options, the host only has 6 seconds to choose. If no choice is made within the specified time, the system will default to the first option. ]

Hearing the system's explanation, Chen Yuan was helpless. He had already chosen his profession and could not change it.

I didn't expect to be bound by the system as soon as I returned to the countryside. It turns out that there is a lot to be done in the countryside.

The system responded again.

[System Newbie Gift Pack: God-level Cooking]

[Receive: Yes/No]


Chen Yuan answered in one second.

"God-level cooking? System, can you stop bragging and stop saying god-level all the time."

[Humph, the rewards provided by this system are of course the best in the universe. Those rubbish rewards are not even worth providing. ]

Okay, you are the system, and you have the final say anyway.


Instantly, Chen Yuan's body heated up, just like the peerless masters in martial arts novels who had an epiphany, and countless recipes appeared in his mind.

Moreover, he felt that his muscles had special memories, and it seemed that he could cook a delicious and refreshing dish by throwing some ingredients at him.

With the god-level cooking skills given to him by the system, it should be no problem to cook a big feast in the countryside.

It was just right to accept the commission of the village chief this time.

[System Task: Accept the commission of the village chief Chen Dahe. ]

[Task Description: The old secretary of Chen Village passed away, and all the villagers were very sad. A memorial ceremony was held for him. Unfortunately, Chen, the first chef of Chen Village, broke his arm and could not provide the food for the rural banquet. Handsome pot, you are the most handsome guy in the village. Please cook a popular and delicious feast for the whole village tomorrow. ]

[Complete the task and receive the reward randomly distributed by the system. ]

[Do you accept it?]


Chen Yuan answered again in one second.

"Thank you so much, Chen Yuan. You are the savior of our Chen Village."

Seeing that Chen Yuan agreed, the village chief took his hand and thanked him repeatedly.

"Village chief, don't thank me yet. I haven't had a big feast with my parents in the countryside for several years. How about I go over and cook a few dishes for everyone to taste and see if the taste is suitable?"

To be honest, even if he worked as a kitchen helper for his parents before, it was just a miscellaneous job.

Even with the system now, he is not sure that he can really cook a dish well.

"Okay, it's almost time for dinner, why don't you go over and try your cooking skills."

"Okay, I'll clean up the house and then go over."

"What's there to clean up? Ask your aunt to come over and help clean up later."


"This young man is so handsome, who is he from?"

"What? He's the chef invited by the village chief."

"I know this young man. He's Chen Jianguo's son. I think he and his wife are very good at cooking. Maybe he inherited his parents' skills."

"So he's Chen Jianguo's kid. He's too young to be a chef."

"Who cares? The village chief brought him here just to let him cook a few dishes for everyone to taste. We'll know how good his cooking skills are later."

The appearance of Chen Yuan made many people in the square sigh, and some people even sympathized with his life experience.

There were also many people who were skeptical. In their impression, which chef who cooked a big banquet in the countryside was not greasy, big-armed, and had a face full of fat.

Who is as handsome and clean-shaven as Chen Yuan? He doesn't look like a village banquet chef at all.

Hearing that the handsome young man was going to cook, many people in the village gathered around.

"Village chief, can you ask everyone what dishes they want to eat?"

"No need to ask, except for the dishes for tomorrow's banquet, you can use whatever you want. There are only two tables of people, and they are all helping from the village."

Hearing Chen Yuan's question, the village chief spoke directly.

"Okay, no problem."

ChenYuan has been cooking banquets with his parents in the countryside since he was a child. Except for cooking, he knows everything else.

He carefully checked the dishes in the open-air kitchen and quickly decided what dish he would cook next.

"Chen Yuan, can you cut vegetables? You are not even as good as me, right?"

People in Chen Village like spicy food and like to put chili in their dishes.

Chen Yuan just picked up a potato and prepared to peel and shred it to make a dish of hot and sour potato shreds.

A young man of the same age came over with a grin.

"Chen An, you are going to die. People are cooking, why are you making trouble!"

"Hey, village chief, why are you knocking on my head? My parents gave birth to me not smart, and knocking on me will make me even dumber."

Chen Yuan took a look at the young man and naturally recognized him as the son of his uncle.

The village chief heard what he said just now, and the other party directly gave him a "fried chestnut", which made the impetuous young man scream.

After knocking Chen An, the village chief comforted Chen Yuan not to be influenced by others and just cook his own dishes.

Chen Yuan nodded, picked up the potato shreds and began to peel them.

The oval potato in Chen Yuan's hand was like an obedient baby. After a while, the potato peeled off a layer of skin, revealing a smooth body.

Chen Yuan seemed to have encountered some magical power, peeling the whole skin, but there was no trace of knife peeling. If it weren't for the long skin in the other party's hand telling everyone that it was a potato, everyone would have thought it was a peeled goose egg!

"My goodness, with this skill, it would be so cool to peel an apple directly."

Chen An, who was just showing off, was stunned and his eyes were straight.

Chen Yuan didn't care about everyone's eyes and put the peeled potato on the chopping board.

Da, da da...

As the knife fell, the whole potato instantly turned into thin slices of uniform thickness after a series of knife lights.

While everyone was rubbing their eyes in disbelief, Chen Yuan spread the potato slices on the chopping board.

There was another rhythmic sound of cutting vegetables, and in the blink of an eye, the potato slices immediately turned into thin threads of uniform thickness.

Potato shreds should not be too thick or too thin.

If they are too thick, they will not be tasty, and they will not be cooked, and they will taste raw; if they are too thin, the heat will not be well controlled and they will burn, and they will taste burnt and sticky.

Good knife skills can really add icing on the cake for a chef, and will win more chips for every dish made by the chef.

Hot and sour potato shreds

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