Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 101 A huge tsunami!


Kajiki Yuta trembled all over as he looked at the mighty god and said in disbelief: "The God of Water Control... there is actually a god several times more powerful than the Sea Dragon God in the sea!"

Looking back, Kajiki Yuta saw that his Sea Dragon God was constantly shrinking back, as if he was afraid of the water-controlling general on the Sok field, and he was even more surprised!

Duel Monsters…

He actually shrinks back because of fear! ?

"Kajiki Yuta, then, the next step is the final blow!"

Suok raised his right hand, snapped his fingers loudly, and shouted: "Go! God of Water Control, use your endless divine power to tear the Sea Dragon God into pieces!"

The Water Control God General responded, slowly stretched out his right hand, and grasped it towards the retreating Sea Dragon God across the void!

In an instant, the Sea Dragon God seemed to be locked by some invisible force. He struggled desperately in the sea water and let out a shrill scream!

The Water Control God raised his hand without mercy, and the Sea Dragon God who was originally hiding on the bottom of the sea was also lifted out of the water at the same time.

At this time, how can it still have the courage of the Dragon God when it first appeared?

"Damn it! Even if you lose, you can't lose like this!"

Seeing that the Sea Dragon God was about to be accused of being crushed to death by the Water God, Kajiki Yuta turned around and shouted at the Sea Dragon God with all his strength: "Sea Dragon God! Big tsunami!!!"

The Sea Dragon God, who was struggling in mid-air, heard Kajiki Yuta's words and suddenly swung his dragon tail several times!

In an instant, the originally peaceful sea surface suddenly became turbulent, and a wave hundreds of meters high fiercely rushed towards the water-controlling general from the sea surface!

"Little tricks!"

Seeing this, Suoke immediately shouted at the Water Controlling God General: "Fight back, Water Controlling God General! A huge tsunami!"

After receiving the order, the water-controlling god's eyes immediately glowed red. He raised his left hand and rolled up a continuous and shocking tsunami that was tens of thousands of meters high!

The attack launched by the Sea Dragon God was completely crushed without any suspense, and its entire body was swept into the sky tens of thousands of meters high!

Immediately afterwards, the Water Controlling God closed his right claws, and the body of the Sea Dragon God in the sky was shattered into minced flesh, scattered into the sea, without a trace left.

Kajiki Yuta: LP150→0

The virtual smoke disappeared, and the terrifying scene that was originally like a natural disaster also disappeared.

Pegasus raised his hand at the right time and announced: "The first match will be won by Mr. Sok!"

"Ah! I lost!"

Kajiki Yuta hugged his head and screamed: "The plan to buy a boat and go to sea is completely ruined!"

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder heard this, lowered his head and asked Sok curiously, who was packing up his deck: "Hey, Sok, why do you need to buy a boat before going to sea to make a movie?"

Suoke didn't even raise his head: "What he said about going into the sea is different from what you understand."

The little penguin nodded in understanding: "...Oh."

Immediately afterwards, there was the second duel between Tianma Yexing and Peacock Wu.

Before the game started, Peacock Dance specially ran in front of Suok, put his hands on his waist and bent down and said: "Hey, Suok! I gave you so much food, you must remember to cheer for me after the competition!"

Suoke nodded, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I still understand the exchange of favors. If that guy named Tianma Yexing dares to defeat you later, I will beat his head to bits with a stick..."


Peacock Wu sighed helplessly: "Do you know nothing but fighting and cheating?"

Sok raised his hand: "I can eat."

The little penguin on the shoulder raised his hand: "I can eat better than him!"

"never mind……"

Peacock Dance had a headache and said, "What I want is to win the duel with dignity and dignity. You just have to cheer for me, okay?"

Suoke suddenly realized: "That's it, no problem!"

Soon, the game begins!

After both sides shuffled their decks, they shouted with great momentum at the same time:



The little penguin who was sitting nearby eating snacks and watching the card game asked excitedly towards Sok: "Hey, Sok, who do you think among them will win?"

Suoke grabbed a handful of potato chips from Little Penguin's arms, stuffed them into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Although Peacock Dance is a little familiar to us emotionally, her deck is too extreme. An eagle A virgin girl, thirty-nine auxiliary cards, once something goes wrong in any link, there is no room for recovery..."

At this point, Suok bared his teeth: "But then again, just like this, she can draw the only Harpy Girl every time she starts... What kind of Harpy Girl do you want to play if you are so lucky? Isn’t it good to play with Master Tianhu..."

Here one person and one penguin are chatting, but the duel has begun over there!

Tianma Yexing unceremoniously took the lead: "My turn, draw a card! I want to summon 'Summon Monk·Summon Old Monk' on the back of my hand! According to his effect, you can chant a summoning spell once per round. In addition to normal summons, You can also special summon a monster below four stars!"

[Summoned Monk·Summoned Old Monk, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 800, defense: 1600, effect: This card cannot be used as a sacrifice. When this card is successfully summoned or reverse summoned, it will be in defense position. Once per turn, you can discard 1 magic card from your hand and special summon a 4-level monster from your deck. The monster specially summoned by this effect cannot attack that turn. 】

Spreading out the deck, Pegasus Ye Xing picked out a monster and put it on the battlefield: "I discarded the 'Goblin Upstart' in my hand, special summoned 'Seraph Swordsman!' from the deck, and then covered it with a Play the card and end the turn."

[Seraph Swordsman, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1600, defense: 1500, effect: for each other angel monster on the field, the attack power increases by 300 points]

Summon two monsters in one turn?

Peacock Wu thought to himself: Is it because he summoned so many monsters on the field as sacrifices to the so-called ‘evil god’?


If left alone, he can summon two more monsters in the next round, but the summoning monk must be dealt with first!

After thinking about it, Peacock Dance immediately took out a card from the deck and shouted: "It's my turn! I put a card on it, summoned the Harpy Girl, and equipped her with the magic card 'Electronic Bodysuit', which improved Her attack power!”

Harpy: Attack: 1300→1800

"That'll be fine!"

Peacock Dance pointed at the Summoning Monk on the Pegasus Night Walk and shouted: "Go! Harpy Girl, crush the Summoning Monk!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Tianma Yexing snorted coldly and turned over the cards in the backfield: "At this moment, I activate the trap card 'Afterimage Shield'! According to its effect, my summoned monk will not be destroyed!"

[Afterimage Shield, Trap Card, Effect: Transfer an attack damage from the opponent's monster to the player. 】

Tianma Night Walk: LP2000→200


Peacock Wu was shocked and said: "You don't even hesitate to spend a huge amount of life to protect the monster!"

Suoke, who was sitting on the sidelines, was in pain when he just watched this scene: "Mom Dan! How can you die if you play God! Do you think you can't play cards if you don't lock your blood?"

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