Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 102 The Source of Fear of the Evil God

"Hum hum……"

Tianma Yexing raised her long hair in front of her forehead indifferently: "In order to call for the arrival of the evil god, this little injury is insignificant. It's my turn, peacock dance."

"Draw cards!"

Tianma Yexing pulled out a card from the deck, looked at it in front of him, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth: "The ritual of summoning the evil god has been prepared. Now, I will let you experience the terrifying power of the evil god! First of all, I will start from Send the magic card 'Double Magic' from your hand to the graveyard, activate the effect of Summoning Monk, and special summon 'Seraph Gunner!'"

[Seraph Gunner, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1200, effect: For every other angel monster on the field, the attack power of this card increases by 300 points. 】

Pegasus, who was standing aside, commented regretfully: "It's a pity that the nocturnal summoning monk cannot be used as a sacrifice, otherwise he would be able to summon the evil god now..."

But at this moment, Tianma Yexing suddenly drew another card from his hand and slapped it on the ground: "Immediately afterwards, I want to activate the magic card 'Devil's Sanctuary'! According to its effect, a special card can be summoned on the field. Just a 'Metal Demon Token'!"

[Devil's Sanctuary, magic card, effect: 1 "Metal Demon Derivative" (Demon type, dark, 1 star, attack/defense 0 non-demon) is specially summoned on your field. This token cannot attack, because any excess damage taken by the controller due to combat is borne by the opposing player. Pay 1000 points to maintain during the preparation phase of each own turn. The "Metal Demon Token" is destroyed without paying to maintain it. 】

"Now, the three sacrifices are gathered together!"

Tianma Yexing raised a card in his hand high: "Do you feel it, Peacock Dance! The terrifying power contained in this card!"

Peacock Wu was shocked: "What? Is the evil god already in his hands?"

"O evil god! Come to me!"

With a loud shout, Tianma Yexing threw the card into the battlefield: "Present the 'Seraph Swordsman', 'Seraph Gunner' and 'Metal Demon Derivatives' on the field as sacrifices to summon the 'Evil God·Source of Fear'" '!!!"

[Evil God·Source of Fear, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack: 4000, defense: 4000, effect: This card cannot be specially summoned. When 3 monsters on your field are used as sacrifices, you can normally summon them. As long as this card While this card remains face-up on the field, the attack and defense power of all monsters on the field other than this card are halved. 】

Since there is no virtual illusion system, the evil god's amazing momentum cannot be fully displayed!

But just with that card, the air became much more solemn!

"Yeah! Oh no!"

The little penguin watching the battle counted on his fingers for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed: "The evil god's attack power is 4000, but the attack power of Peacock Dance's Harpy Girl is only 1800. If the battle is established this time, then Peacock Dance will fall directly." Defeated!"

Sok stood up, looked around, and muttered: "Where did I put my stick..."


Peacock Dance looked down at his Gaika, feeling a little panicked.

This cover card is the trap card "Screen Wall". It was originally a trap set to lure the opponent's sacrifice monster to attack, but unexpectedly the opponent summoned the evil god in two turns!

[Screen Wall, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: The opponent's attacking monster's attack power becomes half. 】(A real card requires paying 2000 health points each round)

The evil god's attack power is too high. Even if it is reduced by half, the harpy girl is no match at all!

But if you don't activate it, you will be defeated directly when the battle is established!

Fortunately, he has the resurrection of the dead in his hands. If he can delay it until the next round, there may be a way to win!

After thinking about it, Peacock Dance gritted his teeth and said: "I want to activate the trap card 'Mirror Wall of the Screen'! According to its effect, the attack power of your 'Evil God, Source of Fear' will be reduced to half!"

Evil God·Source of Fear: Attack 4000 → 2000

Peacock Wu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hissed: "What a risk! In this way, I finally survived this round..."

"Hmph, so what?"

Pegasus Ye Xing stretched out his hand and suddenly laughed and said: "The 'Evil God, Source of Fear' is the evil god who is at the top of duel monsters! Its fear aura can make all weak monsters become even more unbearable because of fear! When fear dominates the world, When on the field, the attack power and defense power of all monsters except the Evil God and the Source of Fear will be reduced to half!"

Peacock Dance was surprised and confused: "What?"

Harpy: Attack: 1800→900

"Go, Evil God! Destroy the Harpy Girl! The Evil God's crushing fist!"

After one blow, the Harpy Girl was crushed without any suspense, and Peacock Dance's health immediately dropped to 900 points!

Immediately afterwards, Tianma Yexing glanced at the summoned monk on his field, and said with a little regret: "Unfortunately, the monsters on my field will also be affected by the evil god's effect. Coupled with your 'Screen Mirror Wall', even if it is directly The attack can only be neither painful nor itchy, so I will end this round like this, it is your turn, Peacock Dance."

Peacock Wu's eyes were firm, even if her opponent summoned the evil god who walked and crushed everything, she still didn't give up hope!

Reaching out to touch the deck, Peacock Dance's whole body was filled with amazing fighting spirit: "I want to bet everything on this card draw! My deck, please respond to my wishes, draw cards !”

He fiercely pulled out a card from the deck and looked at the "Charming Shadow" he had just drawn. Peacock Dance's eyes lit up at that moment!

"Here it comes! The key card that allows me to win is finally in my hands!"

Peacock Dance stretched out her hand towards Tianma Yexing like a queen, raised her red lips and said: "Tianma Yexing, your evil god card is indeed so powerful that it is almost invulnerable. No combination in my deck can defeat it! But... you In order to let the evil god come on stage quickly, he personally summoned a monster that will maximize your vulnerability! And you obviously know this well, so you didn't use this card to attack me directly just now, and you said something misleading. my words!"

"whispering sound!"

Tianma Yexing narrowed his eyes: "Have you been discovered..."

Peacock Dance used her clear voice to shout extremely powerfully: "The power of the evil god is impeccable, but this card is pitifully weak. Not only that, you paid a huge price to protect the Summoning Monk in the beginning, and now your health is as high as Candles in the wind!"

"I don't need to defeat the evil god, I just need to defeat you, Pegasus Yakou!"

Peacock Dance drew a card from her hand and put it on the field, shouting: "I will activate the magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' to resurrect my Harpy Girl in the cemetery! Immediately afterwards, I will also activate the magic card 'Trap Advance' Device'! According to its effect, I discard a card in my hand and can directly activate the trap card from my hand without covering it!"

"Take the move! This is my trump card to defeat you - 'Charming Shadow'!"

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