Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 103 Aura of Fear

"The Shadow of Charm can enhance my Harpy's charm!"

Peacock Dance covered her mouth and sneered: "As long as you are a man, even a monk will be stimulated by the male hormones in your body and turn into an attack expression. Of course your summoned monk is no exception! Next, as long as I use my Harpy Girl Attack your summoned monk and the game is over!"

"Pegasus Ye Xing! I won this game!"

Facing Peacock Dance's pressing steps, Tianma Yexing lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Seeing this scene, Pegasus's eyes narrowed and he thought to himself: What a brilliant tactic!

And Suoke, who was also paying attention to the battle situation, also froze his eyes and thought to himself: What a powerful mouthful!

At this most critical moment!

Tianma Yexing suddenly smiled!


"Peacock Dance, you are very strong, really very strong!"

Tianma Yexing shrugged his shoulders and gradually raised his head, with an appreciative smile on his lips: "Even under the pressure of the evil god, you can clearly think of ways to defeat the evil god... I must admire you, your calmness and duel wisdom……"


Peacock Wu was startled and had a bad feeling!

Suoke, who was extremely experienced in talking nonsense next to him, immediately realized that Pegasus Ye Xing might be about to blow a shocking blow!

"Indeed, as long as you are a human being, you will have seven emotions and six desires... That is something that cannot be eradicated and exists in anyone's bones..."

"That's why your charming shadow is effective on my summoning monk..."


Tianma Yexing's pupils suddenly shrank, he pointed at Peacock Dance, and sneered: "There is no way to suppress that desire!"

What! ?

Peacock Wu was stunned and said in disbelief: "The effect of the Charming Shadow is all over the place. How is it possible to avoid it?"

Next to him, Pegasus seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly said: "So that's it!"

Tianma Yexing raised the corner of his mouth, clenched his outstretched right hand into a fist, and sneered: "Hmph... Huge pain and fear will make people's minds clear, and my evil god is the source of that fear!"

In a daze, Peacock Wu seemed to see a ferocious green-skinned demon behind Pegasus Night Walk, roaring at him!

"Because the summoning monk's fear of the evil god made him suppress the lust in his heart!"

Tianma Yexing's sneer became deeper and deeper, and he said word by word: "So! Your 'Charming Shadow'..."


Peacock Dance said in disbelief: "How...how could this happen!"

"Hahaha... What a pity. Peacock Dance, the fear spread by the evil god, even the monsters on my own field are not immune. This ability, which was originally a negative effect, has now become a weapon for me to win! It's my turn. , draw cards!”

Pegasus Ye Xing laughed and drew a card from the deck. Without even looking at the newly drawn card, he waved his hand suddenly: "Go! The evil god, the source of fear, attacks the harpy girl! The evil god's crushing fist! !!”

Peacock Dance: LP900→0

At the end of the game, Pegasus promptly announced that Pegasus Night Walk was the winner.

Standing up, Tianma Yexing looked down at Peacock Dance like a winner, and said proudly: "I won this game!"

Next to him, Suoke was picking his nose unhappily: "Winning is awesome? Wait a minute, I'll hit you with my nose!"

Tianma Yexing choked and sat back obediently. After all, he still didn't dare to show off in front of Suok.

Peacock Wu was also amused by these words, and she finally cheered up again after she was a little disappointed because of the defeat.

After packing up her deck, Peacock Dance stood up, walked to Suok, and stroked her long golden hair with some regret: "I lost, my practice has not reached home yet... I originally wanted to win in the finals Now it seems that there is no chance to decide the outcome with you..."

Suok waved his hand with empty eyes: "No...if the other party doesn't talk nonsense, you will win..."

Peacock Dance smiled, shook his head and said: "This game has not banned the hidden ability of cards, and his explanation (slurring) is also reasonable... If you lose, you lose. I still need to become stronger."

Suddenly, Peacock Dance raised her head, looked up at the moonlight in the sky and said: "Ha...it's really strange. I can't stand failure, but I don't know why. Ever since I met you, I don't seem to care so much about winning or losing." Already..."

"It's very simple."

Suoke was serious for the first time and smiled: "Because only the weak can't wait to show everyone his specious strength to prove themselves, but the strong don't need... Congratulations, you have become stronger than before."

Peacock Dance was stunned: "It's rare that you would actually say such a thing... Oh, is it because of this that you threw away the championship trophy at the All Japan Duel Competition?"

Sok blinked at Peacock Dance and said slyly: "No, originally I thought the trophy was gold-plated, but as soon as I got it, I found out that it was painted with gold paint, so I threw the trophy away in anger. "

Peacock Wu stared blankly at Sok's dark and bright eyes under the night sky for a long time, and finally smiled and sighed: "You..."

Having said this, Pegasus's voice suddenly came from behind: "Mr. Sok! The finals are about to begin. Are you ready?"

Sok turned his attention to the peacock dance and waved to Pegasus behind him: "I'm still hiding the cards in my sleeves, please wait for me for three minutes!"

Pegasus: "..."


Peacock Dance smiled angrily and pushed Suok: "Okay, don't scare Mr. Pegasus. Let's go to the competition. Remember to win back what I lost!"

Suoke was pushed forward, scratching his head blankly and saying: "I'm serious..."

Halfway through the push, Peacock Dance let go of his hand and stood there, watching affectionately as Sok sat by the campfire and shuffled each other's decks with Pegasus Yexing.

You can clearly see it, but you can only pretend not to see it...

I have been working hard to prove to others that a woman can also be a strong person.

But today I discovered that what supports this belief is precisely the weakness and uneasiness in my heart.

It turns out that I also hope to have a solid and reliable shoulder to rely on.

Sok Nenufa…

You must work hard, win the title of "Duel King", and then surpass it!

after all……

You are the man I like!



Sok Nenufa: LP2000

Tianma Night Walk: LP2000

"I'll attack first and draw..."

Before Tianma Yexing could finish his sentence, he saw Suoke on the opposite side taking out a machine gun from nowhere and hitting it on the ground. He looked at him with a nose that wasn't a nose and eyes that weren't eyes and asked in a strange manner: "What did you say? You attack first?" "

Tianma Night Walk's back was dripping with cold sweat, and he laughed dryly and said: "I...I thought about it carefully, you should come first..."

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