Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 104 Cut off the beard

Sok nodded with satisfaction and put the machine gun back. While putting it back, he said in a loud voice: "Look, what's the use of being quick? In the end, don't you have to obediently hand over the initiative?"

Tianma Yexing: "..."

"My turn, draw cards."

Sok swaggeringly drew a card from the top of the deck and shouted: "I want to summon the 'Swordsman of Blue Flame' in attack position, and cover a cover card to end the turn!"

[Swordsman of Blue Flame, 4 stars, fire attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1600, effect: once per turn, during the battle phase of yourself or your opponent, target 1 warrior-type monster on your field other than this card. can be activated. This card's attack power decreases by 600, and the target monster's attack power increases by 600. ②: When this card on the field is destroyed by the opponent and sent to the graveyard, banish this card in the graveyard and activate it by targeting 1 Warrior-type Fire monster in your graveyard. That warrior type fire attribute monster is Special Summoned. 】

At the same time, the phantom smoke of the little penguin also begins to take effect!

A swordsman holding a burning blue flame descended from the sky and came to Sok's battlefield!

Since the monster materialized just now, everyone was not too surprised this time. They were just certain that the monster materialized must be Suo Ke's hands and feet.

"Then it's my turn."

Tianma Yexing drew a card, looked at his hand, then looked at Sok's backcourt, and said slowly: "The cards covered by your backcourt look very dangerous, so I want to use the magic card 'Tornado' first. ', destroy the cards in your backcourt!"

[Whirlwind, magic card, effect: It can only be activated by targeting 1 magic or trap card on the field, and destroy that card. 】

As this card was successfully activated, a small swirling storm suddenly blew up in the originally calm night sky, almost blowing out the lighting bonfire!

The small storm quickly fell into Sok's backcourt, overturning Sok's cover, revealing the true face of the card - "The Trap". Immediately afterwards, the Trap was blown up into the sky and disappeared. not see.

"As expected, if I am not prepared, then in the next round, if you summon another monster, I will lose directly."

Tianma Yexing raised the corner of his mouth: "Unfortunately, your plan failed. Now it's my turn to counterattack you!" Pulling a card from his hand, Tianma Yexing suddenly slapped it onto the field and shouted: "I want to summon 'Barbaros, the Divine Beast King'! Come out, the king of all beasts that exist in the dream, come to my field!"

[Beast King Barbaros, 8 stars, earth attribute, attack: 3000, defense: 1200, effect: This card can be normally summoned without sacrifice. The original attack power of this card normally summoned by this method becomes 1900. In addition, this card can release 3 monsters for summoning. When this method is successfully summoned, all cards on the opponent's field are destroyed. 】

Before he finished speaking, a half-orc in the form of a lion, holding a spear and a shield, appeared on the field where Tianma was walking at night. He was extraordinary and majestic!


Suoke folded his hands in front of his chest and said to Tianma Yexing with a look of displeasure on his face: "The rules for sacrifices just came out today, and you summoned this kind of monster... Couldn't your card be a current seal?"

Tianma Yexing twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a stiff face: "No, because the rules of sacrifices have long been on the agenda, several trial versions of monster cards for sacrifices have also been made, and I just happen to have them here..."

"Pre-judgment seal card?"

Suoke said in surprise: "You kid is quite advanced in playing."

"Whatever you say..."

Tianma Yexing pointed at the monster on the Sok field and shouted: "Go, Divine Beast King Barbaros, attack the Blue Flame Swordsman! Whirlwind Spear!"

After giving the order, the Divine Beast King Barbaros immediately started running, and with the huge inertia of his speed, he stabbed the Blue Flame Swordsman on the Sok Field to death with one shot!

Sok: LP2000→1900

The blow was effective. Tianma Yexing smiled slightly proudly and said: "It seems that I have gained some small advantages. Then, I will put a cover card and end the round."

"Give you some sunshine, you really shine. My turn, draw a card!"

Sock drew a card from the deck and slapped a card in his hand on the ground: "I want to summon the 'Dark Brachiosaurus'! According to its effect, I can change a monster on your field to defense position! And The one I choose...of course is your Divine Beast King Barbaros!"

[Dark Brachiosaurus, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1100, effect: When this card is successfully summoned, you can select 1 monster on the field and change it to face-up defense position. 】

As soon as the Dark Brachiosaurus was summoned, the beast king Barbaros on the Pegasus Night Parade immediately bent down uncontrollably, retracted the spear in his hand, and put the shield in front of him.

"Tsk, what a bullshit beast king, a hot chick with only 1,200 defense power!"

Sok waved his hand and shouted: "Go, Dark Brachiosaurus, let him see your power as a VIP card, crush him for me! War trampling!"

The Dark Brachiosaurus raised its head, let out a deafening cry, and rushed towards the Divine Beast King Barbaros with heavy steps!

The earth continued to tremble, and the shield of the Divine Beast King could not stop the Dark Brachiosaurus from stepping on it, and was directly trampled into a paper lion by the Dark Brachiosaurus!

But at this moment, Tianma Yexing suddenly shouted: "Trap card activated! Level legacy wall!"

[Level Wall, Trap Card, Effect: It can be activated when one of our monsters is destroyed. Select two or more monsters with the same level as the destroyed monsters from the deck to be specially summoned on our field. 】(comic card)


Pegasus Ye Xing laughed loudly and said: "Sock, thank you so much for defeating my beast king, Barbaros! In this way, the sacrifice for me to summon the gods is enough! Come out, my monsters - 'Angel 01',' Devil Dog', 'Bow God Lelaye'!"

In an instant, three summoning arrays appeared on the field of Tianma Yexing, and three monsters that looked like cannon fodder were summoned from the deck to the battlefield!

"Sock! End the round quickly!"

Tianma Yexing directly turned over one of the cards in his hand and showed it to Suok: "I heard that every time you are about to win, you like to say 'Nonsense'. It's a pity that this time, you are not as quick as me." ! In the next round, the evil god will come, and with it is the victory I am about to win! Hahaha..."

The proud laughter echoed in the night sky, and Pegasus Yexing seemed to have grasped the opportunity to win!

But before Tianma Yexing could finish laughing, a slipper from the opposite side hit him directly in the face.

"Laughing at you for being paralyzed! What's wrong with me?"

Suok took out a card from his hand and entered the battlefield with a look of displeasure on his face, and shouted coldly: "You think you can feel at ease after I pass the combat stage? Now I'm here to tell you, your pile of salted fish Monsters, how fragile are they in front of my rechargeable god card..."

Tianma Yexing suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and said in shock: "You...what do you mean?"

The moment Sok put that card on the battlefield, two of the three Pegasus Night Parade that were originally intended to be sacrificed to the evil god suddenly burst into flames!

The cracks of illusion were torn open, and the majesty of God burned the entire earth first!

"Sorry, Zhihu!"

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