Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 105 Clearance

Suoke pointed at the remains of the two monsters that had been burnt to ashes on Pegasus Night Walk, and shouted coldly: "I'm going to destroy the two monsters on your field and special summon my V11 god card 'False Prophecy'! Come out!" Come, the god born from vanity, come to my field and burn everything!"

[False prophecy, 8 stars, divine attribute, phantom beast type, attack: 2500, defense: 2000, effect: This card cannot be specially summoned. By destroying two monsters on the opponent's field, it can be specially summoned to my field. This card The card is not affected by any magic, trap, or monster effects. When it comes on the field, all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field are eliminated. When it leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent's field are eliminated. 】

In an instant, the barrier between reality and illusion was torn open, and everything in sight seemed to be ignited with blazing fire!

A girl holding a staff came to the world, turned around gracefully, and landed on Sok's battlefield!

God has arrived!

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder turned back with a smile and greeted him familiarly: "Good morning, Miss Aloof."

False Prophecy rolled its eyes at Little Penguin and said nothing.

When Suoke heard the voice, he turned his head curiously and asked the little penguin: "What, do you know her?"

The little penguin patted his belly and nodded, and said matter-of-factly: "Yes, we are both delusional gods, and we often visit each other to chat. However, although we look the same, she is not as cute as me..."

Looking at the cute little penguin, Suoke thought to himself: I have never seen such a down-to-earth person like you...

Swim together, eat together, go to school together, watch movies together.

Let’s play tricks and roll around together, play cards and cheat together.

Tsk, come to think of it, it’s better to be a penguin. A cold goddess wouldn’t be able to get high at all!

Shaking his head, Suok stopped thinking about it. He turned back and sneered at Tianma Yexing: "Humph! You originally prepared a sacrifice for the evil god, but now you have made a wedding dress for my false god! How pitiful, Tianma Yexing !”

"whispering sound!"

Tianma Yexing looked at his hand, then at the weakest "Angel 01" left on the field, gritted his teeth and said: "The situation is indeed somewhat unfavorable to me now, but it is not impossible to do anything..."

Suoke folded his hands on his chest and raised his eyebrows: "It's interesting. My round is over and it's your turn!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Cold sweat broke out on Tianma Yexing's forehead, bearing the terrifying power of the false prophecy, he suddenly pulled out a card from the deck!

Putting the card in front of him, Tianma Yexing's originally ugly face instantly turned into ecstasy!


Just in the middle of laughing, Tianma Yexing suddenly saw Suoke opposite him taking out another slipper. He quickly covered his mouth, coughed lightly, and quietly put the newly drawn card on the field: "I drew it. The card is a magic card 'increased value'! According to the effect of this card, 'Angel 01' on the field is presented as a sacrifice, and three angel derivatives are specially summoned!"

[Value-added, quick attack magic card, effect: Use a monster on the field with an attack power of less than 500 as a sacrifice, and you can specially summon three derivatives to enter! 】(comic effect)

[Angel 01, one star, attack: 400, defense: 100]

As soon as he finished speaking, the last remaining little angel on the Tianma Night Parade suddenly turned into a white light, split into three, fell onto the field and turned into three spherical fireflies!

Suok raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, three of them!"

"Hmph, Sok... You chose to destroy my two high-level monsters, but you didn't expect that this lowest-level one-star monster is actually the real key to my call to God!"

Tianma Yexing raised the Evil God in his hand high and shouted: "I want to offer the three angel tokens on the field as sacrifices to summon the 'Evil God Destroyer'! Evil God, come to my field!"

[Evil God·Destroyer, 10 stars, dark attribute, demon clan, attack:? ,Shou:? , Effect: This card cannot be specially summoned. It can only be normally summoned when 3 monsters on the field are sacrificed. The attack power and defense power of this card become the number of cards on the opponent's field * 1000. , when this card leaves the field, destroy all cards on the field, and you can actively destroy this card on your field. 】(comic effect)

The dark clouds that have not yet dissipated in the sky began to gradually gather, rolling up a huge whirlpool hole!

And in that endless darkness, a pair of evil eyes flashed past!

In an instant, evil spirits surged into the sky!

A dark black flying dragon flew into the world from the thick dark clouds, erupting with an extremely powerful aura that rivaled the 'false prophecy' on Sok Field!

It is the evil god, the Destroyer!

"Hmm, hahaha..."

Pegasus Ye Xing laughed loudly and said: "The attack power of the Evil God Destroyer is determined by the number of cards on the field! And now you have two cards on the field, and I have one card on the field, so its attack Strength... 3000! It has exceeded your false predictions on the field!"

"Take the move, Sock!"

Tianma Yexing suddenly waved his hand, pointed at Suoke and shouted: "I will use the evil god, the Destroyer, to attack your false prophecy! World-destroying laser spray!!!"

With a command, the Evil God Destroyer in the form of a flying dragon suddenly opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out a laser cannon as thick as a torrent!

False Prophecy opened its protective shield to block it, but even the protective shield was shattered by the evil god's laser cannon. The entire talent returned to nothingness in just one turn!

Sok: LP1900→1400

Tianma Yexing's pupils shrank violently, and he laughed wildly: "The so-called Evil God Destroyer is an existence that can destroy everything, even 'gods'! If you think you can resist the Evil God, let it destroy your pride." Let’s wipe them all out together, Sok!”

"Oh? Then you are fat!"

Suoke sneered and pointed at the still-extinguished divine fire at his feet: "Are you blind? Although my false god was defeated, her divine fire is still on the field. Don't you think it's wrong at all? Oh, white-haired boy!"


Tianma Yexing lowered his head in horror, looking at the fire under his feet that was getting more and more burning, as if it was about to rush into the sky at any time, and said with horror all over his body: "Is it possible... could it be..."

"Hum hum……"

Suok picked up the "False Language" card on the field with a grin and waved it in front of Tianma Yexing: "My False Prophecy is an illusion god at the same level as the Sun God. Although her attack power is not too strong, it is There is a divine fire that can annihilate any enemy! And now... her last words ability is about to be activated..."

Tianma Yexing raised his head, his eyes wide open: "No...impossible..."

Just after Suok finished speaking, the divine fire on the ground suddenly shot up a lot, biting and burning the body of the Evil God Destroyer crazily!

"Jiang Ang!!!"

The evil god let out a fierce scream, and the flying dragon kept rolling in the sea of ​​fire, but it could not escape the punishment!

Finally, the divine fire completely submerged the evil god's body!

The originally invulnerable body was slowly burned and melted by the divine fire, turning into black rainwater, then into black water vapor that floated up into the sky, and turned into black clouds again.

Evil God·Destroyer...


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