Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 110 Returning to School

Board the tanker.

This time, there are many empty rooms on the ship, so there is no need to fight for them.

The captain arranged a room for the three of them and asked them about their destination.

Kajiki Yuta was going back to his hometown to fish, and Sok was of course going back to Domino Town. As for Peacock Dance... She glanced at Sok quietly and chose the same destination as Sok.

late at night.

When Suoke finished taking a shower and was lying on the bed, a beautiful figure in the corridor came to the door of Suoke's room.

Looking at the closed door, Peacock Wu hesitated for a long time, but finally did not knock on the door.

After she left, the little penguin sleeping next to Suok whispered quietly: "There was someone at the door just now."

Sok raised his eyebrows: "I know."

The little penguin murmured again: "She stood for a long time."

Sock smiled and sighed: "Ah, about twenty minutes."

The little penguin lifted up the quilt and sat up. After thinking for a long time, he asked Sok with a serious face: "I think she likes you."

Suok raised the corner of his mouth: "Then she is really blind, she likes a crazy devil like me."

The little penguin scratched his head and said: "Actually... you are actually pretty good..."

"Okay, don't think too much, I'm not an indecisive person, and I know what I want."

Suok also sat up, pushed the little penguin down on the bed again, and covered it with a quilt: "Peacock Wu is very similar to me in some aspects. She is a person who pursues freedom. No one or anything can restrain her, so She will gradually be attracted to my 'similar', but she will never be willing to stay and become someone's vassal just because of this... I guess at the end of the original work, Peacock Mai and Jonouchi were not able to get together, because they They are people from two different worlds."

"Attracted to each other, but unable to get close."

The little penguin turned over and put the quilt under him, held his chin, kicked his little feet and raised his head and asked: "Then you like her too?"

"It's okay. She is a beauty after all, but it's a pity that she doesn't match me."

Suok smiled, stretched out his hand and pushed the little penguin back down again. The little penguin still wanted to get up, but Suok gave him a look of fake anger, and then he stayed still under the quilt.

After stretching and lying down, Sok put his arms on the back of his head and said, "Don't talk about others, let's talk about you, Penguin, what did you do before?"

Penguin bit his small arm and thought: "Well... before, I applied for Penguin Company right after I graduated from college and became the customer service staff of QQ Music. Then about a year later, there was an internal adjustment in the company, and I was replaced by Mr. Ma. Sent to be your exclusive customer service!"

Suoke's eyes immediately lit up: "In other words, you are also a real living person in my world?"

The little penguin pouted and said, "Of course, I'm a cute girl!"

Sok's head is full of black lines.

This cute girl even watched a movie with me. She was so cute that my face turned bloody.

At this point, Sok suddenly remembered: "By the way, Penguin, didn't you say that when my VIP level reaches 12, I can accumulate enough energy to return to the real world? Can I go back now?"


The little penguin nodded: "But because the experience event is only once, once you go back, you will never come back here again. Are you sure you want to go back?"

"Forget it."

Suok waved his hand and said, "I haven't had enough fun here." After that, Suok turned off the light, got under the quilt, and felt the penguin sleeping next to him like a small heater. Suddenly said: "Penguin..."


"No, it's nothing...sleep, sleep."

The next morning, after eating the breakfast that had been prepared for several people, the cruise ship finally arrived at Tongchenye Pier.

After getting off the cruise ship, at the intersection of the forked roads, Suok turned and left, turning his back to Peacock Wu and waving: "I'll go back to school from here. See you later."

Seeing Suoke's figure fading away, Peacock Dance finally called out that name.


Peacock Dance stopped Suoke and asked with a somewhat depressed expression: "You...don't you have something to say to me?"

Suoke turned around and saw a pair of staring eyes not far away, a bit dim and downcast.

The morning light was like water, and the pale golden morning light poured down like a water curtain, covering the two of them, and two long shadows were dragged out behind them.

Suoke blinked and said with a relieved smile: "Yes, drink more hot water."

"Drink more... more hot water?"

Peacock Dance looked confused, but when she came to her senses, the dock was empty and Suoke had long disappeared.

A week has passed since the duelist kingdom match.

Sok returned to school and squandered the 200 million he blackmailed from Haima and the little penguin every day.

Although Peacock Dance had some hesitation, she finally chose to continue traveling around the world to improve her practice as a duelist. As Sok said, she is a person who yearns for freedom who will not be bound by anything.

Not only is Pegasus's plan to join forces with Kaiba to deal with the five big guys in full swing, he has also begun to revise the imperfections in the duel rules discovered in this kingdom competition with the planning team, at least until the rules are perfected. There will be no more large-scale competitions.


After school.

Suoke walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, and immediately came face to face with a gorgeously dressed female student.

It was obvious that she had been waiting here for a long time.

Casting a wink at Suoke, the female classmate took Suoke's arm, her whole soft body pressed against his back, and murmured softly: "Student Suoke, you are so handsome today, why?" Damn, I like you so much, I like you the most..."

Suoke said "Yes" with satisfaction, took out a banknote from his pocket and threw it back: "This little girl has a sweet mouth, I'll reward you with 10,000 yuan!"

When the female classmate saw it, she immediately beamed with joy, took the money and bowed repeatedly: "Thank you, boss!"

Just two steps forward, the classroom door of the next class was suddenly opened.

Another beauty with a hot figure and wheat complexion came out and "happened" to meet Sok.

She was a wild girl. She reached out and grabbed Suok's tie. She looked at Suok with a very aggressive and wild look. She gently licked her soft lips with her small tongue: "Only the strong deserve it." Own me, and when I first saw you, I decided that I wanted you to be my man!”

Suoke's eyes lit up and he applauded: "There's something new! I'll reward you with a hundred thousand yuan!"

When I turned the corner and went down the stairs, I ran into Mr. Katata again.

Teacher Katata hurriedly stepped forward, bent down and rubbed his hands beside Suok to please him, and quietly asked Suok: "Sok, classmate, do you like the cross-dressing guy..."

Suoke suddenly felt an unknown feeling in his heart and asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

Mr. Katata jumped back and shouted: "Look at my beautiful girl's transformation..."

Five minutes later, Mr. Katata was beaten and hung in the corridor on the second floor with a bruised nose and swollen face...

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