Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 111 Spending money like water

Gee, it feels good to have money!

After walking out of the teaching building, Suok came to the parking space specially allocated for himself in the school, got into his newly bought Porsche, and prepared to take the little penguin out for a ride.

As soon as the car started, the little penguin next to him looked at Suoke with envy and asked: "Sock, can I also play with this car..."

Suoke asked curiously: "Last time I asked you to drive, didn't you say that the car was too fast and you didn't dare to drive it?"

The little penguin chewed his small arm and thought about it for a long time, and then tentatively said: "Well... I have thought about it, maybe I can drink some wine to strengthen my courage, so that I won't be afraid of driving..."

Suoke was shocked: "Your idea is very bold!"

The little penguin's face was full of disappointment at that time, and he was so sad that he almost cried: "No...it can't be done..."

Damn it, I will never see a penguin cry again in this life.

So Suoke made a decisive decision and slapped his thigh: "Okay! Why not? I support you even if you drink and fly! Come on, I will take you to buy wine right now!"

After that, Sok started the car and rushed out with a buzz.

The little penguin sitting in the passenger seat cheered: "Oh! I'm so happy! Penguins can drive too!"

"Haha! It's so fun, why don't we throw money and play!"

As soon as Suok finished speaking, he reached out and took out a stack of thousand-yuan bills from his pocket and threw them behind him, causing countless people to grab them!


This is called squandering!

It’s so enjoyable and exciting!

While driving the car, Suok tutted and said: "Hey, Penguin, how much do you think we will spend today?"

The little penguin cheered: "Spread until dawn tomorrow!!!"


As soon as Juechen went there, the people behind him went crazy grabbing money!

I have never seen anyone having such a good time. This kind of madness will not happen once in hundreds of years!

The students in the school who were originally extremely afraid of Suoke now want to be with Suoke every day.

Just kidding, who wants to struggle with money?

If you make money, you will accept it even if you get beaten!

But some people like it, and of course some people hate it!

for example……

Standing on the side of the road, Jonouchi looked angrily at the taillights of Sok's car as he left, and said angrily: "It's great to be rich! You're swaggering through the city, you're such a stinker!"

Kyoko next to her covered her face and said, "Jounouchi, can you stop saying such things while robbing money..."

The screen zoomed out, and Jonouchi's pockets were filled with Sokosa's thousand-yuan banknotes, and he continued to grab them with others on the ground.

When Kyoko said this, Jonouchi was also a little embarrassed. He stood up with a red face and scratched his head and said: "Well... although I hate Sok as a person, the money is innocent, and..."

And Shizuka’s eyes...

A hint of gloom suddenly flashed in Jonouchi's eyes, and he reached out and touched his pocket. Even though there were already many thousand-yuan bills in there, the cost of the surgery was still not enough, it was still far away!

Muto Yugi was keenly aware of it and asked with concern: "What's wrong, Jonouchi? Is there anything difficult?"

Jonouchi was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No...it's nothing...you go ahead, I'll go look for it and see if there's any money left on the ground that no one has found..."

Now even Kyoko realized something was wrong: "Jounouchi, are you short of money?"

"I...is actually my sister..."

Jonouchi was depressed and said slowly: "My sister Shizuka has had bad eyesight since she was a child. The doctor said she might go blind at any time... Yesterday, Shizuka sent me a video tape. She said... she can no longer see anything. ..." At this point, Jonouchi gritted his teeth, and a person who was usually so strong was now in tears.

Next to Kyoko, she was shocked. She didn't expect Jonouchi, who usually had a cheerful personality, to be hiding such worries.

Yugi also asked with concern: "Is there nothing we can do?"

"If the most advanced technology in the world is used for surgery, it is said that there will be a half chance of recovery... But the surgery fee will cost half a million US dollars. Where can I get so much money..."

Jonouchi clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and looked at the direction where Sok was leaving: "Although I hate that guy, but... but currently the fastest way I can think of to make money is to please that bastard! As long as that guy Sok can Give me money, it doesn’t matter if I become his dog..."

Hearing this, Kyoko felt extremely sad: "Jounouchi...Sock doesn't like men. Mr. Karita was beaten just now. Don't seek death..."


Jonouchi gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what, I have to give it a try..."

Muto Yugi looked at Jonouchi's desperate and sad face, as if he had made up his mind, and suddenly said: "Jounouchi, actually... there is another way..."

Jonouchi and Kyoko lowered their heads in surprise: "What can we do?"

Muto Yugi looked into Jonouchi's eyes and said extremely seriously: "My grandfather's Blue Eyes White Dragon is still in Kaiba's hand. If I can get that card back, Jonouchi will have money to treat your sister's eyes!"


Jonouchi was shocked and quickly waved his hands and refused: "No, that is your grandfather's most cherished treasure, how can you exchange it for money?"

"Yes." Kyoko said worriedly next to her: "And you have asked for Yugi many times, but you haven't even seen Kaiba's face..."

"No matter what, I have to give it a try!"

Yugi's eyes were firm, completely different from the weak feeling in the past, and he said extremely seriously: "For the sake of Jonouchi's sister, I must see Kaiba this time and get the Blue Eyes White Dragon back!"

no sooner said than done.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the gate of Haima Company with ease.

Before they entered, the security guard guarding the door had already spotted Yugi and his party. Four or five burly bodies blocked the door. The leading security guard said impatiently: "Why are you three again? How many times have I told you, President Kaiba didn't I see you little minions here, get out of here!"

Muto Yugi raised his head stubbornly and said: "Kaiba-san defrauded me of my Blue Eyes White Dragon. I want to get the card back from him. Please help convey it, okay?"

Jonouchi next to him also echoed loudly: "That's right! Let that despicable guy Kaiba come out and return Yugi's cards!"

President Kaiba defrauded others of their cards?


A group of security guards burst into deafening laughter.

Taking out the rubber roller, the security chief walked up to Muto Yugi, pretending to be friendly, but actually threatening: "Kid, our President Kaiba is a very famous big capitalist in the world, how could he lie to you for just a Blue Eyes White Dragon?" ? And I see that you are poor and don’t seem like you can afford a blue-eyed white dragon. I advise you to go back as soon as possible, otherwise... we won’t be polite!”

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