Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 112 Rebecca

Muto Yugi said stubbornly: "We won't leave until we wait for Kaiba today!"

"You little bastard, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be punished with a drink!"

The security captain grabbed Muto Yugi like a chicken, then raised his hand and was about to throw him out the door!

At this time, Jonouchi rushed over to help, and kicked the security captain's lower abdomen. He saved Muto Yugi and said, "We can't make sense with them. Let's just fight all the way in, Yugi!"

But before Yugi could agree, other security guards over there swarmed over and knocked Jonouchi to the ground.

The security captain climbed up from the ground holding his stomach, kicked Jonouchi hard on the calf bone, and said angrily: "King Kong legs, right!?"

Next to him, Yugi became anxious and hit the security captain with a headbutt: "Let go of Jonouchi-kun!"

But with Yugi's small body and thin body, it would be difficult to even move, let alone hurt others.

The security captain turned around and struck a blow with his backhand: "Iron head skill, right!?"

Yugi was knocked unconscious in an instant, and he didn't even have time to summon the Pharaoh.

"Yugi! Castle!"

Kyoko quickly stepped forward and held Yugi in her arms, glaring at the security guards and saying, "How can you hit people?"

"Hitting someone? It's you who are making trouble unreasonably! If it weren't for the fact that you are a woman, we would beat you too!"

A group of security guards carried Jonouchi Yugi and Kyoko and threw them out of the door. They gave a stern warning: "From now on, if you come here once, we will beat you until you are dead. Get out of here!"

Falling heavily to the ground, Jonouchi suddenly turned over and wanted to get up and fight back.

But a heartbreaking pain immediately appeared in his calf bone, causing him to fall to the ground in a panic again.

After a long time, the game gradually woke up, and the three of them returned dejectedly.

The original plan was made, but in the end, we couldn't even see Kaiba's face.

The sky was getting dark. Kyoko and Yugi supported Jonouchi, who had an injured leg, and walked step by step towards Yugi's house. Along the way, the three of them were silent, not knowing what to do next.

After walking for a long time, the outline of Gamer Wugui Game Store finally appeared in front of the three of them.

But when the three of them walked to the door of the store, they found that there was already a little blond loli blocking the place.

She pulled a big suitcase and held a bear doll in her hands. She stood in front of the game's house with her hands on her hips, pacing back and forth, saying to herself: "Ah... after waiting for so long, no one from this house has come back." , did that coward know that my United States Champion, Ms. Rebecca, was coming, so he ran away in advance?"

While he was talking, the blond little loli suddenly noticed something and raised his head to see Muto Yugi and his party.

With a happy expression on her face, the little blond loli trotted over with her big suitcase. She pointed at Muto Yugi in her Japanese-American accent and asked, "You have the same characteristics as Grandpa Shuangliu." Hair, is it Muto Yugi?”

Muto Yugi was stunned and nodded blankly: "It's me, you are..."

"My name is Rebecca! I came from the United States this morning!"

The blonde little loli pouted with a face full of complaints: "Really, it's too slow! How can I keep the lady waiting for so long?"

Hearing such a young child calling herself a lady, Muto Yugi felt dumbfounded: "Female...ma'am?"

Rebecca moved her little face towards her unhappily. She was obviously a primary school student, but she happened to be face to face with Yugi. She snorted, "Why, am I not a lady?"

"People are as big as little devils."

Next to him, Jonouchi frowned and asked, "Why do you, a brat, come all the way to Japan to look for games?"

Rebecca curled her lips and turned her head disdainfully: "Hmph! I won't answer the questions of the impolite lame brother!"

"Lame... lame!?"

Jonouchi raised his fist in displeasure: "You little brat, you expose people's scars..."

"Jounouchi, she is just a child, don't get angry with her."

Muto Yugi first held Jonouchi back with a sneer, then turned to Rebecca and asked: "Then, what do you want to see me for?"

Seeing that the game had a good attitude, Rebecca's little face softened a little.

As she stretched out her short hand, Rebecca pouted and said, "Give it back to me! Give me back the blue-eyed white dragon that my grandfather gave to your grandfather! That is something that only I, the United States Champion, am entitled to possess!"

"United States Champion!?"

Jonouchi looked at Rebecca's small appearance in disbelief and said in surprise: "Are you talking nonsense? You are just a primary school student, how can you become a United States champion..."

But the game is more concerned about another point: "Your grandfather?"

"Yes, my grandfather is Professor Hopkins. He gave the Blue Eyes White Dragon to your grandfather Muto Sugoroku a long time ago."

Rebecca put her hands on her hips arrogantly and said: "Although you shouldn't get back what you gave away, isn't it a pity that a card as powerful as the Blue Eyes White Dragon is in the hands of an unknown little guy like you? Bai The dragon will cry! I believe that only in the hands of me, the United States Champion, can the Blue Eyes White Dragon unleash its true power!"

Jonouchi said with a face full of displeasure: "You have a really bad tone as a primary school student. Yugi's dueling level is very impressive. He just didn't stand out in the competition for some reason!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Rebecca pointed at the city with her little hand: "So, if Muto Yugi is really that powerful, as his friend, you must also have very superb dueling skills?"

Jonouchi yelled: "Isn't that natural!?"

Rebecca nodded suddenly, turned around and took out a small tablet computer from the suitcase at the back. While lowering her head to fiddle with it, she asked, "What's your name?"

Jonouchi was a little confused: "I...my name is Katsuya Jonouchi..."

"Jounuchi Katsuya...ah, I found it!"

Rebecca's face lit up with joy, she raised her hand to hold the tablet up, pointed at the screen and asked: "This Jonouchi Katsuya who didn't even pass the audition in the Japan Duel Monsters Competition regional competition, is that you?"


Jonouchi slapped himself in the face, and said with great negativity like a defeated dog: "It's...it's me..."

"Hmph, it looks like Muto Yugi is nothing more than that!"

Rebecca once again surrendered her gaze to Muto Yugi and pouted: "Hurry up and return the card to me. If you don't want to, I can win it back with a duel! Do you dare to compete with me?"

Yugi sighed with some disappointment: "No, you misunderstood... Actually, the Blue Eyes White Dragon is no longer in my hands..."


Rebecca was shocked: "Where did the Blue Eyes White Dragon card go? Did you lose it? You are such a daredevil!"

Next to him, Jonouchi said angrily: "I was deceived by that bastard president of the Kaiba Group... That bastard, if I see him, I will definitely beat him up!"

Hmm...it's expected to be on sale tomorrow

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