Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 113 Seeking help (the first update is given for free)

"Haima Group..."

Rebecca thought for a while and suddenly said: "Are you saying that the Blue Eyes White Dragon used by Seto Kaiba, the president of the Kaiba Group, was defrauded from you?"

Muto Yugi nodded disappointedly.

"You are so useless!"

Rebecca was unhappy at the time, holding her suitcase with her little hand and about to run back.

Yugi was stunned and shouted to her: "Rebecca, where are you going?"

Rebecca took small steps forward angrily and said without looking back: "Then you still need to ask, of course I'm going to get the Blue Eyes White Dragon back!"

"Wait a moment!"

Muto Yugi quickly stopped Rebecca, pointed at the stick marks on his face that had not yet disappeared, and said: "We just went to Kaiba Company to get back the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but you see... we were beaten up by the security guards of Kaiba Company. So..."

Jonouchi also limped over from behind, patted his thigh in displeasure and said, "You still said I was lame. Wasn't it all because of the beatings by Kaiba's watchdogs?"

Seeing the tragic situation in Muto Yugi and Jonouchi, Rebecca felt a little scared.

No matter how individual she is, she is still a primary school student, and she is afraid of pain and being beaten.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally said with a sad face: "Then... what should I do..."

"no way."

Jonouchi sighed and gritted his teeth: "Kaiba is a big capitalist, and many congressmen have accepted political donations from his group. We can't defeat him... Damn it! Does having money make you great?"

Is it great to have money...

Isn't it amazing...

I don’t know why, as soon as these words were spoken, Yugi, Jonouchi and Kyoko suddenly opened their eyes as if they had a tacit understanding, and suddenly raised their heads in tacit understanding!

An extremely arrogant figure appeared in the minds of three people at the same time.

They seemed to see that person standing in front of them, spreading his hands and laughing triumphantly: "Sorry, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want!"

"Yes! There is a way!"

Yugi's eyes lit up, he took Jonouchi's hands and said, "Although Kaiba is powerful and no one dares to offend him, there is only one person who is an absolute exception!"

"It's Thok!"

Jonouchi said excitedly: "If that lunatic Sok went to Kaiba to ask for a card, then even an unreasonable rich man like Kaiba would not dare not to give it!"

Kyoko smiled: "Actually, Suoke-san is quite reliable sometimes..."

After finally thinking of a solution, the somewhat depressed mood of the three people suddenly relaxed a lot, and smiles appeared on their faces.

But after they were happy, an extremely realistic problem faced them again...

Their relationship with Sok is so bad...

Muto Yugi's mood suddenly dropped again, and he said with a sad face: "What should we do... Our relationship with Sok seems to be worse than that with Kaiba..."

Jonouchi sighed, as if something suddenly occurred to him, he turned his gaze to Kyoko beside him, and said hesitantly: "Kyoko, I remember that you and Suok seem to have a good relationship..."

"don't want!"

Xingzi immediately covered her chest with vigilance, shook her head repeatedly and said: "Although my relationship with him... is pretty good, his reputation in school has been really bad recently. For a young and beautiful girl like me, If students go to find him, aren't they sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?"

The three of them sighed at the same time: "Then who should I let go..."

Rebecca, who was standing nearby and had been listening to the three of them talking, blinked blankly: "Hey... is the Sok you are talking about... very powerful?"

Jonouchi curled his lips unwillingly and said: "Although I don't want to admit it...but whether it's fighting or dueling monsters, that guy Sock is so powerful that he doesn't look like a normal human being. He was the champion of the last All-Japan Duel Monsters Competition. …”

"Ah! It's him!"

After hearing this, Rebecca said with excitement on her little face: "Is he the guy who beat the audience at the game? Hehe, although his brand is not very good, he is very cool!"

At this point, Rebecca patted her small breasts and volunteered: "How about this, let me go find him. I also want to know who is more powerful, his All-Japan Champion or me, the United States Champion! "

Hearing what she said, Yuxi couldn't bear to say: "You are still young... I'm afraid that after you play cards with him, you will never recover and even start to doubt your life..."

Next to him, Jonouchi and Kyoko nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Rebecca's little breasts puffed up and she said unhappily: "Humph! She is already twelve years old and a mature LADY! I will not be as timid as you, so scared that I don't even have the courage to fight!"

"This is not fear..."

Jonouchi had a headache: "Forget it, since you want to go, then we will take you to his house to find him... But we can tell you in advance that if you are bullied by him later, you are not allowed to cry. .”

Rebecca raised her head proudly: "I'm not a child, huh!"

Although it was already getting late, at Rebecca's insistence, Yugi and Kyoko took her to the apartment where Sok rented.

Originally, Jonouchi wanted to join him, but unfortunately his leg bone was injured and he could only recuperate at the game house for the time being.

Along the way, Yugi learned from Rebecca that her grandfather Shuangroku Muto was reminiscing with her grandfather Arthur Hopkins, and Rebecca learned that because she eavesdropped on the conversation between the two. Many years ago, his grandfather gave the Blue Eyes White Dragon to Muto Shuangroku and he sneaked out of the hotel without authorization to find the game and ask for the card.

But I didn’t expect to wait directly in front of the game’s home from afternoon to evening.

Arriving downstairs at Sok's apartment, Rebecca looked up at this seemingly very high-end villa apartment and said with some surprise: "Wow, you are obviously just a student, but you live in such a good place. That one is called Sok." His family must be very rich..."

Muto Yugi laughed dryly and said to himself that I don’t know if his family has money. Anyway, the capitalists in Domino Town will be in bad luck every once in a while...

Next to her, Kyoko looked around and frowned: "But now that we have arrived at this apartment, we don't know Sok's specific room number. What should we do?"

"Don't worry, Kyoko."

As Yugi walked forward, he turned back and smiled: "Just look at the milk crates under each building and you will know which room he lives in. After all, there are not many foreigners named Nenufa..."

But before Yugi could finish his words, he suddenly bumped into someone.

The game quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't look at the road. I'm really sorry..."

The man who was hit also turned around and gave Yugi a cold look: "Be careful next time, you brat!"

Yugi apologized repeatedly, but at this moment, a gust of cool wind blew by, raising the long hair on the man's forehead. Under the cover of the long hair, a golden eye flashed with cold light.

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