Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 115 Drunk Penguin (Second update)

This person's eyes...

It looks like my building blocks...

While the game was still dazed, the man had already snorted, turned around and walked into the apartment.

Standing there blankly, Muto Yugi looked at the man's disappearing back, thoughtfully.

Later, Kyoko and Rebecca walked up, curiously patted Yugi on the shoulder and asked, "What's wrong with you, Yugi? Why are you suddenly standing here motionless?"

Yugi suddenly came back to his senses and smiled at Kyoko: "No, it's nothing... Let's hurry up and find Sok's room number..."

Kyoko saw that nothing was wrong with the game, so she nodded without thinking too much.

On the other hand, Rebecca seemed to have noticed something. She took a step behind and whispered in Yugi's ear: "You lied to her, right? Do you know the uncle just now?"

Yugi was stunned for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Why do you say that? Where did you see it?"

Rebecca raised her head proudly and hummed in a sweet voice, "A woman's intuition!"


Now let's shift the scene to Thock's side.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room at home, Suoke looked at the little penguin rolling back and forth on the stall holding a wine bottle, and sighed helplessly.

This afternoon I took Little Penguin to the supermarket to buy some wine, but after just one sip in the car, my eyes blurred, I giggled and burped.

With this look, let alone driving, it would be difficult to even open the door.

In desperation, the original plan to spread the money had to be abandoned, and he quickly brought it back to her to sober up.

But after I came back, not only was my drunkenness gone, I became addicted to it.

He held a wine bottle that was taller than it on his small arms, and after taking two gulps, he started shouting that he wanted to fistfight with Sok.

Sok ignored it, and it rolled and acted on the ground.


I raise penguins, not huskies!

Sok covered his head and sighed, but the little penguin rolling on the ground heard him.

Raising his head, the little penguin drowsily opened his little eyes, looked around, as if trying to determine where he was, and then he seemed to figure it out. He pondered for a while drunkenly, then burped and said: "...Boss ,Bill, please."

Suoke was angry and funny: "Are you rich?"

The little penguin thought for a long time with his face red, then suddenly flattened his mouth and cried loudly: "I have no money... wuwu... I am so poor..."

Seeing the penguin crying sadly, Sok hurriedly went over and patted its warm back: "Okay, okay, I don't want your money, I just want you to calm down for a while."

The little penguin then burst into tears and smiled. He sniffed and looked up drunkenly and said: "Hey...Boss, you are such a good person...next time you charge QB, I will give you a 50% discount..."


Even after drinking like this, you still don’t forget to encourage others to rush QB!

Suoke said angrily: "Okay, okay, you look chubby and cute, how come you know how to encourage me to top up your money?"

The little penguin pouted and muttered in a low voice: "That's my job...and...don't look at me for being so cute, but I actually know kung fu! That stray dog ​​that often bites people at the entrance of the company, I was chased and beaten several times..."

Suoke laughed dryly and thought to himself that this girl was also very big-hearted. No wonder she watched the movie with him without even blushing.


The little penguin suddenly sat up and looked at Suok drunkenly and seriously: "Young man, I see doubt in your eyes. Don't you believe that I know Kung Fu?"

Suoke sighed: "You drank too much... With your drinking capacity, you'd better not go to the Illusion God's gathering or anything else in the future."

The little penguin was stunned, his mouth deflated, and he started rolling on the ground again: "I didn't drink too much, I didn't drink too much!"

After shouting for a while, the little penguin found that Sok ignored her, and climbed up from the ground again. She wobbled with her short hands and made a classic Wong Feihong starting move: "If you don't believe me, I Just to open your eyes, the next thing to perform is, Eshan Shadowless Kick!"

Before Sok had time to complain about the name of this move, the little penguin had already jumped up, and his two little feet were flying back and forth towards Sok: "Kick the goose!"

How could a drunk penguin's attack hurt Sok?

Just turning his head, the little penguin flew past.

Just at this moment, the door to Suoke's apartment was suddenly kicked open. A middle-aged man rushed in and shouted: "Sock! Hand over the evil god to me..."

But before he could finish his words, Penguin kicked him in the face.


The middle-aged man covered his face and took several steps back, saying angrily: "Despicable! He actually used such a big hidden weapon!"


Suoke turned around and looked at the man who broke into his home without permission: "Who are you? How dare you come to my house to act wild?"

The middle-aged man finally stood firm, looked at Suoke coldly, and said with a ferocious smile: "I was once one of the top five bosses of Kaiba Company, Soichiro Ohta! Suoke, the evil god card designed by Pegasus is in your hands. In your hands, right? Hand it over to me immediately!"

"Five big guys? Which onion is that..."

While Suoke was wondering, he suddenly saw the golden prosthetic eye on Soichiro Ohta's left eye!

It’s the Millennium Eye!

Sock remembered!

Aren't the five big guys of Kaiba Company the same five guys who cooperated with Pegasus to kill Kaiba!

The five of them are the biggest suspects in the death of Pegasus!

But now after seeing this guy named Soichiro Ohta, Sock was sure that Pegasus was right, and the Millennium Eye was indeed snatched away by them!

"Huh huh huh... The five big guys have become a thing of the past, and now only the strongest one, me, is still alive..."

Soichiro Ohta pointed at the Thousand-Year Eye on his face with a grim smile and said: "It seems that you also know this thing, Sok! I dug it out of the eye socket of that guy from Pegasus, and now it belongs to me. Thousand-Year Eye! Not only can this eye see through people's hearts, it also contains huge dark power. If you don't want to die ugly, just be obedient and hand over the Evil God Card to me! Hahaha..."

Faced with the threat from Ota Soichiro, Suoke not only did not panic at all, but raised his eyebrows and said: "Oh, in order to compete for the Millennium Eye, did you kill the other four?"

Soichiro Ota sneered: "If you don't obey, you will be the fifth one!"

"Heh, interesting."

Suo Kexu clenched his fist twice and raised his eyebrows: "The power source of the thousand-year artifact comes from the Great Evil God of the Underworld himself, and now...you actually want to use my power to deal with me? Hahaha..."

After saying that, Suoke jumped out from behind the sofa, and an astonishing burst of courage suddenly burst out from his body!

Stretching out his hand, Sok showed an aggressive and dangerous smile on his face: "I was just thinking about where to find the Millennium Eye, and you came to the door yourself! Are you ready to face death, idiot!"

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