Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 116 Fighting (Third update)


Soichiro Ohta was inexplicably panicked, and was so frightened by Sok's courage that he unconsciously took a step back.

But then, he became angry and roared: "You brat, you can't bluff me! I already have powerful dark power, you can't be my opponent at all! Take advantage of it, psychic shock!"

Before he finished speaking, a huge golden-eyed phantom immediately attacked Sok from behind Souichiro Ohta!

The dark power contained in it is even enough to blow a tank to pieces!


"What did you say?"

Suoke passed through the Thousand-Year Eye's attack unscathed and punched Soichiro Ohta in the face, sending his whole body flying away.

After a loud "Boom!", Ota Soichiro smashed the wall of the apartment, fell heavily to the ground, and was instantly buried by countless broken walls.

Sock clapped his hands, walked over and pulled Ota Soichiro out from the pile of brick fragments, and sneered: "Weren't you quite impressive just now? Why are you acting like a soft-footed shrimp now? Where is your dark power? Use it." Let me open my eyes?"

Ota Soichiro's nose bones were broken by Sok's hammer, and he was still bleeding from the nose. He was breathing heavily, and stretched out his hand to wipe the nosebleed, gritting his teeth and said: "Sock, don't be too arrogant! The psychic shock is only It's just a side attack method of the thousand-year artifact, and its true ability has not been revealed yet! Now, I will let you experience the horror of the dark game for yourself! Hahaha..."

With Ota Soichiro's weird smile, the originally normal surroundings were suddenly shrouded in a black mist!

After only a short time, this black smoke had completely submerged everything, opening up a new dark space with Sock and Soichiro Ohta as the center!

This is the battlefield that determines the fate of both sides!

"Dark game? It's interesting."

Sock first looked around with a sightseeing look, then slapped Ota Soichiro hard with his backhand, and said impatiently: "Okay, stop howling, tell me, what do you want to compare with me?"

"You!...Humph, it seems you still don't understand the horror of dark games..."

There seemed to be an inexplicable madness in Soichiro Ota's eyes: "The dark game is a ritual that is absolutely fair and will not be deceived! Once the game starts, both of us have to risk our souls to fight. The winner can escape, and the loser can escape." Your soul will be swallowed up by darkness forever, hahaha..."

Suoke was not polite and slapped him again with his backhand: "You are paralyzed by laughter. What are you comparing to? Tell me quickly! Otherwise, I will smash your face!"


Soichiro Ohta covered his mouth and said in horror: "How is it possible? In the dark game, how can you launch a personal attack on me!?...Ah, I understand, it should be because the game has not started yet... "

Ota Soichiro, who thought he had found the reason, regained some confidence, looked at Sock coldly and said: "Listen to me, Sock! Aren't you very good at dueling monster cards? Then we will use this to duel this time. Life and death!”

Suoke was a little disappointed and said: "Playing cards again? Those of you who play dark games, can you come up with something new? How about we play Landlords or Ludo to decide life and death?"

"Fighting Landlords? Flying Chess?...What is that?"

Soichiro Ohta was stunned for a moment, and then he took out a stack of cards from his pocket, showed it to Sok, and sneered: "I haven't heard of what you said, but I still think that this thing will ruin your All Japan Duel Competition. The champion is more worthy of me! Of course, my dueling level is not as good as yours, so the rules of this dark game must be re-formulated..."


Soichiro Ohta showed a strange smile: "Both of us cannot use magic or trap cards, and these monsters are puppets controlled by us to fight each other!... The way to win is very simple, whoever can survive will win." Can win!”

Suoke casually took out the deck from the system, looked at the pile of divine cards on his deck, raised his head and asked with empty eyes: "Are you really sure you want to play with me like this?"

"I know there is an evil god in your deck!"

Soichiro Ohta laughed ferociously and said: "But I don't need to defeat the evil god, I just need to kill you! Now, I will let you see the ultimate weapon developed by our Kaiba Military Factory! Come out, my modern mechanical army They!"

Before he finished speaking, countless mechanical armies immediately appeared on Soichiro Ota's field, swarming towards Sok!

This shameless villain is going to let his monsters swarm up and kill Sok before Sok is ready, and win the dark game!

It's a pity that the person standing in front of him now is the nearly invincible Sok Nenufa!

Looking down at the Phantom God in his hand, Sok thought for a while and finally put the deck back into his pocket.

Swinging his coat, Sok moved his shoulders slightly, lowered his head and said with a grin: "I don't need monsters, I can do it myself!"

"Go up by yourself?"

When Soichiro Ohta heard this, he was immediately overjoyed!

I never thought there were such fools in the world!

How could anyone with flesh and blood be able to withstand the torrent of steel?

This is simply giving someone away!


Soichiro Ohta almost broke out in laughter, waving his hand and giving orders: "Go! High-tech wolf, land combat type combat boat, mechanical falcon, machine gun armored vehicle, perfect mechanical king! Let me use the maximum firepower to bomb him into the sky!" "

A group of mechanical monsters immediately opened the weapon valves and fired wildly at Sok!

Countless bullets sprayed fire snakes, pouring down like rain!

In the smoke, Suoke suddenly burst out with an astonishing burst of divine light, opening a meter-thick air wall around his body, intercepting all bullets without any blind spots!

After an earth-shattering roar, Suok sprouted wings on his back and flew out like a cannonball. He stepped on the high-tech wolf and crushed it to pieces with his feet!


Ota Soichiro looked at Sock's majestic and majestic figure like a demon king in inexplicable horror, his eyes were splitting as he said: "No...impossible, how can a human be able to defeat my mechanical warriors...impossible, It must be an illusion, it won’t scare me!”

"Perfect Machine King! Kill him immediately! Perfect Megaton Punch!!!"

Upon receiving the order, the Perfect Mechanical King immediately raised his steel fist, raised his hand and swung it towards Sok!

Suoke did not retreat but advanced, carrying endless divine power. He raised his hand and punched hard to meet him!

At that moment, Soichiro Ohta seemed to hear the roar of a tiger and the lightning!

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the entire mechanical arm of Perfect Machine King was squeezed into a weird shape, and then exploded instantly!

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