Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 118 The first level (fifth update, completed)

But Sock is not someone who plays games honestly and according to the rules.

Walking to the locked iron door, Suok raised his leg and kicked the door down, causing it to collapse. Under Suok's feet, the reinforced concrete building was no different from paper.

Clapping his hands, Sok sneered triumphantly and stepped over the ruins at his feet.

But as soon as he walked out of the school gate, Suoke frowned.

Because the place that was originally supposed to be outside the school has now become inside the school again. If you want to take advantage of it, it will not work at all!

"Hey, interesting."

This dark game is much more advanced than those encountered before.

Although Suok could forcefully break away from this sandbox if he wanted to, this kind of adventure game did arouse Suok's interest.

Suoke, who has been invincible in this world for too long, urgently needs to find something exciting in his life.

Looking at the huge school, Suoke didn't know where to start.

Although there is a teaching building opposite, the entrance is dark and eerie, and there is a closed space inside, so Suoke instinctively resists.

So he bypassed the main building and walked deeper into the campus from the side passage.

The moonlight shines on the ground, cold and cool, and you can see the road clearly without lighting, as if it is guiding Suoke in the direction.

Along the way, Suoke bypassed several teaching buildings and dormitory buildings. It was pitch black inside, like a bloodthirsty monster that swallowed people. He didn't know if anyone lived in those dormitory buildings.

Arriving at the playground, after Sok walked half a circle around the track, he finally heard a rustling sound...

"help me……"

Suoke was stunned, turned around and looked around, and saw a dry well at the corner of the playground.

The sound seemed to come from the dry well!

It stands to reason that on such a cold night, if such a gloomy sound suddenly comes from the dry well, anyone would be scared and run away!

But Suoke is also the reincarnation of the evil god of the underworld in this life, so he still needs to save face.



You must pretend to be fat!

So Suoke strode towards the dry well without hesitation!

The closer he got, the colder the surrounding air became. By the time Suok reached the well, the temperature had almost dropped to freezing point!

"Help me..." The voice sounded again.

It was indeed coming from a dry well!

Suok took a deep breath, stretched out his head and looked into the well.

The moment Sok cast his sight down the well!

An old man covered in flesh and blood, with broken bones and even half of his body suddenly jumped out of the well. He grabbed Suoke by the neck and was about to drag him into the dry well for burial!

The old man's face was immediately in front of Sok's eyes. The cracked skull and the rotten eyeballs protruding from the eye sockets were extremely terrifying!


"I'll beat you up with a big watermelon!"

Without saying a word, Suoke punched the old ghost in the face, cracking his skull!

The old ghost let go of his hand and fell to the bottom of the well again, letting out an ear-piercing scream.

"Modan, you scared me!"

Suoke patted his chest with lingering fear. Thanks to his one punch, he was invincible. If this was an ordinary person, he would definitely be over in one fell swoop.

No wonder that bastard said this was the ultimate dark game, and it was impossible to guard against it.

If you meet a fierce ghost, if you put it on others, you will definitely run away!

But Suoke is the reincarnation of an evil god after all, and now he is actually frightened by an old ghost. How can he bear this?

After thinking about it, Suoke took off his pants, looked into the well and peed. While peeing, he shouted to relieve his anger: "Down here, I will wash your face!"

The old ghost at the bottom of the well hadn't yet understood what it was like to wash his face. Suddenly, he felt a lot of water dripping from the top of his head, and there was a pungent smell of urine.

The old ghost was shocked at that time!


I have never seen anyone dare to pee on the head of a ghost in my life!

This man is so audacious!

The old ghost let out a shrill scream, looked up at the mouth of the well, and screamed: "I'm going to eat you! I'm going to eat you! I'm going to peel off your skin and cramps, and eat you alive!!!"

When Suoke heard this, the ghost seemed unconvinced!

So Suoke turned around, pointed his butt at the mouth of the well, and shouted loudly: "Hey, you old bastard down there! If you dare to compete again, I'm going to shit!"

The old ghost below was confused at that time. After being stunned for a long time, his tone finally softened and he said in a weak voice: "...How about you go, I'll just pretend I didn't see you..."

How could Sock leave?

It's rare to meet a living person... Oh, I'm sorry, it's a living ghost. Maybe the clues to clear the level are on him. Now that I'm gone, where can I find clues?

So Suoke simply sat by the well and shouted down: "Hey, old man, I see how old you are. If you are not practicing Tai Chi at home and you still come here to touch porcelain in the middle of the night, your life is quite difficult, right?"

When the old ghost below heard this, he was not happy at the time. He said angrily in his hoarse and harsh voice: "I am one of the five big guys of the Kaiba Group - Oshita Yukinosuke! The wealth you have plundered is more than you can ever capture in your lifetime. imagination!"

Five big guys?

Great luck! ?

Suoke was stunned and thought to himself, hadn't they already been killed? Why does it still appear as an NPC in this sandbox game?

Could it be that……

While he was thinking, an extremely ferocious and chaotic face appeared in front of Suoke!

Everything on his face could not be seen clearly, but only the golden left eye on his face was extremely eye-catching!

"Sock, you have triggered the first level - the deep sea wraith!"

A gloomy stereo sound came from that face, as if there was endless resentment: "Come out! My revenge warrior, use your broken body and plundering wisdom to defeat the powerful enemy in front of you!!!"

In an instant, countless water jets suddenly spurted out from nowhere in the originally dry well!

The huge impact of the water flow brought the old ghost's broken body up from the bottom of the well!

In the spraying well water, Oshita Konosuke's rotten body gradually developed muscle tissue, and green scales and fins continued to grow on his body!

Finally, the water fell, and a green warrior appeared in Sok's field of vision!

Suoke touched his chin, frowned and looked at this guy, and said hesitantly: "I seem to have seen this Duel Monster..."

"Yes, the posture I am borrowing now is the Duel Monster Card - 'Deep Sea Warrior'."

The deep-sea warrior slowly raised his head, his eyes hidden under his helmet glowing red: "Because the body has been destroyed and the soul has been imprisoned, if I want to deal with you, I must become the 'Deck Leader'. Come on, Sok Nenufa! Let me use my best tactics to completely defeat you in this dark game!"

Suok raised his eyebrows, pointed at the twisted face and said, "Old man, you have found the wrong person for revenge. Look at who the bad guy next to you is."

The warriors of the deep turned a deaf ear.

The ferocious face laughed wildly and said: "Sock! Don't waste your efforts! Now his soul has been detained by me and he has completely become a fighting monster! Enjoy the despair! Hahaha..."

Recommend two books from friends

(God-level cultivation)

(Rebirth of Salted Fish Life)

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