Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 119 The duel begins

After laughing, the ferocious face gradually disappeared.

Only the deep-sea warrior with scarlet eyes was left standing there. He stretched out his hand and transformed a duel disk. He said to Suok in a cold tone: "Come on, Suok, take out your deck and fight me." burden!"

This is the world of dark games, where many incredible things have become normal.

Sok stretched out his right hand and condensed his thoughts slightly. Sure enough, countless data streams immediately wrapped his arm and turned into a duel disk!

Seeing this, the deep sea warrior on the opposite side continued: "The rules of this duel are different from those in the real world. There is a new 'deck leader' system. Each deck leader has its own unique ability, and can also directly enter the field to fight, but If it is destroyed after the end, you will lose regardless of how many health points you have."

Having said this, the Deep Sea Warrior gestured to himself with his thumb: "As you can see, my deck leader is the Deep Sea Warrior. You should quickly choose a card from your deck to become your deck leader! "

Suok ignored him, but shook his fist playfully, and glanced at the deep-sea warrior with a half-smile.

The deep-sea warrior on the opposite side was horrified by Sok's look, and said in a slightly dry tone: "You... what do you want to do... I know you like to beat your opponents at the competition site, but I can warn you, this is the most advanced dark game. Any violent means will not work..."

But before he finished speaking, Suoke raised his hand and a transparent shock wave sent him flying several meters away.

The surrounding darkness surged over instantly, seeming to execute the punishment of the dark game.


Suok squinted his eyes and glanced coldly at the dark smoke surrounding him, fearing to step forward. The aura of the Great Evil God instantly filled the entire place!

The dark smoke was so frightened that it dispersed and disappeared.

"Huh huh huh... You think too highly of this ritual. Against ordinary people, the Dark Game is indeed invincible, but against me... Hahaha, wishful thinking!"

Suok stretched out his hand, clenched his fist tightly, and revealed the evil smile of the evil god on his lips: "I am Suok, the great evil god of the underworld! Even the darkness must fear my power, and even the gods dare not ignore my strength, no matter it is the sky, the earth, or the ocean ! I am above everything else, and I am the king of aloofness! Hahaha..."

The deep-sea warrior climbed up from the ground in embarrassment and witnessed the dark power escaping in embarrassment. He said in disbelief: "This... this is impossible..."

"Now, you should know that you have provoked such a devil that you should not provoke, right?"

Suoke sneered twice, stretched out his hand to knock on his duel plate, raised his eyebrows and said: "But... it's not a bad idea to give you a chance. It just so happens that my subordinates have recently taken in many new warriors, and I also want to see what they are like. Brave figure... Come on! Stand up, deep sea warrior, you should feel honored to be the first soul killed by the martyrs!"

The deep-sea warrior didn't understand what Thok meant by martyrdom, but since Thok was willing to duel rather than resort to violence, this somewhat relieved him.

Climbing up from the ground with difficulty, the Deep Sea Warrior activated the duel disk, put the deck in, and shouted: "You will have to pay the price for underestimating me! Choose your deck leader, Sok!"

Sok spread out his deck in his hand, pulled out a card, and smiled slightly: "Do you still have to choose the leader of my deck? Of course it is you... Come out, Illusionary Illusion Puppet!"

The gloomy and dark sky was suddenly broken by a divine light!

An elegant girl fell from the sky in the divine light and landed next to Suoke.

She is a god born from illusion, possessing endless divine power. A puppet made from just a breath of her breath has power comparable to the "Devil's Summons"!

But now, when this god just landed next to Suo Ke, he immediately stumbled and fell into Suo Ke's arms with a burp of wine.

The soft body was warm, with a hint of daughter's fragrance mixed with the smell of alcohol.

Suoke shook her arm with his eyes wide open: "Hey, hey, you haven't sobered up yet?"

"I...I'm not drunk..."

False Illusion stretched out his slender hand, rubbed his eyes, and roughly saw the current situation. He pouted and said a little unhappy: "Ah? Has the duel started again? Can't we give people a two-day break..." said After that, False Illusion rolled up his sleeves with his drunken eyes and staggered forward: "Okay, take care of me. I can kill this bastard with one punch..."

The deep-sea warriors on the other side were shocked!

Damn, how could this man and his monster have the same moral character, and they would attack if they disagreed with each other!

Sok also hurriedly stopped the illusion and said, dumbfounded: "Don't be impatient. The duel hasn't even started yet. I just want you to come out and cheer me up. Just put on some BGM if necessary. I just want to try it on him." The power of those newly sealed martyrs.”

False Illusion nodded as if understanding, then turned back into the little penguin, sat on Sok's shoulder, kicked its little feet, rested its head on Sok's cheek, and muttered vaguely: "Then I Just sleep a little longer... remember to call me if you want to play BGM later... eh..."

At the same time, a virtual phantom puppet was projected into Sock's backcourt, and data also appeared simultaneously.

[False Illusion Puppet, Attack: 2500, Defense: 0]

"Puppet of false illusion..."

The Deep Sea Warrior's voice was a little serious. Not only had he never seen this card, he had never even heard of it.

Although there are a lot of duel monster cards, tens of thousands of different cards, a monster with such a powerful attack power, the Deep Sea Warrior will definitely not have no image at all.

It stands to reason that cards like this are usually counterfeit cards and should not exist in the card database, but Dark Games will not be deceived. If this card appears, it must be a card recognized by the rules...


The deep-sea warrior glanced at Suok with a blank look.

I'm afraid that even if this guy uses a counterfeit card, Dark Games can't do anything to him, right?

"In that case, let's start the duel! The duel rules apply to the latest test version. The health value of both parties at first meeting is 4000. When the opponent has no monsters on the field, you can attack the opponent directly!"

The Deep Sea Warrior and Sok looked at each other, suddenly pulled out five cards from the deck, and suddenly shouted:



[Deep Sea Warrior: LP4000]

[Soknenu method: LP4000]

"I'll attack first! Draw a card!"

Pulling out a card from the deck, the Deep Sea Warrior glanced at it, then added that card to his hand. Then, he put the other four cards on the duel plate one by one, and said slowly: "I want Cover one monster card, then cover three cover cards, ending the turn.”


I hate this kind of opening the most in my life.

Suok looked at the deep-sea warrior with a look of displeasure and said, "Old man, have you ever heard of a word?"

The deep-sea warrior was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"Treat the whole family to death!"

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