Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 123 Second Level

Arriving at a teaching building that didn't look so dangerous, Sok raised his legs and was about to walk inside.

But at this time, the little penguin, who had already woken up from the wine, looked at the dark and ghostly place inside, but felt a little timid in his heart.

Holding Suok's neck in fear, the little penguin said with a trembling voice: "Hey... Suok, otherwise we should continue walking around outside..."

If Suoke realized something, he turned his head and said with some humor: "Why, you are obviously a false god, but you are still afraid of ghosts?"

When the little penguin heard this, he immediately sat up straight and said with a slightly panicked tone: "Who... who said I'm scared..." But after being harsh, he muttered in a low voice: "I'm still a girl after all. …”

Suok smiled and touched the little penguin's head, comforting him: "Don't worry, if you are scared, just close your eyes. Anyway, you exist on the illusionary level. No one can see you except me."

The little penguin was reminded by Suoke, and then he remembered that he was 100% safe in this world!

As long as you don’t come out from the level of illusion, no one can do anything to you!

Thinking of this, the little penguin immediately grinned his little mouth, and jumped off Suok's shoulder with an extremely swollen jump. He turned back and made an "OK" gesture towards Suok, and winked at him and said: "You told me earlier. ! It makes people’s hearts flutter! Isn’t it just a ghost? Just look at it!”

After that, the little penguin picked up a big stone from the roadside, trotted all the way to the door of the teaching building, raised his hand and smashed the glass door!

With his hands in the shape of a trumpet, the little penguin shouted loudly toward the inside: "Beer, drinks, eight-treasure porridge, spicy instant noodles and ham sausage! If there are hungry students and teachers, come and buy them. I will close the stall later!"

After shouting, the little penguin immediately ran into the flower bed and hid, quietly staring at all the disturbances at the gate with great nervousness.

The penguin's voice echoed in the silent school, extremely harsh.

Unfortunately, after a long time, there was not even a ghost, let alone a person.

Looking at the silent dark corridor, the little penguin calmed down for a moment, stuck out his head and shouted to Sok in a low voice: "It's okay, let's go in!"

Sok walked forward, lifted the little penguin up, put it on his shoulders, and walked in together.

The dim lights in the corridor flickered, like a scene from a horror movie.

But when Suoke checked the entire classroom on the first floor, he found no danger at all.

For most people, this should be a relief.

But to be honest, Sock was a little disappointed.

I'm just here for excitement, yours is not scary at all, it's so boring!

With deep disappointment in his heart, Suoke set foot on the stairs to the second floor again.

Arriving at the second floor, it was still the same corridor as the first floor. The dim lights flickered. Suok opened the door of the first classroom without any precautions. Suddenly, there was a man with blood stains on his face and red eyes. The terrifying female corpse hung upside down from the ceiling!

The maggot-infested blood-red eyes of the female corpse were staring at Suoke, and suddenly an extremely hideous and terrifying intentional smile appeared at the corner of her mouth!

At this moment, all the dim lights in the corridor went out!

The little penguin was frightened and screamed repeatedly, but Suoke had the eyesight of a dragon, but he could clearly see that in the darkness, the female ghost slowly stretched out her bloody hands toward him!

Suok's expression remained unchanged, he opened his mouth and said, "Drink... Bah!" A mouthful of thick phlegm spat on the female ghost's face!

The female ghost was shocked!

The blood claw stretched out towards Suok also stopped awkwardly in mid-air.

This was the first time she had seen such a mature human being, and she had no idea what the next step would be.

For a moment, the anger of being humiliated was forgotten in his mind.

Seeing that the female ghost hadn't moved for a long time, Suoke couldn't help but said impatiently: "Look, a street girl, eating shit and pulling you!"

Now the female ghost finally reacted!

In an instant, his anger level exploded, and he stretched out his bloody claws to strangle Sok's neck!

I saw Suoke was not in a hurry, and suddenly took out a big durian from nowhere and blocked it in front of him!

As soon as the female ghost grabbed her, her hands were immediately bruised and bloody. She screamed and bounced back to the ceiling. She didn't know where she went.

The dim lights came on again. Suoke patted his chest with lingering fear, threw the durian to the ground, secretly patted his chest and said, "Fortunately, I'm lucky. Durian actually grows under the banana tree in this school. It really helped me a lot!”

Entering this classroom, Suoke picked up a mop from the back of the classroom and looked up at the ceiling.

Strutting up to the gap in the ceiling, Sok took the end of the mop and stabbed it.

After poking for a while, the female ghost's head hung from the gap in the ceiling again!

With blood-red eyes full of malice, the female ghost looked at Suok fiercely and made a harsh, frosty voice: "What on earth are you going to do?"

Suoke was not afraid at all and said: "I want to ask you something, and I will leave after asking. I will never compete with you!"

The female ghost might not be used to the fact that a mortal could communicate with her so calmly and normally. After hesitating for a long time, she nodded and said: "...you ask."

Suoke gestured to the teaching buildings and dormitories outside the window with his thumb, and asked: "The houses over there are the same as here. Are there any ghosts living there?"

The female ghost nodded and said nothing.

Suoke then asked: "Then who is the most powerful ghost here? How many ghosts are there in the dormitory? Besides me, there should be two living people in this school. Do you know where they are? Also, I Is there anything you can do to get out of this school?"

Hearing this, the female ghost smiled sinisterly: "If you can't get out, you will never get out! There are more ghosts and ghosts here than you can imagine! All living people will eventually become our companions... quack quack... "

The terrifying laughter echoed in the empty classroom, which was creepy.

But without saying a word, Suoke took the mop and hit the female ghost's head hard twice, and said angrily: "You are laughing at your mother! If I ask you a question, answer it honestly, otherwise I will give it to you later. Can you believe it after being dragged out from the ceiling?"

The female ghost was probably stabbed in pain by Suok, and she shrank back into the ceiling with a scream!

So Suoke flew to the ceiling without saying a word, and was dragged out of the ceiling by the hanging female ghost!

The hanging female ghost clung to the wall and ceiling with a face full of reluctance.

But she is just a female ghost, how can she be as strong as Sok?

After hearing bursts of harsh sounds, several deep nail marks were left on the wall, and finally she was dragged out from the ceiling by Sok.

Suoke rolled up his sleeves and was about to torture him to extract a confession.

But at this time, the evil face with golden eyes appeared in the classroom again, and said gloomily to Sok: "Sock, you have triggered the second level: the nightmare penguin who wants to take away the bodies of young women— —Wake up, Otaki Shuzo!"

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