Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 124 What an interesting duel

After the black shadow finished speaking, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

But the female ghost caught in Suok's hand suddenly changed color, and a penguin-like shadow emerged from her body and landed in front of Suok!

It was a pudgy penguin wearing a top hat, evening gown and stern eyebrows!

With a vicious voice coming out of his mouth, the Nightmare Penguin screamed: "You bastard! Give me back that living body!"

Suoke was stunned and looked down at the female ghost he had captured.

The possessed nightmare penguin was driven away, and she finally returned to her original appearance! The person who fainted next to him was a little girl with golden hair!

Suokezhi has read the comic version, so he doesn't know the blonde lolita Rebecca in this TV original plot.

However, Suoke has almost figured out the general ins and outs of the matter.

He, Kyoko, and this little girl were all transported into the dark game, scattered all over the place, triggering pre-set levels. If you win, you can continue to pass the level, but if you fail, your body will be taken away by these ghosts.

Tsk, the ball is already dead, and the body of a living person is useless!

Without the approval of Osiris, the king of the underworld, no one can escape from the underworld unless he helps!

The possessed nightmare gradually subsided, and Rebecca, who was leaning next to Sok's legs, slowly woke up.

Opening her eyes drowsily, Rebecca murmured in confusion: "I...where am I..." But soon, when she saw the classroom clearly, she remembered everything!

"Ah! There's a ghost!"

Rebecca screamed, covering her head and shrinking into a ball: "Help! HELP! HELP!"

Suoke was impatient by her noise, lowered his head and said angrily: "What are you shouting for? If you shout again, I will give you back, do you hear me?"

When the Nightmare Penguin heard this, his face lit up with joy: "Really? You have to keep your word..."

But before it had finished speaking, Suoke hit the wall with a Qigong Cannon and said with an unhappy face: "When will it be your turn to interrupt me? Are you worthy of looking like a penguin? Can you rush me?" Money? Can you print a card? You don’t know anything, I’m so sorry for you!”

In an instant, an invisible aura filled the entire classroom!

The strength of both sides will be judged!

Rebecca, who was still screaming, quickly covered her mouth, looked at Suok with tears in her eyes, and said carefully: "I...I won't scream anymore...don't bully me..."

Suoke snorted angrily: "I'm not interested in being a primary school student. It's just a matter of convenience to save you."

"……help me?"

Rebecca blinked, looked down at her hands, and suddenly said happily: "Ah! I remembered, it turned out that you saved me! HERO, what is your name? I will definitely repay you in the future. your!"

Suok snorted in displeasure: "I'm not a hero, I'm Suok, the great evil god of the underworld!"


Rebecca recited Sok's name in her slightly jerky Japanese voice. After thinking for a while, she suddenly clapped her hands and said, "By the way, I was coming to find you!" After that, Lei Beka quietly raised her head and glanced at Suok, grinning and said: "Yi Yu and Sister Xingzi said that you are a bit difficult to get along with, but I think you are quite reliable!"

"Find me?"

Suoke was confused: "Is it revenge? I don't remember that I robbed a primary school student..."

"Oh, no!" Rebecca happily got up from the ground, crossed her waist and said, "I am the United States Champion Rebecca, and I am here to challenge you!" But at this point, Rebecca Kazuo scratched his head in confusion: "I don't know why, but as soon as I arrived at your door, I saw a monster killing people, and then he came here in the blink of an eye..."

Sock raised his eyebrows slightly.

It turns out that the child didn't recognize that the murderous monster was herself, otherwise she would have been so scared that she would wet her pants now.

With Sok around, Rebecca gradually became bolder.

Carefully looking at the nightmare penguin stuck in the wall and struggling, Rebecca whispered to Sok and asked: "HERO, do you know where this is? Why is the atmosphere so weird and there are such monsters? …”

At this time, the Nightmare Penguin finally broke free from the wall and gasped: "I...I am not a monster! I am the 55-year-old former head of the personnel department of the Kaiba Group - Shuzo Otaki! Because my body has been fighting for thousands of years. The eyes were destroyed during the process, and now I can only appear in the image of my favorite penguin! ... Damn it, is it Sok? How dare you ruin my good deeds, I will use my favorite penguin to execute you!"

The penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder was shocked: "Huh? Do you like me? But I don't know you..."

Suoke waved his hands with his eyes wide open: "He's not talking about you..."

After that, a white light flashed, and a duel disk suddenly appeared on the arm of Nightmare Penguin, who yelled: "Come on, let's duel! If you lose, not only this girl's body, but also your body will be taken!" "

Seeing this, Rebecca quickly reminded: "HERO! You have to be careful! The duel rules he adopted have a new deck leader system. I was defeated by him just now because I was not familiar with the ability of my deck leader. !”

Gee, the little girl is so innocent and cute.

You don’t know your ability, so you can’t make it up. Your deck leadership ability in that game just now is just nonsense. You can’t even talk nonsense, and you are still the United States champion!

Shaking his head, Suok also raised his hand to conjure a duel disk, and said to the Nightmare Penguin: "It's okay to play with you. I just happen to be bored, so I just take it as a pastime. But if you dare to beat me later, I will I’ll punch you to death, you hear me?”

The Nightmare Penguin obviously didn't know how powerful Sok was. He sneered like the cannon fodder before: "This is the ultimate dark game! The outcome can only be decided by duel! If you want to use violence to hurt me, then you will He died miserably!"

Feelings made him forget who just hit him against the wall.

Suok inserted the deck of cards into the duel plate nonchalantly and said: "Whatever you think, it will be too late to regret it when the time comes..."

But at this moment, the Nightmare Penguin on the opposite side suddenly stretched out his arms and shouted sternly: "Sack on the bridge! Sok Nenufa, seventeen years old, I have investigated your information when I was still alive, so those of you who have I also know all about the famous style issue! Don’t even think about using those despicable methods to duel with me!"

Sok raised his eyebrows: "So?"

Nightmare Penguin shouted sternly: "Your information clearly states your cheating methods. You did not shuffle the cards at the beginning, drew three cards during the card drawing phase, hid cards in your sleeves, and used force and intimidation to force your opponent to surrender... None of this is of use to me! I ask you to reshuffle the cards, roll up your sleeves, and let me see it every time you draw cards!"

Suoke thought for a long time, stepped forward and punched the Nightmare Penguin to death, then stretched out his hand to perform a classic move of Judai Yujo.

"I won. It was an interesting duel."

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