Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 125 The third one

The nightmare penguin fell heavily to the ground, and his entire body was turned into pieces and swallowed by darkness.

This is the result of losing in the dark game... although he lost a bit unjustly.

Rebecca, who saw Sok's actions later, was shocked at the time. She covered her mouth and said in disbelief: "HERO...you, aren't you going to duel with him?"

Suok raised his eyebrows and turned back: "Isn't there a winner in the duel?"

"No, no."

Rebecca shook her little head vigorously, took out a deck of cards from the pocket of her sweater jacket and said, "He wants to duel you with cards, not fists!"

Sok clapped his hands, sneered and shook his head and said, "Using cards is called playing cards, using fists is called dueling... Tsk, a short fat man dares to challenge me to a duel. I'm really tired of him." After that, Rebecca still looked at it. He seemed hesitant to speak, but Suoke said impatiently: "Oh, I just killed a monster, what's the difference? I'll remember to give him some incense later."

Rebecca was right. Why did she sympathize with the monster?

What's more, that monster almost stole my body just now!

After coming back to her senses, Rebecca was about to apologize to Sok, but she saw Sok walking towards the door of the class.

"Ah! Wait for me, HERO!"

Rebecca hurriedly ran all the way to catch up with Sock. Looking nervously at the terrifying and gloomy environment around her, she tentatively pulled Sock's pants and asked pitifully: "HERO... I can... I can Can I hold your hand and walk? It’s so scary here..."

Suoke's eyes twitched slightly and he looked down at the little blond loli next to him.

I obviously came here to play dark games, so how do I feel now that I have participated in the program "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

It's so painful.

Sighing with a headache, Suoke said with great reluctance: "If you are afraid, just follow me. The atmosphere here is quite good. Do you know that holding my hand will remind me of a certain parent-child activity for a second? A show?"

Rebecca held the little bear doll and followed Sok with small steps, whispering: "...But people are really scared."

Suoke ignored her and continued to check the classrooms one by one, hoping to find other clues.

Every time the classroom door is kicked open, there will be a loud noise. Suoke is not afraid, but Rebecca is always a primary school student next to her. Every time the door is opened, she is frightened and tries to hold back her tears. Not only that , she looked back at the dark dormitory building opposite, always afraid that Suok would wake up the ghosts there and attract them.

In the end, Rebecca was so scared that she held Sok's broad left hand with her trembling little hand.

His little hands were cold, which startled Suok. He thought that a kid was coming to find him.

When he turned around and was about to punch, he saw Rebecca looking up at him pitifully.

Suoke let out a breath of fear: "I'm scared, let go."

Rebecca didn't speak, just shook her head gently.

Suoke's eyes widened: "Let go!"

Rebecca was so frightened that she trembled all over, but still bit her lip stubbornly and shook her head vigorously.

Suok then scratched his head helplessly: "Forget it, don't let it go if you don't want to, just hold on tight."

Rebecca, who was about to cry, suddenly froze, raised her head, and nodded her head with a smile: "Well! Thank you, HERO!"

Suok snorted: "I said I'm not a hero, I'm the evil god of the underworld! The biggest villain in the world!"

Rebecca wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with a smile and said: "No, you are not even afraid of ghosts and monsters, and you also saved me. In my heart, you are the omnipotent superhero in the movie!"

Damn, I didn’t expect that I, the Great Evil God, would one day be a hero.

But don’t tell me, it feels pretty good.

Suok felt happy in his heart and nodded proudly: "Well, since you called me a hero, I can't let you call me a hero in vain. If there is a chance to duel later, I will show you a five-for-one show... No, I’m a superhero, so just exchange six for one!”

Rebecca blinked blankly: "Six for one...what does it mean?

Sok said casually: "It's nothing, it's just a necessary procedure to call Ultraman..."


Holding Sok's warm big hand, Rebecca nodded in understanding. After walking for a while, she raised her head and asked, "HERO, your relationship with Sister Kyoko and Yugi Muto doesn't seem to be very good... ...Why, I think both of you are good people?"

Suoke said proudly: "Because I am a bad guy. Of course, a bad guy wants everyone to be afraid of me."

"Who said that."

Rebecca hugged Sok's left hand tightly, raised her little head, and said with a sincere smile: "I like you very much!"

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder looked at it and raised his arms in cheers: "Me too, me too!"

Suok smiled and was about to speak, but suddenly, a black shadow suddenly walked past the stairs in front of her. Just when the black shadow was about to disappear from Suok's field of vision, she suddenly turned around and looked at it with a dull look. glanced at Sok.

It’s Kyoko!

Suoke's eyesight was so good that he recognized it at a glance. The black figure was Kyoko!

According to Rebecca's example, you can probably guess that Kyoko was also manipulated by a ghost as a bait to attract her!


For the first time, I met a ghost who was not passively triggered but took the initiative!

It seems that the loud noise he just made worked!

After thinking about it, Suoke was not in a hurry. Anyway, if he really wanted to lure him there, the ghost would definitely make Kyoko wait for him.

So Soko took Rebecca and walked straight towards the stairs.

Rebecca didn't see Kyoko and was still curious: "HERO, aren't you going to check the remaining classrooms?"

Suoke laughed loudly and said: "I have already found where the next ghost is, what else is there to search for? I will take you to hunt down that unlucky ghost now, hahaha!"

Rebecca was shocked: "Oh!?"

Following Xingzi all the way to the top floor of the teaching building, there was a music classroom that occupied the entire floor.

Pushing open the classroom door, a very conspicuous piano was placed in the center under the moonlight.

Kyoko, on the other hand, was standing on the edge of the stage, motionless.

At this time, the chill that just happened next to the dry well in the playground appeared again!

Suoke narrowed his eyes, knowing that the ghost was about to appear!

Next to her, Rebecca also felt the chill. She leaned closer to Sok and said with a trembling voice: "I...I'm afraid..."

Suoke raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Escape is not the solution to the problem. Let's go in with me and see what tricks this ghost is going to play!"

"Ding ding ding..."

Suddenly, the piano stops playing!

The classroom door behind Suoke also closed heavily in an instant!

Rebecca was startled, but soon, the sound of music attracted her attention. Rebecca listened carefully to the prelude for a while, and said in surprise: "This... this is the Broadway stage play 'Xian'" 's jewel'!?"

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