Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 126 One on Two

Before he finished speaking, bloody footprints suddenly appeared on the floor under the moonlight, walking step by step from Sok to the piano stand.

Rebecca was so frightened that she almost fainted.

But Sock pulled Rebecca, who was a little unsteady, to the auditorium below with great interest. He chose the seat closest to the piano and sat down, ready to enjoy the stage from another world. drama.

But as soon as he sat down, Suoke felt something wrong behind him!

That is definitely not the feeling that a stiff chair can give people!

Sok stood up and looked back!

But he saw a scene that was enough to scare people to death!

I saw that the originally empty classroom seats were now packed tightly with corpses!

Those corpses were uniformly dressed in school uniforms, and their death conditions were extremely tragic!

And based on the corpse's hairstyle, Sock could recognize that Muto Yugi was among them!

Rebecca almost cried out of fright. She held on to Suoke and said tremblingly: "I... what should we do now..."

"What should we do? Of course we have to ask them to give up their seats for us!"

Suoke didn't care that a group of corpses were staring at him with ghostly, empty eyes. He pulled the corpse that he had just sat on out of the seat, threw it from the window to the downstairs, and sat on it himself. , after that, he very considerately pulled out the corpse on the seat next to him to put his feet on it, patted the empty seat and said to Rebecca: "Sit down too, don't be polite to these dead ghosts."

Rebecca was almost crying, shaking her head desperately, saying that she was unwilling to get close to these corpses.

Suoke curiously pointed to the hundreds of corpses behind him and said, "Are you afraid of them?"

Rebecca: "..."

You are probably the only person in the world who dares to be so unrestrained.

"Hey, if you're afraid, you should have told me earlier! Look at me!"

Suok clapped his hands and stood up from his seat. At this moment, the heads of hundreds of corpses behind him suddenly moved, and they all looked towards Suok, as if there was endless evil resentment!

Without saying a word, Suoke waved his hand and released a divine light, instantly cutting all the hundreds of corpses in half!

The screams of the fierce ghosts were endless, and countless black smoke floated out from the broken corpses, turning into ferocious grimaces, and then disappeared unwillingly.

Suok nodded with satisfaction, then sat down again and smiled at Rebecca: "Then, you're not afraid now, are you?"

Rebecca looked at the bloody body behind her and suddenly covered her mouth, squatted on the ground and retched.

Sock shrugged helplessly, while patting Rebecca on the back, he reached out to the invisible "artist" in front of the piano stand on the stage and said: "Teacher, please start your performance!"

Don't tell me, that fierce ghost on the stage is really obedient.

The moment blood stains dripped on the black and white keys, the music began!

"Buzz buzz..."

A burst of extremely weird and terrifying music suddenly sounded, just like the background music in Stephen Chow's movie "The Night of the Soul". It made people's hair stand on end and was terrifying!

And Kyoko, who was standing on the stage, was mechanically shaking her body like a puppet, and her dance steps were extremely weird!

Suoke frowned, slapped the table and said, "Change the channel! I want to hear something more festive!"

But the performance on the stage continued, even pushing the entire rhythm to a climax!

Suoke saw that this ghost dared not give him face, and he was unhappy at that time!

Jumping out of his seat, Sock rushed to the podium without saying a word and kicked down the small bench in front of the piano stand!

The piano sound stopped suddenly.

In the invisible field of vision, a transparent fierce ghost smashed the dog into shit.

Suoke angrily yelled at the invisible playing ghost on the ground: "What the hell are you playing? I can't even understand it! With your level, how can you play the piano? Go to Africa and sell your butt, garbage!"

The fierce ghost playing the piano seemed to be angered by Sok. The footprints on the ground, which were originally just stains of blood, suddenly turned into a river of blood at this moment!

The pungent fishy smell went straight into his nose, but Suoke chuckled and said: "Hey, yo, aunt, come here if you don't agree with me... Do you want to blackmail me?"

The pool of blood on the ground paused for a moment, hesitating whether to kill this annoying living person now.

Sock used his feet to push away the blood stains on the ground, stood in front of the piano, and shouted sternly: "You bunch of country bumpkins, I'm going to tell you to open your eyes right now and let you see what real music and great artists are!"

After saying that, Sok immediately pressed the black keys with both hands, thinking about the skills he learned in the cram school in this world, and started playing.

"A hug, a hug for that one! The hug made that sister bend over with laughter!"

"Give me a hug, give me a hug! I can carry that sister to the sedan chair!"

The fierce ghost playing the piano was stunned, and Rebecca below also opened her little mouth in a daze.

On the stage behind her, Kyoko's mechanized body kept shaking, as if she didn't know what dance to match at this time.

After the song was played, the place was extremely quiet.

After waiting for a long time, Suoke breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "It's such a beautiful sound!"

After sighing, Suoke frowned slightly, always feeling that something was lacking.

After thinking for a long time, Suoke suddenly clapped his hands!

correct! applause!

Why is there no applause for my perfect performance? ?

Turning around, Suoke, whose nose was not a nose and whose eyes were not eyes, turned towards the invisible "fierce ghost" beside him and said angrily: "Little Red Man, why don't you applaud?"

There was more and more blood flowing on the ground, and finally, amidst a violent roar, a burly figure emerged from the blood stains!

Suoke ignored him, bent down and was caught by the bench on the ground, and hit Xingzi hard at the back, roaring: "And you! Come out here!"

The body was hit hard, and another monster wearing green armor, with protruding veins on its head, and red skin was knocked out of Kyoko's body and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, the blurry face with golden eyes appeared again: "Sock, you are indeed very powerful, and cannot be solved by one person... So, this time, you will face the revenge of two evil ghosts at once! Come on ! 'Justice', 'Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker' (Suojia)!"

The two fierce ghosts who had just been forced out by Suok immediately rushed in front of Suok, and they transformed duel discs on their arms and roared: "Come on, Suok! What you will face next is our combination. Attack! Are you prepared to die!?"

Rebecca shouted worriedly: "Sock, you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, no matter how much salted fish there is, it's just salted fish."

Suoke sneered, raised his hand to create a duel disk, raised his eyebrows at the two of them and said, "I haven't played this mode before, it should be quite interesting, so come on!"

The Justice and the Android looked at each other and shouted: "As you can see, our deck leader is ourselves. You should also quickly choose your deck leader!"

"You choose yourselves..."

Suoke suddenly smiled: "Then I might as well choose myself!"

Recommend a friend's book "I am the Great Saint"

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