Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 127 The Great Evil God

"Choose yourself?"

The justice and the android Suojia looked at each other, then turned to Suoke and said: "We can choose ourselves because we borrowed the body of the duel monster, but you are a living person, how can you become the leader of the deck?"

Sok sneered: "Who said a living person can't become a deck leader? Did you stipulate this?"


The two were still hesitating, but Suoke had already taken a step back, crossed his arms, and continued to accumulate strength throughout his body, letting out a soul-stirring low roar!

In an instant, it seemed as if a huge storm vortex appeared around Sok, and he was the eye of the storm in that vortex!

The huge suction force seems to distort even the space!

The surrounding environment began to collapse, and all the backgrounds turned into the most primitive darkness, and were involved in this whirlpool!

The ultimate dark game RPG sandbox world built by the Millennium Eye will be used by Sock at this moment!

Become the power he uses to call the leader of the deck!


The door that had never been opened in Sok's heart for a long time was finally released!

Everything turned into original darkness, and the astonishing dark power that was so huge and terrifying that it exceeded the limit of anyone's imagination soared from Sok's body into the sky!

In the pitch-black sky, a demonic and ferocious face gradually revealed its true appearance!

Evil, chaos, the evil god who seemed to be born to bring fear to all things, finally arrived at this moment!

Great evil god!


"Hahaha... After traveling through three thousand years, I finally returned to this world!"

The Great Evil God Sok spit out chaotic airflow from his mouth, stretched his huge body hundreds of meters high, felt the endless power, and let out a harsh laugh!

The unspeakable horror spread across the entire venue instantly!

The justice and the android Suojia were trembling all over, and they instinctively felt something bad and panicked!

They wanted to escape, but the ghosts' natural obedience and irresistibility to the evil god made it impossible for them to even escape!

That kind of despair and ant-like powerlessness made them can only pray for a quicker death!

On the side, Rebecca covered her small mouth, suppressing the fear in her heart, and shouted to Sok with concern: "HERO! Are you okay?"

At this time, Suok, who had released the power of the Great Evil God, finally slowly put down his hands, breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to look at the Great Evil God with satisfaction, raised his eyebrows and said: "It looks pretty good, very grand. Well!" After saying that, Sok said to the shivering Chancellor and the android Suojia opposite him: "Hey, this is my deck leader, let's start the duel!"

"You...your deck leader..."

"Are you kidding...?"

The Justice and the artificial human Suojia knelt down directly towards the Great Evil God and shouted in horror: "That is the Great Evil God who controls all the darkness in the world! The Supreme Evil God who even the God of the Underworld, Osiris, dare not provoke! I I don’t know what method you used to call him out, but you got into big trouble! Big trouble!"

"No one can survive, we will all be wiped out by the evil god..."

"wipe out……"


Suoke laughed loudly, closed his eyes, and said with a ferocious smile: "You mean... like this?"

When Suok closed his eyes, the Great Evil God seemed to notice that there were still a few ant-like beings under his feet. He lowered his head and grinned: "Who did I think released me? It turned out to be my reincarnation... To reward you, I will help you eliminate those two guys who dare to go against you!" After saying that, the fierce demonic fire rotated and burned in the hands of the evil god!

The scorching heat that stung the soul made the chief judge and the artificial human Suojia on the ground almost collapse, kowtow to the Great Evil God and cry: "Spare my life! Spare your life! Lord Great Evil God!"

The magic fire disappeared, the Great Evil God stopped moving, and Sok on the ground also opened his eyes.

Seeing the two of them begging for mercy, Suoke laughed heartily: "How dare you set a trap for me with your bears like you? Hahaha..."

When the two heard the sound, they looked at each other and secretly glanced at Suoke.

After hesitating for a while, the chief judge first looked up in fear at the Great Evil God who had stopped moving, then rubbed his hands and said with a sneer: "Mr. Suo...Sock, you...what is your relationship with the Great Evil God..."

Suok was stunned: "You know the Great Evil God but don't know the True Name of the Great Evil God? ...That's right. It's really impossible for you scoundrels to know something of this level."

After saying that, Suok raised the duel disk and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, as you can see, the leader of my deck is the 'Great Evil God of the Underworld'! The duel begins!"

[The Great Evil God of the Underworld, 12 stars, dark attribute, demon race, attack: infinite, defense: infinite]

Looking at the evil god with absolute power behind Sok, the two of them couldn't muster any fighting spirit in their hearts.

But if someone wanted to play, he would die immediately if he didn't accompany him, so as a last resort, the chief judge and the android Suojia also shouted: "Duel!"

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Suok pulled out a card from the deck, suddenly raised his head and said: "By the way, I'm the first to say it. I play cards just for fun. If you dare to make me feel boring by being perfunctory, I will immediately use the big one." The evil god will kill you, remember?"

The justice and the android nodded repeatedly like pecking at rice: "Remember...remember, we will do our best to make Master Suoke happy."

Rebecca was dumbfounded. She had seen match-fixing before, but this was the first time she had seen someone discussing match-fixing at a game.

"Hey, little girl!"

Sok turned his head and shouted towards Rebecca: "Didn't I promise to perform a six-for-one show on the road just now? You have to watch carefully later!"

"Ah? Oh!" Rebecca nodded in understanding, squatting on the ground attentively and looking at Sok.

Sok drew a card from his hand, slapped it into the duel plate, and shouted: "First, I want to activate the magic card, the Pot of Desire! Depending on its effect, I can add two more cards from the deck to my hand. !”

After drawing two cards from the deck, Sok then drew another card and inserted it into the duel disk: "Immediately afterwards, I want to activate the magic card 'Fusion' from my hand! Fusion of the three Blue-Eyed White Dragons in my hand Become the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and summon it to our field!"

In the chaotic darkness, three holy white dragons shine with soft holy light and merge into one!

After a crisp dragon roar, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon descended on Sok's field!

The android on the opposite side was extremely shocked and said: "What!? You summoned a monster with an attack power of 4500 in the first round!? Damn it... Isn't it impossible to defeat such a powerful monster?"

But it’s not over yet!

Sok drew another card from his hand and shouted: "Then, I will activate the magic card 'Fusion Release' to cancel the fusion of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and let the three-body Blue-Eyes White Dragon come to my field!"

On the scene, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon turned into white light and split into three. Three Blue-Eyed White Dragons were summoned to Sok's field!

"Then, this is the end..."

Sok inserted a card in his hand into the card slot, then raised the last card in his hand and shouted sternly: "I cover a cover card and offer the three-body blue-eyed white dragon on the field as a sacrifice! Advent! Come on, God!”

The chaotic black mist rolled up the thunder clouds, and among them, the figure of a crimson dragon appeared looming!

"Come out! Sky Dragon of Osiris!!"

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