Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 128 The Sky Dragon of Osiris

【Sky Dragon of Osiris

10 stars

divine attributes

Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack: X000, Defense: X000


Preparation for Advent: When this card is Normal Summoned, you must sacrifice 3 monsters on your field.

Elemental Protection: This card only gains monster, magic, and trap shields during the round it is summoned (i.e., it is not affected by any card effects).

Energy conversion: This card's attack power and defense power increase by the number of cards in your hand x 1000.

Thunder Summoning Area: When the opponent's monster is summoned or special summoned, the attack power of that monster is reduced by 2000 points.

Wrath of God: When this card is specially summoned, it will gain "Return to Dust" after entering the field (that is, it will be sent to the graveyard at the end of the round).

Explanation: Thunder rumbled in the chaotic sky, and an ancient magic guide book was tied in a series of locks, boasting unlimited divine power. 】(Duel City Edition)

God has arrived!

The huge red body of the sky dragon wrapped around Sok, roaring in ecstasy!

Although I don’t know why, Osiris looks a little weak, but the divine power that always accompanies him is so real that it makes the justice and the artificial people feel tremendous pressure!

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris..."

Suok clasped his hands in front of his chest and sneered at the opposite side: "Its attack power is determined by the number of cards in my hand. Every card in my hand can increase its attack power by a thousand points, but now Because the number of cards in my hand is 0, its attack power naturally becomes...0!"

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 0

The chancellor across from him narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, no wonder this monster looked a little weak. It turned out to be because he didn't have the cards in his hand to support its terrifying power!


The android patted his chest and felt a lot more relaxed in an instant: "Scared... I was shocked. I just used so many cards, and the attack power of the monster summoned in the end was 0. Doesn't it really matter? We are very worried. This monster will be defeated soon!"

The justice subconsciously felt that it would not be that simple, and warned: "Be careful, gate!"

The android hummed confidently: "I know! Don't forget who my deck leader is!"

"It's not a monster, it's a god!"

Looking at the two people opposite, a weird smile appeared on Sok's lips: "I'll just keep Osiris' sky dragon in attack mode and end the round! It's your turn!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

The artificial man took the lead in drawing a card and added it to his hand, then adjusted his glasses and said with a proud smile: "Hey, Sok... Sir, although your monster card is very strong, if it continues to grow, it will It will become a very formidable enemy, so I will kill it this round!"

"Oh? Your courage is commendable."

Suok raised his eyebrows indifferently and said with a smile: "You can attack here and give it a try."

"Hehe, of course I will, but before that... the card on your field should be a trap card used to protect Osiris' sky dragon from being destroyed, right?"

A ripple flashed in the eyes of the artificial man: "My deck leader is 'Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker'! According to the effect of my deck leader, you cannot activate trap cards, and all trap cards on your field are all Ineffective, then destroyed! You miscalculated, Thok!"

"Trap Scan!"

In an instant, a red laser shot out from the artificial man's eyes and penetrated Gaika on the Sok field!


After the laser treatment, the cover card was safe and sound!


The android said in shock: "Isn't that cover card a trap card?"

Suok laughed loudly, opened his arms and said: "Of course it's not a trap card. I know the abilities of the android Suojia clearly. How could you put a trap card on the field? You are too naive, hahaha... …”

"Damn it, even though the deck leader's ability was not activated successfully, at least the safety of the field environment was confirmed..."

The artificial man looked at the cards in his hand, took out a card, and inserted it into the duel disk: "In that case, I will summon 'Injection Angel Lily' from the hand!"

[Inject Angel Lily, 3 stars, earth attribute, attack: 400, defense: 1500, effect: When calculating the damage of this card in battle, you have to pay 2000 life points to activate it. The attack power of this card is only for that time. Increased by 3000 when calculating damage. 】

Suddenly, a cute girl with pink hair wearing a nurse's uniform appeared on the artificial man's field with a needle thicker than her, and winked at Sok: "I want an injection!"

Sok sneered, not moved by the beauty at all, and waved his hand suddenly: "At the moment you summoned the monster, Osiris's special ability was also activated at the same time!"

The mouth on the upper jaw of Osiris slowly opened, and thunder and lightning condensed in its mouth, and suddenly spurted out!

"Calling thunder bombs!!!"

The huge lightning ball hit Lily, the injection angel, in the abdomen. The injection angel let out a scream that was so tender that it reached her bones, and knocked over several somersaults in the sky before stopping.

Inject Angel Lily, Attack: 400→0

This is the bad thing about the Duel City version of the divine card.

The effect of Osiris in the original work is that it has almost impeccable resistance and summons thunder bullets to reduce the enemy's attack power or defense power to 0 and directly destroy it.

Now, even though the enemy monster's attack power has become 0, it can still stay on the field as a barrier to block the Sky Dragon's attack, which is really annoying.

At first, the artificial man was also startled by the special effects of Osiris. He looked warily at the sky dragon hovering around Sok, and said with lingering fear: "What a terrible effect! Fortunately, I sent the injection angel Lily, even if she It doesn’t matter if its attack power becomes 0. If you use other monsters, it will become a completely useless card!”

"Now, I'm going to activate the special effect of injecting Angel Lily!"

The android stretched out his hand and yelled: "Pay me 2,000 health points to increase the attack power of Injected Angel Lily by 3,000 points in one battle! Go ahead! Inject Angel Lily! Charge the syringe and inject love! "

Android: LP4000→2000

Inject angel Lily, attack: 0→3000

As the life value of the artificial man was paid, the needle under the injection angel Lily's buttocks suddenly became thicker and larger. The injection angel Lily unconsciously made a sound that sounded like pleasure and panting, and the little wings on her back continued to fly happily. The sky dragon flapped and flew towards Osiris!

"I need an injection!"

The artificial man clenched his fist and said excitedly: "Success! This way we can defeat this terrifying red dragon before it grows up!"

"Oh? Is that really true?"

Seeing that the needle injecting Angel Lily was about to pierce into Osiris's body, Sok finally couldn't hold it back and laughed ferociously: "You were fooled, android Suojia! The card I covered was prepared just for this moment. Yes, are you prepared to be buried by God?"

"The magic card 'Call of the Martyr's Miracle' is activated!"

[Summoning of the Miracle of the Martyr, magic card, effect: We draw 5 cards from the deck. If there are more than 3 monster cards among them, we can special summon an 8-star or higher monster from the deck regardless of the conditions. monster! 】

"Depending on the effect of this card, I can draw five cards from the deck!"

Sok quickly pulled out five cards from the deck and added them to his hand, laughing wildly: "Because the number of cards in my hand has changed, Osiris's attack power has also changed at the same time! God's true power is revealed at this moment, Osiris Reese, let out your strongest roar! Hahaha..."

"hold head high!!!"

The roar of the dragon is earth-shattering!

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack: 0→5000!

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