Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 129 Archangel of Nothingness


The android looked at Osiris on the Sok field with great horror, and said in shock: "Osiris' Sky Dragon has an attack power of 5,000 points, while the attack power of my Injected Angel Lily is 3,000! If this battle is successful, then I The health value will immediately return to zero! What should I do? Has the game just begun and I have to exit first!?"

"Damen, don't panic..."

Seeing the bewildered expression of the android, the judge next to him narrowed his eyes and whispered: "After Sok's magic card is fully effective, I will save your life! I will not let you die so easily. Knocked down!"

The artificial man finally came back to his senses, and said with great joy after the disaster: "Yes... that's right! Your deck leadership ability is..."

At this time, Sok on the opposite side also looked at the injection angel Lily flying towards Osiris and sneered: "Unfortunately, your battle declaration has been issued. The moment your monster fights with the god, your health will be It will be completely terminated! ...However, before that, according to the effect of the magic card "The Miracle of the Martyr", among the five cards I drew, there are three monster cards, so I can special them from the deck regardless of the conditions. Summon a monster with eight stars or above!"

After saying that, Sok chose a card from the deck, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted: "The one I chose to summon is the 'Martyr Warrior General'! Come out, my fearless warrior!"

With this call, a huge six-pointed star summoning array appeared at the feet of Suok. A warrior wearing majestic divine armor was summoned to Suok's battlefield and let out a shocking roar!

[Martyr·Warrior General, 8 stars, earth attribute, attack: 2700, defense: 2500, effect: When this card is summoned successfully, turn over the top five cards of the opponent's deck. Use as many monsters as possible Summon it to our field and remove the other cards from the game! 】

"Hmm, hahaha..."

Sok stretched out his hands and pointed at the Chancellor and the artificial man, laughing wildly and saying: "Now, I want to activate the effect of 'Martyr Warrior General'! According to his effect, I can turn over the top five cards of the opponent's deck, Summon all the monsters to my field! And since it’s one against two, this effect is effective for both of you! Come on! Turn over your deck. Those warriors you once had are now You will become my servant! Hahaha..."

The artificial man looked extremely ugly and pulled out five cards from the top of the deck, including two monster cards, namely "Electronic Pot" and "Eyeball King".

The Justice also gritted his teeth and drew five cards from the top of the deck, among which there was only one monster card, which was the "Witch of the Black Forest".

"Damn it... there is a card with such terrible effects!"

The android Suojia looked at the powerful monster cards in his hand unwillingly: "Where did Sok's series of cards called 'Martyrs' come from? Why are every card so ridiculously powerful..."

The chief judge said solemnly: "...It doesn't matter. The more monsters he gathers on the field, the more severe his losses will be when I activate the deck leadership ability later!"

Three monsters were summoned to Sok's field. Sok subconsciously glanced at the 'Electronic Pot' and said in a loud voice: "You actually have such a big bomb hidden in your deck. I look down on you." This is shameless level...Okay, now exclude all the remaining cards from the game, and the battle between Angel Lily and Osiris-injected Sky Dragon continues! Hahaha...suffer death! Cyborg Soga!"

At this moment, the justice's pupils suddenly shrank violently, and he shouted sternly: "Here it comes! Right now! I want to activate the ability of my deck leader - life sentence!"

Suddenly, a trial bench appeared in front of the judge. The judge picked up the gavel on the table and hammered it hard: "By paying 1,000 health points, I can destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field! And every monster on the opponent's field can be destroyed!" The monster inflicts 500 points of health damage to the enemy! Sok! I have endured until now just to wait for this moment of death!"

As the gavel fell, all the monsters on the Sok field instantly turned into powder!

Even God is no exception!

The sky dragon of Osiris is protected only for the turn of the summoned side. Now... it has lost all the resistance that a god should have!

Sok: LP4000→1500

Now, Sock's field is empty!

And the attack of injected angel Lily continues!

The situation that was originally advantageous now collapsed in an instant, and even ended in defeat in the next second!

"Hahaha... I didn't expect it, Sok!"

The scene was reversed, and the artificial man's tone suddenly became brighter, and he laughed: "My deck leader can block all the opponent's trap cards, and Ooka's deck leader can destroy all monsters! The two of us Together, we are the strongest and most invincible combination! No one can defeat us! Hahaha..."

The justice also raised the corner of his mouth in a rare move, revealing a sinister smile: "Let everything end here, Mr. Sok..."

There seemed to be unspeakable mockery in that "Sir".


Rebecca below clenched her little fists and shouted anxiously: "Come on! Come on!"


Faced with this desperate situation, Suoke suddenly laughed, laughing so wildly that even the timbre of his voice changed, and his facial muscles seemed to exceed the limits of human beings, revealing an extremely ferocious face: "Put some water on it, do you really think that?" Do you have a chance to win? Ants! Hahahaha... the bastards will eat my troubles, Wadokana!" (So what?)

In an instant, an extremely terrifying aura of the evil god swept across the entire place!

The justice instinctively felt the despair and fear that was coming, like the fire of hell!

The android was so frightened that he couldn't even speak clearly: "Sok... Lord Suok, you..."

Suok's laughter suddenly stopped, and he shouted at the artificial man with murderous eyes: "What's big? Who is human? Who allowed you, a bitch, to call me master?"

The android was about to cry: "If you don't scream, don't scream. Don't scare me like that. I'm so scared..."

The judge next to him had some backbone at least. He suppressed the astonishing vigor erupted from Sok, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't be afraid of him, Damen! There are no monsters or Gaika on his field, as long as the attack of injecting Angel Lily works this time , we will win immediately! In that case, the dark game will end, and although his soul cannot be swallowed, he will be expelled from this plane immediately!"

Suok raised his eyebrows and glanced at the justice with some admiration: "You seem confident that you can win?"

The Justice shouted: "There is nothing on your field, and my deck leadership ability can still be activated. You have no chance of winning! If you want to reverse, unless a miracle happens!"

"Then open your dog eyes and take a closer look!"

Sok suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, raised it high, and roared: "One of the three gods based on the martyrdom, your unparalleled figure will awaken miracles for me! I am calling here Your true name! Come, 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness'!"

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