Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 131 Evil God Death Arena

Since the creation of Duel Monster Cards, this is the first time someone has collected two monsters with infinite attack power on the field!

This spectacular sight will probably never happen again.

"Everything is over. This duel will end here."

Sok raised his right hand, pointed at the injection angel Lily in the attack position on the artificial man's field, and shouted: "Go! Martyr Archangel of Nothingness! Use your divine spear to destroy her and the artificial man who controls her! Soul Judgment Spear!"

The Archangel of Nothingness received Sok's attack command, and immediately raised the divine spear in his hand high, and suddenly threw it towards the injection angel Lily!

The infinite power breaks through all the chaos and locks the dead target!

Lily, the injection angel, screamed and had nowhere to escape!

The artificial man Suojia was also despairing and closed his eyes in despair!

But at this most critical moment, the judge next to him suddenly pressed the control button of the duel plate and shouted: "The trap card 'Dimension Wall' is activated! According to its effect, I can summon a chaotic dimensional space on the field. !”

[Dimensional wall, trap card, effect: Can be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. In this battle, the battle damage suffered by your own basic points will be borne by the opponent. 】

As the justice's words fell to the ground, the originally stable space suddenly distorted!

A huge dimensional crack suddenly appeared in front of the divine spear thrown by the Archangel of Nothingness, sucking the divine spear into the space of another dimension!

The scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

But soon, a burst of harsh laughter sounded.


The justice raised the corner of his mouth, and the triumphant look in his laughter finally could no longer be concealed. He stared at Sok and said: "Sock, you are really a very terrible enemy... The strength of the card you hold is far beyond the limit." It goes far beyond the Duel Monsters game itself! Whether it’s the Phantom God or the Martyr, every one of them is so powerful that it makes people’s hair stand on end! Especially the Archangel of Nothingness, which itself is invulnerable..."


"No matter how powerful the monster card is, both players are still very vulnerable!"

The justice's eyes were slightly condensed, with faint bloodshot eyes. He pointed his finger at Suoke and laughed ferociously: "Four thousand health points are like a candle in the wind, and will be wiped out easily! And now... ...The rift in another dimension has opened!"

Before he finished speaking, a gap suddenly opened in the space behind Suoke!

The divine spear that had just been sucked into the rift of another dimension suddenly appeared, and with lightning speed, it penetrated Suoke's heart neatly, and stabbed heavily into the ground, with the tip of its tail vibrating continuously!


Suoke spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief!

I... would be defeated by such a guy!

His eyes gradually became blurred, and Suoke covered the wound on his chest and fell heavily into the arms of the Archangel of Nothingness.

And with this transfer of damage, Sok's health also returned to zero in an instant!



Rebecca below finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Sok desperately. She looked at the wound where Sok was penetrated with concern. When she saw that the blood was bleeding, Rebecca finally said "Wow" cried out.

Stretching out her little hand and pressing it on Sok's chest, Rebecca sniffed sadly and shed tears while comforting Sok with a tearful voice: "No...it's okay...heroes will not fall easily, I I'll help you hold the wound together, and it will heal soon..."

"Hahaha... don't kid yourself!"

The justice kept laughing wildly: "His health has returned to zero! I am seriously injured and dying! We have won this dark duel!"

"That's right!"

The artificial man smiled sinisterly and said: "Although the dark game cannot take his body, you and the girl over there will stay in the darkness forever and become our puppets! Hahaha..."

Seeing the two of them laughing so arrogantly, Suoke, who was obviously about to die, reached out and pulled the shoe off from the sole of his foot, hitting the two of them in the face!

There was a shoe mark on one person's face. The laughter of the android and the chief judge suddenly stopped and they looked at each other.

After telling them to shut up, Suoke weakly turned his head and turned his gaze to the equally panic-stricken Archangel of Nothingness. He stretched out his left hand, showed his thumb, and said with a dry smile: "Sister, I was so excited just now!"

The Archangel of Nothingness lowered his head sadly, his heart full of apologies.

But for some reason, the little penguin who had been lying on Suok's shoulder didn't show any sadness at all. Instead, he glared at Suok angrily: "Hey, it's time to stop acting! It's very comfortable to lie in the arms of a girl, isn't it? ?”

"of course……"

Suok nodded subconsciously, but then he was shocked and smiled dryly at the little penguin: "...Are my acting skills so bad?"

The little penguin snorted disdainfully: "Extremely exaggerated!"

"Then we won't act!"

Suddenly, Suoke was full of energy and stood up from the arms of the Archangel of Nothingness. The penetrating injury on his chest was healed in an instant!

Rebecca, who was still crying sadly, suddenly felt at a loss: "HERO... you... are you okay?"

"of course!"

Suok hammered his chest with his fist and said with a ferocious smile: "I am the great evil god of the underworld! As long as darkness still exists in this world, I will never die!"

Although she didn't quite understand, Rebecca still clapped her little hands excitedly and cheered: "HERO, you are so awesome!"


Seeing Sok's safe and sound state, the android was shocked and said, "You're not dead?"

The Justice gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "It doesn't matter... Anyway, we have won this dark duel, and he will soon be excluded from this plane!"

Suoke heard the whispers of the two, and he plucked his ears and said in a strange tone: "What did you say? Lost? Who lost?"

The justice shouted coldly: "Sock! Your health value has reached zero, of course you lose!"

"Hahaha... I'm teasing you, but you actually take it seriously?"

Sock laughed three times, then suddenly changed his face, pointed at his chest, and shouted sternly: "The moment I came on the stage in person! My deck leader's ability was already activated! Look good Look at your feet, you idiots!"

After hearing this, the artificial man and the chief judge quickly lowered their heads and looked down!

But it doesn't matter, a huge black six-pointed star has spread all over the world without knowing it!

The justice was horrified: "What is this!?"

"Hmph...this is the deck-leading ability of the Great Evil God of the Underworld - the Evil God's Death Arena!"

Sok opened his arms and laughed wildly: "When I call the Great Evil God of the Underworld to the field, his deck leadership ability will be activated immediately! At this time, the outcome will no longer be determined by any other method, all cards The effect is invalid! (Highest priority) The deck leaders of both sides will fight directly. Whoever’s deck leader can survive to the end will win this duel! Hahaha..."

The artificial man was shocked and cried out: "What!? Isn't this an ability that violates the rules!?"

Suok suddenly slapped his chest and shouted angrily: "I am the rule! No matter you are the Blue-Eyed Dragon or the Three Illusion Gods, whether you are Exodia, the Great Revolution, or Vega Pan, all winning methods and effects are immune All are void! The most direct collision of forces will become the only criterion for determining victory or defeat!"

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