Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 132 Five Emperor Dragons


Suok stepped forward in two steps, bursting out with an extremely oppressive and terrifying aura, and shouted angrily: "As you can see, my deck leader has already entered the stage! It's your turn, Justice, android Suojia !”

At this moment, the attack power values ​​of the deck leaders of both sides appeared again.

Sok Nenufa, Attack: Infinite!

Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker, Attack: 2400

Lord Chancellor, Attack: 2200

The faces of the artificial man and the chief judge were already dripping with gloom. This was no longer a contest in the same dimension!

No, this can no longer be regarded as a contest, but a premeditated massacre!

From the time Sok first made the Great Evil God the leader of his deck, he and others were doomed to defeat!

"Damn it! I don't want to die yet!"

Facing the increasingly terrifying aura of Sok, the android finally collapsed and dropped the duel plate, turning around and running away as fast as possible!

The chief justice also threw the duel plate to the ground and ran away in the other direction!

It's a pity that all the darkness in this world is under Sok's control, where can they run?

The darkness becomes physical!

The monster hidden in the darkness suddenly appeared and entangled the two of them, wrapping them tightly so that they could no longer move at all!

In the distance, Suok opened his hands, and two fireballs burning with magic fire continued to condense!

It is the Sok Flame that can burn even gods!

He suddenly clenched his fists, and the fireball disappeared in Sok's hands. However, the entangled justice and the artificial human-Psychic Shocker hundreds of meters away were burned to ashes in an instant, with no bones left!

Game over, winner: Sok Nenufa

A gap opened in the darkness, and light came from the outside world, guiding Sok in the direction of leaving this sandbox.

And at the end of the crack, a starfish-headed boy was running towards this side!

Muto Yugi kept waving to Rebecca: "Rebecca, are you okay?"

"It's a game!"

Rebecca rushed towards Yugi in surprise, waved and responded: "I'm fine! Sister Kyoko passed out, but she should be..."

But before she finished speaking, when she passed by Suok, she was suddenly stopped by Suok and hugged her, preventing her from moving forward.

Rebecca didn't think much, and just said excitedly to Sok: "HERO! We won! We can return to our world!"

After blowing away the remaining heat of the flames in his palms, Suoke stared at the Muto Yugi who kept running towards this side, and suddenly sneered: "Do you know him?"

Rebecca was stunned: "Of course I know him, he is Muto Yugi..."


Suoke smiled coldly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and fired a red laser that directly smashed "Muto Yugi's" head: "Now, do you still know him?"

Rebecca first covered her mouth in horror, but then, an unbelievable scene appeared in front of her eyes!

The killed "Muto Yugi" gradually melted and turned into a golden eyeball rolling around on the ground!

Rebecca hugged Sok's arm in horror and said tremblingly: "What...what's going on?"

"Obviously, some people want me to leave here quickly, and are even willing to give up the Millennium Eye..."

Suok raised his head with a sneer, looked at the dark sky, and said loudly: "You created the illusion of clearing the level and wanted to send me out of this dark game, because after seeing my terrifying power, you have understood that you are basically He is not my opponent...but I will not forget that there is a final instigator behind this game who has not appeared! You hidden bastard, get out of here!"

At the end of the sentence, Suoke was already very lustful and fierce!

At this moment, two large characters emitting faint fluorescence suddenly appeared in the place where the artificial man and the chief judge had been burned to death: Di, Dark!

Not far away, in the depths of the dry well in the playground, the fluorescent light with the word "wind" lit up!

The corpse of the nightmare penguin in the classroom slowly melted and turned into a fluorescent color with the word "water"!

Finally, behind the Millennium Eye on the ground, the shadow of "Mechanical Sergeant" also appeared, gradually melting into a huge word "flame"!

Earth, water, fire, wind, and darkness.

Legend has it that when these five attributes are gathered together, a special ritual can be used to awaken the evil dragon that dominates everything!

At this moment, the face hidden behind the darkness has become clear!

The five elements turned into five rays of light of different colors and shot up into the sky!

The sky-shattering dragon roars, and the sky changes!

The Five Emperor Dragons are coming!

"Thok Nenufa..."

The huge dragon with five heads emitted its unique five-layer stereophonic sound, looked down at Suoke, and said with great majesty: "You are the ruler of darkness. I don't want to lose both sides with you, so I took the initiative to show my kindness and let you and Suoke go." Your companions go out...but I even gave you the Thousand-Year Eye as apology, why are you still so unreasonable?"

There was obviously a huge difference in size, but Suok opened his arms and said with a ferocious smile: "I'm sorry, I'm such a vengeful person. If you offend me, I'll kill your whole family, even a dog or a cockroach." I won’t let it go!”

Wu Dilong's tone was stagnant, and he became angry and said: "Isn't there any room for discussion!?"

Endless darkness suddenly rolled up around Suok, and the aura of the Great Evil God was like a stormy sea: "When did you see the Evil God and Bedbug negotiate terms!?"

"Damn it! How dare you humiliate me!"

The Five Emperor Dragon let out an angry dragon roar: "My ability will never be destroyed by monsters of wind, fire, water, earth, and darkness! Although you are the great evil god of the underworld, your attribute is dark, and you cannot cause harm to me at all. ! But I can continue to cause damage to you! One day, you will definitely be killed by me!!!"

"Lori, let's go!"

Without saying a word, Suok raised his hand and patted it down. At that time, a huge evil god's arm suddenly appeared in the sky, and Suok took the picture simultaneously!

Before the Five Emperor Dragon had time to react, he was directly beaten into a pulp, then shattered and completely swallowed by the darkness.

The final BOSS was defeated, and only then did the dark game end completely.

Everything disappeared, and Suoke, Rebecca, and Kyoko returned to Suoke's home.


Muto Yugi, who was running around like a headless fly, saw Kyoko and rushed towards her, looking up and down with concern to see if Kyoko was hurt.

Sok walked forward, bent down, picked up the Millennium Eye from the ground, and put it back into the system.

In the system, another puzzle piece lights up, but unfortunately I still can’t figure out what this puzzle card is.

Hearing the cheers of the game behind him, Suok turned around and saw Kyoko gradually waking up.

Yugi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Kyoko and asked, "Are you okay, Kyoko?"

Kyoko covered the place where Suok had just hit her with the bench and moaned softly: "No...it's nothing serious...but it hurts here..."

Rebecca looked at Suok carefully and decided to help Suok keep this little secret.

Sensing Rebecca's gaze, Suoke suddenly remembered: "By the way, I didn't pay attention just now. Why did you three come to my house in the middle of the night?"

Only then did Rebecca remember the business. She trotted to Sok's side. She held Sok's clothes with her little hand and said, "HERO, I'm here to ask for your help! Can you help me go to the Haima Group to get my grandfather's Blue Eyes White Dragon?" come back?"

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