Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 133 Transaction

"Huh? Want Kaiba's wife to come over?"

Sok hesitated and said: "Wouldn't this be inappropriate..."

Rebecca said inexplicably: "It's not my wife, it's the blue-eyed white dragon, the white dragon!"

Sok nodded matter-of-factly, and solemnly stretched out his right index finger and said: "That's my wife, then, the blue-eyed ultimate dragon is Kaiba's eldest wife, the twin burst dragons are his second wife, the three blue-eyed white dragons are the three concubines, Qing The Vision Dragon is my ex-wife, and the True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is my sister-in-law..."

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder took out a small speaker from behind his butt at the right time and shouted: "The president of Haima Group was blackmailed by Sok for 10 billion, and secretly ran away with his sister-in-law. The original price was one million or two million. Blue Eyes White Dragon, now it’s only five yuan, all five yuan, you can’t buy it for five yuan and you will suffer a loss, you can’t buy it for five yuan and you will be fooled, you can’t even be a QB, you poor guy..."

Rebecca was confused when she heard it, blinked blankly and said: "...although I don't quite understand it, it seems that the relationship is quite complicated."

"This is what big capitalists do in their private lives."

Sok waved his hand and said to Rebecca: "Then, the worst thing is the hatred of killing your father and the hatred of taking away your wife. If you and Kaiba want Blue Eyes White Dragon, it is equivalent to asking to borrow his wife for two days. Although I I'm not afraid of offending him, but after all, I just blackmailed him for hundreds of millions, and now it's a bit inappropriate to bring his wife over to spend the night... Besides, it's just a blue-eyed white dragon, you want that spicy card? What to do?"

Hot chicken card?

The Blue-Eyed White Dragon is known as the most powerful and perfect monster on its own. There are only four of them in the world, so it’s rare to find one!

Every collector and card lover is crazy about it!

It is precisely because of this that Rebecca's grandfather, Professor Hopkins, gave the blue-eyed white dragon to Muto Shuangroku to prove that the friendship between the two will last forever.

Rebecca pouted her little mouth and let out an unconvinced "hum", just about to retort.

But suddenly, the cards that Sok used in the dark game just now appeared in front of Rebecca again...

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris", "Martyr Archangel of Nothingness", "The Great Evil God of the Underworld"...

Sighing helplessly, Rebecca found in frustration that she really had no way to refute him... although he also added three Blue Eyes White Dragon to his own deck.

"Oh!? Wait!"

Thinking of this, Rebecca suddenly came back to her senses and asked Suoke in surprise: "Isn't there only four Blue-Eyes White Dragons in the world? Why does Kaiba have three in his hand, and HERO, you also have three in your hand? !? Could it be that..."

Sok nodded matter-of-factly: "Yes, I put a kitchen knife on Pegasus' neck and forced him to make three more for me."

Rebecca laughed dryly: "Mr. Pegasus...he actually agreed..."

Suoke sneered and said with a fierce look in his eyes: "If he dared to disagree, I would have had him permanently sterilized right then and there!"

Rebecca was only a primary school student, so of course she didn’t understand what sterilization meant, but after hearing what Sok said, she suddenly lost interest and sighed: "Forget it... After going through the terrifying world just now, I also I don’t really want the Blue Eyes White Dragon anymore... However, Kyoko’s friend’s sister needs a huge sum of money for surgery. HERO, can you help her meet with President Kaiba? We don’t want the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but we hope he can pay for it. Let a young girl regain her light..."

At this time, Muto Yugi and Masaki Kyoko also looked towards Sok, their eyes full of longing: "Please, Sok-san!"

"Eyes? My friend's sister...?"

Suoke rubbed his chin and frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly clapped his hands and said: "Oh, it's the mediocre king's sister Jingxiang, right? I remember she is a beauty, but not the type I like..."

Kyoko and Yugi were both stunned, and curiously asked Sok: "Sock...how did you know it was Jonouchi's sister who needed money for surgery?"

Of course I did.

Because in the original work, it was Yugi who gave Jonouchi the winner's bonus from the Duel Kingdom as surgery fee, so that Jonouchi's sister Shizuka could cure her eyes and regain her sight.

However, in this world, because it was Thok who defeated Kaiba, Pegasus, who was supposed to challenge the game, shifted his target to Thok.

Of course, Muto Yugi, who has no reputation himself, was not invited to the Pegasus Kingdom competition.

And the surgery fee for Jonouchi's sister was naturally gone.

"My guess."

Suok made a perfunctory remark, and then said with a strange smile with evil eyes: "It's not impossible for you to ask me to help you, but I have conditions in exchange."

Kyoko felt uncomfortable being looked at by Suok, and then remembered Suok's recent reputation in school, she quickly covered her chest nervously, hid behind Yugi, and said in a panic: "You...don't make any excessive demands! I’m different from those frivolous women in school!”

Why does this plot look inexplicably familiar...

Suoke said inexplicably: "Why are you so nervous? I just want the dwarf next to you to do me a favor."


Xingzi was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "Is that just that? It scared me..."

Muto Yugi next to him knew Sok's temper, but he was not angry at being called a dwarf. He just looked at Sok seriously and said: "As long as it's not a bad thing, I will definitely help if I can! Jonouchi is my most important friend. I don’t want to see him in pain again…”

"It's not a big deal."

Suok raised the corner of his mouth: "You have assembled the thousand-year building blocks that carry the soul of the Pharaoh three thousand years ago, and the gears of fate have started turning again... When the Pharaoh wakes up, all the thousand-year artifacts will be revealed by an inexplicable clue. Join together and gather next to the Pharaoh again to complete their mission..."

"Game, even if you do nothing, all the other thousand-year artifacts will gradually come to you..."

Sok put his hands in his trouser pockets and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Currently, the Millennium Eye and the Millennium Wisdom Wheel are in my hands. I want to lend them to me after you collect the other Millennium Artifacts... Ha. Haha, don’t worry, I don’t want them for any evil reasons. If I want to destroy the world, my own power is completely enough!”

Yugi looked at Sok's strange and evil face with some uneasiness.

Although what he said was correct, judging from Sock's usual style, he really couldn't be trusted easily.

After pondering for a long time, Muto Yugi then raised his head and asked Sok: "Do you need the Thousand-Year Bricks too? And...can you tell me your purpose of collecting Thousand-Year Bricks?"

"Purpose? No!"

Suoke shrugged and said: "I never have any purpose in doing things, I only do things for my own pleasure!... Hey, are you done yet? If it weren't for Xia Di being so difficult to catch, I wouldn't be too lazy to negotiate terms with you, a 1.5 meter tall evil god. , whether you agree to a word or not, man, be decisive and stop whining!"

"Okay! I promise you!"

Muto Yugi said firmly: "But if you want to use the Millennium Artifact to do something bad, I will stop you immediately!"

"No problem, nameless Pharaoh!"

Suok looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. A pair of black wings suddenly spread out from his back. He rose into the sky like a demon: "I'm going to find the seahorse now to ask for money. You guys just wait here for me! Hahaha..."

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