10 at night

The night breeze is slightly cool.

An extended version of the Porsche parked at the entrance of Tong Shenye Art Museum.

The accompanying bodyguard opened the car door, and a lonely figure stepped out of the car.

It's Seto Kaiba!

After closing the car door, the bodyguard first ensured the safety around the art museum, and then asked Kaiba with some confusion: "I came here in the middle of the night... Master Seto, who is the person you are trading with tonight?"

Kaiba sneered: "She is a woman, and she is also an important member of the Egyptian government! But she seems to like to play tricks on her..." Before he finished speaking, Kaiba's phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, Kaiba frowned slightly and said, "Isono, what's the matter?"

"No...it's not good, Master Seto!"

Isono's panicked voice came from the other end of the phone: "That guy Sock has just been here, and now he is rushing towards you, Master Seto! From the look of him, he seems to be here to ask for money again!"


It's him again!

Kaiba gritted his teeth so hard that he almost crushed the phone!

Why does that madman who brought him humiliation again and again always linger!


Is there no way to punish him? ?

Kaiba was resentful in his heart, but at this moment, a ray of light came from far to near, like a falling meteor!

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

A figure with devil wings landed heavily in front of Kaiba, splashing countless rubble and smoke!

With a sweep of his wings, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the figure that Kaiba hated so much that he could never forget his true appearance was gradually revealed.

Suok folded his wings and raised his hand to greet Haima in a familiar manner: "Hey, President, are you still surfing outside in the middle of the night?" After saying that, Suok turned around and looked at the sign on the door of the building behind him. , raised his eyebrows and said: "But President, you seem to have come to the wrong place. This is an art gallery, not a nightclub."

Kaiba said with an ugly face: "I was originally going to come to the art museum!...Sock, what do you want from me? I remember that I have paid off all the money I promised you, right?"

"I want money, what does it have to do with whether you agree or not?"

Suok stepped forward, patted Kaiba on the shoulder and laughed heartily: "But your intuition is very keen. How did you guess that I came to you to blackmail you for money?"

Kaiba sneered mockingly: "I haven't seen you come to me for anything else... Tell me, how much do you want this time?"

"So refreshing?"

Suoke thought for a moment and stretched out five fingers: "Then let's count this!"

"Five billion!?"

Kaiba's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Don't go too far, Sok!"

Suoke blinked blankly, scratched his head and said, "Martial arts? What does this have to do with him...I just want you five hundred thousand dollars, does it mean that your father is dead?"

"Hmph! Gozaburo is indeed dead a long time ago!"

Although the money was not much, the feeling of being blackmailed made Kaiba very uncomfortable!

But in view of Sok's appalling power and the tragic fact that he was beaten by Sok several times with one hand, Kaiba could only hold back his anger and said with a sullen face: "I will have Isono deliver the money to your place tomorrow. , if there is nothing else, please get out of the way now!"

"Hey! Either the boss of a big company is just generous. He gets paid more easily every time..."

Suoke patted Haima's shoulder and laughed and said: "In this case, I can't let you suffer, otherwise I will send you a banner tomorrow? How about writing about people who have done good deeds? If you like it, writing about watching the sea and listening to the waves is not the best. Question, hahaha..."

"I do not want!"

Kaiba's expression turned extremely ugly, and he secretly made up his mind to kill this lawless maniac one day!

Suoke's expression changed at that time, his nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes, and he said in a strange manner: "You have to take what I give you, if you want it, if you don't, I will come to you, beat you until you are paralyzed, and then force you to take it!" That's it! I'm going to order the banner now!" After saying that, regardless of the murderous look in Kaiba's eyes behind him, Sok spread his wings and wanted to go home.

But at this time, because of the loud noise made by Sok in the art gallery behind him, many bodyguards suddenly rushed out!

"Was that the sound of an explosion just now?" (Arabic)

"Don't move!"

"Are they the cultural relic dealers who are eyeing this batch of exhibition cultural relics?"

Soon, the group of bodyguards surrounded Sock, Kaiba and his party!

The black pistols were pointed at Sok, Kaiba and the others. If there was any rash move, these bodyguards would definitely shoot without hesitation!

This kind of scene is not big. The lineup that Kaiba used to deal with Sock at the beginning was much stronger than this.

So Kaiba took a deep breath, calmed down the emotion that was about to go crazy due to Suoke's anger, and then said calmly and calmly: "Isis invited me here, let her come out to see me!"

Before he finished speaking, a dark-skinned woman in white clothes dismissed the bodyguards and walked in from the outside. She smiled and said: "Is this Mr. Haima? It's an honor to meet you..."

Hearing this voice, Suoke subconsciously looked back at the woman.

Although her skin color is different, she is a rare beauty.

And the most important thing is that the gold-carved jewelry hanging around her neck is very dazzling in the dark night!

Sok's eyes immediately lit up, and he was not in a hurry to leave. He stretched out his hand to push aside Kaiba who was just about to admit his identity. He walked to Isis in two steps and said seriously: "Yes, I am Seto Kaiba, the only one in the world." Save the real dragon knight!"


Isis looked at Suok blankly, and said with some hesitation: "But...but you seem to be a little different from the Mr. Haima I know. On the contrary, the person behind you..."

"That's my substitute!"

Suok said nonchalantly without changing his expression: "You also know that with a big family and a big business, there will always be unscrupulous people who want to murder me, so it is inevitable to find a substitute to take over... Let's not talk about it anymore, beauty, I fell in love with you at first sight. , how about we exchange love tokens with each other, I think this jewelry hanging around your neck is quite nice..."

But before she finished speaking, the bodyguard behind Isis suddenly pulled out a gun and put it on Sok's head and shouted: "Don't be rude to Ms. Isis!"

Suoke's eyes widened slightly, and he directly sent out a shock wave and flew the bodyguard away!

The remaining bodyguards, as if facing a formidable enemy, pointed their guns at Sok and shouted: "Immediately put your hands on your head and lie down on the ground!"

Suoke frowned and tapped the ground with his toes. A violent ripple of impact immediately spread out from the center of his toes, knocking all the bodyguards away!

Isis was shocked, but her expression remained unchanged. She smiled politely at Sok as if nothing had happened: "This is the first time that a man has pursued me. I am very happy, but I have already lost my soul." Dedicated to the great Pharaoh, I am afraid I can only say sorry to you..."

After saying that, Isis raised her hands again and stroked the thousand-year-old jewelry on her neck: "And... this is something more precious to me than my life. I must hand it over to the king with my own hands. No matter how heavy the price is to pay for it..."

In an instant, the thousand-year-old jewelry emitted a dazzling golden light, and a violent shock wave struck from the jewelry towards Sok!

Suoke casually shook off the shock wave and sneered triumphantly: "It's a small trick!"

Isis was shocked and said in disbelief: "Who are you? Why can you dispel the power of a thousand-year artifact!?"

Suok patted his chest proudly and said arrogantly: "I, a member of Xinyue, top up the money!"

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