Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 135 The fate of the tomb-keeper clan

Of course Isis didn’t understand what Xinyue Membership was.

But one thing she was sure of was that the young man in front of her, who was full of evil spirits, was very difficult to mess with!

Even if you use the power of a thousand-year artifact to start the dark game, you may not be his opponent!

Thinking of this, Isis could only give in and protect the Millennium Jewelry vigilantly while thinking about whether she could find out Sok's purpose and true identity.

"My name is Isis Isildar..."

Isis stared at Sok with her beautiful eyes and said slowly: "If you really want to pursue me, should you tell me your name?"


Sok touched his chin and thought for a while, then looked at Isis with an aggressive gaze, raising the corners of his mouth: "My name is Sok Nenufa, and I was a very famous figure thousands of years ago..." said At this point, Suoke then raised his chin towards Isis and said: "Hey, Isis, I know that you are the last bloodline of the tomb guard family. What do you think? Do you want to consider changing camps and working for me?"

"Change camp?"

Isis immediately sensed the key point, took a step back vigilantly, and shouted softly: "Are you an enemy of the Pharaoh!?"

Seeing her face as if facing a formidable enemy, Suoke folded his hands in front of his chest in amusement and said, "But I have no enmity or enmity with you."

“The mission of the tomb-keepers is to protect the rest of the Pharaoh’s soul from generation to generation!”

Isis shouted in a solemn voice: "Our ancestors have sworn long ago to dedicate everything we have to the great Pharaoh. Any enemy of the Pharaoh is also our sworn enemy!"


Suok suddenly laughed, pointed at Isis's chest, and yelled aggressively: "Are those really what you really think? Even if you can fool yourself, you can't fool me. You don't have much respect for the Pharaoh in your heart. , there is even hatred, right!?”

Isis's beautiful eyes widened, and her heart felt like a stormy sea.

Disrespect to the Pharaoh is the most intolerable rebellion among the tomb-keepers!

Because of the tragic fate of the tomb-keepers, her younger brother killed her father. In addition to the pain in Isis's heart, who was still young at the time, she also complained about the unfair fate of the tomb-keepers!

Why should we suffer inhuman pain from generation to generation just for the sake of an illusory soul?

You cannot pursue freedom, and you are not allowed to have the slightest nostalgia for the world.

Some are left with only heavier and heavier shackles from generation to generation!

In order to break this fate, Malik chose to kill the Pharaoh to end this never-ending cycle.

Isis, on the other hand, chose to help the Pharaoh complete the mission of the tomb-keepers, and thus gained liberation.

But no matter what the choice is, it is not because of the loyalty I once swore, but to set myself free.

These were secrets buried in Isis's heart that could not be told, but now, they were revealed by the young man in front of her who was full of evil spirits! Why does he know so much about the secrets of the tomb-keepers! ?

Isis looked at Suoke in disbelief, lightly opened her lips and said: "You..."

"You want to return the king's memory to the Pharaoh, and free the tomb-keepers from their fate that has been bound for three thousand years..."

Sok sneered and said: "The idea is good, but unfortunately, no matter what, your future has already been doomed... After the Pharaoh got the key to the memory door and you completed your mission, the sad fate will not be repeated again, but The tomb-guarding clan will also disappear from now on..."

Isis understood the meaning of Sok's words and lowered her head sadly.

Of course she knew that Sok was not lying, because the future she saw through the Millennium Jewelry was exactly like that.

Misery always comes one after another, and she has long been accustomed to carrying this heavy fate, but even if it disappears from now on, it is much better than the pain of constant reincarnation.

"You and Malik are the last generation of gravekeepers, and there will be no more descendants..."

Suok paced back and forth, glanced sideways at Isis, and sneered: "Extermination of the race... This is the fate determined by the pharaoh you revered. Isn't it cruel? Do you really think that dwarf is great? ?”

After a long silence, Isis finally spoke slowly: "...I have never experienced that era personally. I will not judge someone easily. What you said is high-sounding, but are you a good person?"

Suok looked at Isis intently, and Isis looked at Suok without fear.

Just like that, a long time passed.

Suok suddenly laughed loudly, patted Isis on the shoulder frivolously and said: "Hahaha... Good answer, Isis! As you can see, I am a pure villain! I can almost scare you." What a pity!"

Isis' face was neither happy nor sad, but she sighed softly in her heart.


You have opened a fatal gap in my defense...

Your goal has been achieved, but I can't even refute a word, because what you said is what I want to say but don't dare to think...

"The Pharaoh's dynasty has long been destroyed, and it's time for the decadent remnants of feudal society to disappear..."

After saying that, Sok walked past Isis unceremoniously, looked up at the sign on the art gallery, and read word for word: "Exhibition of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities?... Is it hosted by you?"

Isis turned around, walked to Sok, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, fate guided me to bring the King's Memory Slate to Japan, which is the key to the Pharaoh's recovery of his memory."

Her tone became less distant and more wary.

Even Isis herself didn't notice it. Unknowingly, her attitude towards Sok had undergone a huge change.

Sok turned his head and glanced at Isis, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Won't you invite me in for a walk?"

After a long time

Isis nodded: "...Okay."

Immediately afterwards, Isis turned her gaze to the other side of Kaiba, who had been waiting for a long time, and said slightly apologetically: "I didn't entertain you well. Mr. Kaiba, please come too."

Kaiba's face looked a little ugly, but in the end he snorted and followed.

Isis took Sok and Haima into the art museum, and explained some ancient Egyptian knowledge and history and culture to them very professionally along the way.

Suoke listened attentively and looked at the cultural relics on display around him, as if he had returned to Egypt three thousand years ago.

But it was clear that he was the reincarnation of a priest, but Kaiba on the other side seemed very impatient. He interrupted Isis's explanation without listening for a while, and said anxiously: "If you just called me here tonight to promote these boring things to me, then I will not continue to accompany you. I am only interested in the most advanced technological products, and fragments of slate that have lasted for tens of millions of years have no appeal to me..."

Isis stopped explaining, and after a long silence, she slowly said: "Don't worry... I don't expect you to understand the mysteries of ancient Egypt overnight, but if the duel monster card you care about most, its origin is in ancient times. Egypt, what do you think?”

Kaiba was shocked: "What!?"

"Pegasus J. Crawford...as you know, he is the game designer who created the Duel Monsters cards...but what people don't know is that he was actually visiting Egypt and meeting some mysterious creatures. After the slate murals, Duel Monster cards were designed..."

At this point, the road has come to an end.

Isis pushed open the door at the end, looked back and took a deep look at Sok: "Next, you will see some murals and stone slabs from the funeral hall of the pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt... maybe you will see yourself on them. Maybe the figure..."

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