Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 137 Happy Double Eleven

The night gets darker.

Sock and Isis talked for a long time in the art gallery and successfully reached some kind of ulterior deal.

Isis personally sent Sok outside the art museum. Sok waved his hand: "Okay, just send me here. I have something else to do, so you should go back and rest early. Staying up late is too late, and you may die suddenly."

Isis said with some humor: "What you said about pursuing me is indeed a lie. I have never seen anyone say such things to the person they like."

Suok raised his eyebrows unconvinced and said, "My method of picking up girls is so simple and crude. Do you have any objections?"

Isis shook her head and smiled slightly: "I'm just curious. It turns out there are still girls in the world who do what you do."

"...actually not."

The corners of Suoke's mouth twitched and he turned away: "You only play games because you don't have me... Otherwise, do you think the game is really that fun? Okay, we are a cooperative relationship. Don't pry around about personal privacy, or I will kill you and silence you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Isis to reply, Sok immediately spread his wings, turned around and flew towards the sky.

From behind, Isis looked up at the figure flying across the night sky, a smile flashing in her eyes.


You can really save Malik from the tragic fate of the Gravekeepers...


Soaring in the night sky, Suoke suddenly sneezed.

After sniffing, Sok touched his arm strangely and asked the little penguin on his shoulder: "Hey, Penguin, has the weather gotten colder recently? Will the evil god also catch a cold and sneeze?"

The little penguin thought for a while, kicked his little feet and said, "Well... maybe someone is talking bad about you behind your back."

"...This is a headache."

Suoke frowned in distress and said: "I have enemies all over the world. There are not even ten thousand but eight thousand. There are too many suspects and we can't beat them!"

"Oh, it's a rare holiday, don't think about beating people all the time!"

The little penguin smiled and said: "Well, today is Singles' Day. I just received the news about the system gift pack update. How about it? Why don't you make 80,000, boss?"

"Singles' Day?"

Suoke was stunned: "I remember it was Chinese Valentine's Day some time ago, but it's Double 11 so soon?"

"Time is like an arrow, years are like a shuttle."

The little penguin pretended to be mature and said in a loud voice: "Our boss is probably very unhappy tonight. When Double 11 comes, the richest man in the country will be President Ma again, so I guess he will ask the planner to get a few gift packages. I’ll circle the money back to relieve my anger, but since I’m going to circle the money, the gift package will definitely be good, Suoke, just have fun secretly!”

"Tsk, I hate people named Ma!"

Suok first let out a bitter "Bah", and then said happily to Penguin: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to the system quickly to see what gift package has been updated? I'm going to fuck it hard, Hahaha……"

"No problem, let's go!"

Little Penguin snapped his fingers, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Sok was already in the system.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Suoke saw pop-up windows popping up one after another!

What is "Double Eleven cumulative recharge to get gifts"

What "Leyaka and character card pack draw cards are doubled"

What "The new character "Insect Feather Moth" will be launched soon"

What "Halloween Headless Horseman"

It’s full of places to spend money!

Since it is troublesome to transmit data across the world, every time a new gift pack is released, it will not be updated immediately on Sok's side. Instead, every once in a while, all the activities and gift packs in the previous period will be updated at once for fun!

Sock also spent money until his hands cramped.

No matter whether the gift package is useful or not, no matter how shady the price of the gift package is, just buy it when you see it, there is no comparison at all.

Who said we just have a lot of money now?

But just after buying half of the Sok gift bag, the movement suddenly stopped. Looking at the gift bag of "Giant Immortal Clam, absorbing the power of frogs and oppressing all living beings", he hesitated for a long time without clicking the button to confirm the purchase.

The gift package is worth 88RMB and comes with one of each "Yellow Spring Frog", "Death Frog" and "Three Death Frog".

Basically, Sock will never use this kind of card in his life, but the crux of the problem is not here...

Suok looked at the little penguin on his shoulder with blank eyes and asked: "...Isn't it good to be alive?"

The little penguin blinked blankly: "What happened?"


Suoke waved his hand and said with empty eyes: "Anyway, I think something will happen to your company sooner or later..."

Skipping this gift package, Sock continued his recharge business.

Soon, the cumulative recharge activity of Double Eleven had been reached the highest level by Sok, and he received the highest level reward - "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End"

In the real world, this card belongs to the Ten Thousand Years Dark Room and will basically never be released.

Similarly, in the era of Yu-Gi-Oh GX, this card was also banned from use because it was too powerful.

This time, in order to encourage players to recharge, this card was released. This game planning is also ambitious.

Seeing Sok holding the Chaos Emperor Dragon and looking at it, the little penguin next to him seemed to know what he was thinking, and explained helplessly: "In fact, the ultimate gift package this time was planned to produce Chaos Warriors, but because you were in the duel last time, The Chaos Emperor Dragon was accidentally pulled out during the Kingdom game. The data in the game library has been generated. The next new card must be it, so this big bomb was released so early. In order to prevent this card from becoming too popular, the final cumulative limit has been changed from the originally scheduled 15,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan..."


Suoke sighed in admiration: "You are still ruthless in making money!"

The little penguin stood up on tiptoes, patted Sok's right hand comfortingly with his small arm and said: "Actually, our company is already pretty good! At least you can become stronger by adding money, and then think about NetEase..."


Sock immediately remembered the two games he had played, "Tianxia 3" and "Onmyoji"...

Tencent Games: Use money to create happiness, but if you don’t have money to play, you will be paralyzed.

NetEase: I'll make you numb.

His face turned dark, and Sok nodded to Penguin without hesitation: "You are right, in comparison, you are really a lot more conscientious."

The little penguin scratched his head naively and said with a smile: "Everywhere, I am the foil of my peers..."

After flying for a while, Suoke had returned home.

After being kicked away by Muto Yugi and others, Suoke sat on the balcony, looking at the cold moonlight outside, and said with some emotion: "Mom, I am celebrating the festival alone...why do I suddenly feel homesick?"

The little penguin leaning on Suok's arms raised his hand and handed Suok a bottle of drink: "Oh, I'm not a human! At worst, I'll turn into an illusion later and watch TV with you... Come on, big Dude, let’s have a drink from a can of ice.”

The little penguin in his arms was like a warm little heater. Suoke smiled brightly and took the Coke.

Although the drink was ice cold, my heart felt inexplicably warm.

Two bottles of iced Coke clinked together.

“Happy Double Eleven!”

“Happy Double Eleven!”

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