Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 138 Show of Affection

A new day has begun.

Kaiba's subordinate Isono sent half a million dollars to Sok's house early in the morning.

Sok took the money, opened it and made a visual inspection. After confirming that Kaiba didn't dare to fool him, he let Isono leave.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he called the apartment manager and asked him to quickly find someone to repair the house. Facing the bright sunshine, Sok held the penguin's arms and went out for shopping in high spirits, preparing to Give the money to Muto Yugi, buy some sauces and then have hot pot at night.


Why not just give it to Jonouchi?

Just kidding, Jonouchi and Sokki are the two people who hate each other the most in school. Who knows where he lives?

Not long after, Sock had arrived at the Turtle Game Store.

He looked up and saw a vague figure in the window on the second floor. Without saying a word, Suok picked up the cash box and smashed it against the window!

There was a crashing sound!

The money box smashed into the house, and at the same time, Muto Yugi's screams came from inside.

His face turned red with anger, he stuck his face out of the window, and shouted loudly: "Damn it, who is it! How can you throw things away!? Do you know..."

But before he finished speaking, Suok jumped up in front of Yugi, grabbed him by the collar, and said with an unhappy face: "I threw it. Why, do you have any objections?"

Seeing Suoke's fierce look, Yugi was frightened at that time. He lowered his head cowardly and whispered: "No... no objection..."

"Hey, I've been following Pharaoh for so long, but I haven't made any progress at all."

Suok pointed to the money box on the broken glass on the ground and said to Yuxi: "Well, I have extorted the half-million dollars from Haima that I promised to treat my mediocre sister yesterday. Remember, I am giving it to you." Rebecca's face is not to help mediocrity, do you understand?"

The game was stunned for a moment, then he said happily: "Really...really!? Thank you so much! In fact, you are obviously a good person..."

"Modan! Who are you calling a good person!?"

Suok punched Yugi's face with a look of displeasure, and said angrily: "I am the evil god of the underworld with a length of more than 200 meters! All the villains in the world can't do as many bad things as I alone..." He was half-said. , Suok suddenly paused, looked up and down at the game curiously, touched his chin and said curiously: "Hey, I didn't realize it just now, dwarf, you dressed up so coquettishly today... Why, are you going to be a gigolo?"

Muto Yugi covered his nose and staggered back for two steps. Due to the pain, tears flowed down unconsciously: "That's... no! Today Kyoko and I made an appointment to go shopping together..."

Suoke was stunned and immediately became furious!


This dwarf dares to show affection in front of him!

The sour smell of love is so pungent!

Without saying a word, Suok rolled up his sleeves, raised his fists, jumped into the game's room and said, "Tell me, heretic, what kind of death do you want to choose?"


The thousand-year-old building block suddenly lit up with golden light, and a majestic shout came!

Muto Yugi suddenly changed his temperament, his edges were extremely sharp, his eyes were extremely determined, and he was even seven or eight centimeters taller!

It's the Pharaoh!

An Yuxi looked at Suok attentively and shouted: "Sok! Can bullying the weak make you happy? If one day, someone stronger than you bullies you, how will you feel?"

Suoke sneered, patted his chest and said: "I am invincible, there will never be such a day!"

An invisible aura bursts out from Yami Yugi's body!

"You are hopeless..."

Dark Game took out his deck from the card box and shouted sternly: "Sock, do you dare to duel with me? If you lose, you have to promise me that you will never bully the weak again! I know Dark Game can't restrain you, but This time, it’s a promise between men!”

Suoke sneered without any scruples: "I've always talked about cheating, and extortion is a common thing. Do you think I would agree to such ridiculous things? I'm not afraid to tell you, if I didn't still have some conscience now, I would have punched you You were beaten to death!"

The two people's eyes met in the air, and an amazing spark instantly broke out!

Murderous intent spreads around the two of them, and the murder is imminent!

But at this moment, a familiar female voice suddenly came from outside...


It’s Kyoko!

The originally tense atmosphere gradually dissipated.

Suoke turned around and looked down from the window. Kyoko was wearing very fashionable clothes today and showed a hint of the sexiness of a mature woman.

Tsk, what a wonderful woman, but it’s a pity that the one I liked until the end was Pharaoh.

The game is being greenlit by oneself, and there is really no way around it.

Suoke gave An Yuxi a cold look again, jumped off the second floor, and turned around to leave.

And Yami Yugi in the room also breathed a sigh of relief and returned his body to Omoteyuki.

To be honest, he had no confidence at all to deal with Sok just now. He was a truly lawless and invincible maniac, but An Yuxi firmly believed that one day, justice would be able to punish him!

After walking around the street twice, Suoke happened to see a game arcade, which was very lively.

Remembering that he hadn't played a game console for a long time, Sock walked in and prepared to play for a while. He didn't know if there was The King of Fighters 2002: The Rise of the World in this world.

After exchanging a handful of game coins and buying a drink, Suok was looking for the game console when he suddenly saw Yugi and Kyoko holding hands with each other and walking towards him in the game hall!

Why are they here?

Suoke looked at their linked arms with some displeasure, feeling a little dazzled.

At this time, Yugi and Kyoko also discovered Sok.

Yugi wanted to pretend not to see it, but Kyoko had already learned from Yugi that Suok's sister in the city was coming for half a million dollars, so she greeted Suok enthusiastically: "Hello, Suok Classmate, are you alone?"

one person?


Is this mocking me?

Suok reached out and touched his pocket and murmured: "I'm swinging the stick..."

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder looked at Yugi and Kyoko as a pair, then looked down at Sok who was alone, and suddenly blinked, his body changed into the appearance of a girl, and he came to reality from the illusion level.

Coquettishly, she hugged Suok's arm tightly, her weak and light body pressed against Suok's body. False Illusion obediently raised her head and shouted with her voice as soft as a wind chime: "Hey, hubby, we want to play. what?"


Sock sprayed Muto Yugi's face with a sip of soda, turned his head with difficulty, and stammered: "Old...husband?"

Opposite Yugi wiped his face and said in shock along with Kyoko: "Husband!?"

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