Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 139 Ma Tai Chi

False Illusion pouted unhappily and hummed towards Xingzi: "It's my husband, what are you shouting about?"


Although she didn’t know where this beautiful girl suddenly appeared, Kyoko was shocked that Sock was already married even though she was a high school student!

Muto Yugi is even more shocked!

With Suoke's character, there are actually girls who fall in love with him. It's really God's fault!

Suoke wiped the coke from the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and asked softly towards the illusion: "Hey, why are you here all of a sudden?"

False Illusion responded in a low voice with a smile: "You are also my big sponsor, isn't it what I should do to support you? What, you don't like it?"


Suoke pretended to touch his chin and pondered for a while: "...actually it feels pretty good."

But at this moment, a voice that sounded extremely obscene suddenly came from the side!

"Hi! Little sister! If you don't know what to do, come and dance with me. Brother, I will let you, hahaha..."

Illusion frowned, turned his head, and saw a black man with pigtails whistling frivolously towards him on a dancing machine next to him, his eyes full of obscenity!

Just looking at the black man's eyes made Kyoko feel uncomfortable all over.

Stepping forward to pull back the illusion, Xingzi whispered: "Ignore people like this, let's go..."

But before she finished speaking, she knew that she had done something unnecessary.

Because Sok had already thrown off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the nigger menacingly.


Xingzi was shocked: "Sock, don't kill anyone!"

Suoke didn't look back and sneered: "What does it matter if you kill one or two hundred scum?"

The nigger was a little frightened by Sok's courage, but he looked around at his dozen or so accomplices, quickly calmed down, and said angrily to the approaching Sok: "Hey, brother, why are you so angry? I I just want to have fun with your woman!"

Suoke walked up to him and without saying a word, he raised his leg and kicked him several meters away!

The nigger kept rolling on the ground, holding his stomach, and kept wailing in pain.


Seeing his accomplice being beaten, another stronger black man rushed out and angrily shouted at Sok: "How dare you beat my brother! I'm going to kill you!"

Suoke looked at him contemptuously and sneered: "The offal is the same no matter how much it comes."

"You dare to call me a bastard!?"

The strong black man suddenly tore his vest and roared at Sok: "I have learned karate for twelve years, and no one in the nearby cities is my opponent! So no one dares to disobey me! You are looking for death." !”

Before he finished speaking, the black man immediately swept his legs towards Sok with a fierce kick, and then followed up with a second kick, a third kick, and four consecutive hooks like the wind. This series of seven blows, The movements are extremely smooth, like a black dragon taking to the sea!

Then, Sok sneered and kicked him out.

There was a "bang" sound.

In an instant, the scene was extremely quiet!

On the dance machine, the black man took a step back with trembling legs, covering the vital points between his legs in pain, raised his head, and slowly knelt down on the ground. The pain was so severe that his mouth became an exaggerated "O" shape and stretched very long.

We can use four sentences to describe the operation that Sock just performed: a fatal chicken attack.

"Uh oh oh oh..."

The black man trembled all over and let out a shrill scream. His body curled up like a shrimp and fell heavily to the ground!

This kind of pain seemed to be felt all over the place, and all the men at the scene almost subconsciously clamped their legs.

Next to her, Xingzi blushed and spat in a low voice: "Shameless."

But False Illusion cheered and waved at Suok and said with a sweet smile: "Husband, you played so well!"

Suoke turned around and gave a thumbs up to the illusion with a smile: "Isn't this of course?"

At this time, the black man who had just teased the false illusion climbed up from the ground with difficulty, looked at Sok with fear and hatred, and suddenly shouted to his accomplices: "Brothers! Catch his woman, see if he can still How dare you be so arrogant!"

In an instant, the dozen or so black men all reacted, turned their heads, and pounced towards the false illusion!

The other people present had already disappeared after being scared away when Sok made his move, leaving only three lonely illusions, Kyoko and Yugi standing here.

Yugi panicked and quickly took Kyoko's hand, shouting anxiously: "No! Let's run away!"

Kyoko nodded, trying to escape with the illusion.

Unexpectedly, False Illusion directly avoided Kyoko's hand, instead of retreating, he advanced directly towards the dozen black people!

"Haha! Is she scared out of her mind!?"

"Get this chick!"

Hearing the screams of these niggas, False Vision suddenly closed his eyes and hugged him with an extremely slow movement.

In an instant, a huge yin-yang fish pattern slowly appeared at her feet!

Later, when Suok saw her starting move, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of what she said to him when she defeated the electronic virus pet that day...

It turns out she really knows Tai Chi!

Suddenly, a breeze blew by.

Then in an instant, the breeze turned into a huge tornado, spinning around the illusion, and swept all the black people into the sky!

The illusion spun around in a circle and stopped moving with hands intertwined.

The tornado disappeared, and all the black people fell from the sky to the ground like dumplings, and screams could not be heard.

A primary school student hiding aside exclaimed: "I know this move, it will save me!"


The illusion of illusion moved his hands back and forth lightly but heavily, drawing a shadow of a yin and yang fish, and shouted softly: "This is Ma's Tai Chi, using money to overcome strength!"

Suok had fun watching the illusion, and shook his head with a smile. He walked up to the black man who had just teased the illusion, reached out and grabbed his collar, his face changed, and he sneered: "How about it, is it fun? Still want to Don’t want to play anymore?”

The black man was so frightened that he wet his pants and shook his head like crazy: "I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore! Please spare me!"

"If begging for mercy is useful, my underworld won't have so many innocent souls who died in vain."

Suok slapped him with his backhand and asked coldly: "How is it? Do you want to take revenge?"

The black man almost cried: "No, no! I am blind to provoke you today. If you are willing to let me go, I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"Hmph! What do I want you to do with you loser?"

Suoke grabbed his neck, lifted him up, and shouted sternly: "Listen to me! My family lives in the 'Turtle Toy Store' on the next street. My name is Muto Yugi. You are welcome to take revenge!"

Sock's voice was a bit loud, and almost everyone in the game room heard it.

Later, Muto Yugi cried blindly.

Who am I provoking?

After saying that, Suok raised his hand and punched the nigger, knocking out a few of his front teeth and causing him to faint.

Clapping his hands, Sok turned towards the illusion and said, "Okay, it's not fun here, let's go."

False Illusion smiled and nodded, holding Sok's arm intimately and about to leave with him.

At this time, the black man behind who had just been fatally beaten finally regained his breath and shouted heartbreakingly at Sok's back: "Muto Yugi, don't be too arrogant!"

Suoke turned around, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "To say he is too arrogant is a bit over the top, let's just call him moderately arrogant."

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